Sentences with phrase «on charter»

On the other hand, caps on charter and pupil numbers, combined with tough - minded authorizing, are part of the reason why schools in a few places have done especially well on achievement metrics.
Los Angeles has over 41,000 students on charter school wait lists.
Larger class sizes and staff layoffs should not be pinned on charter schools when district buildings are not being used efficiently.
Attention has turned to Massachusetts, where parents and advocates are gearing up for a ballot initiative in November to raise the cap on charter schools in the state.
It endorses the «opt - out» movement and puts all sorts of restrictions on charter schools while also rejecting mayoral control and other non-traditional ways of governing district schools.
Colorado educators and policymakers are grappling with the potential implications of a recent state supreme court ruling on charter schools that highlights tensions between state and local control.
Its signature competitive grant programs require states to ease restrictions on charter schools.
Partly because the charters are so good, and partly because their current district schools are so unsatisfactory, tens of thousands of Bay State kids are now on charter waiting lists.
This summer and fall have been filled with attacks on charter schooling, for - profit schools and colleges, and any reform deemed to feel too business» ish.
Reville played a primary role in the drafting and passage of the Achievement Gap Act of 2010 — the most sweeping education legislation since the landmark Education Reform Act of 1993 - which included the nation's first «smart cap» lift on charter schools and created the pathway for more than 44 Innovation Schools that are now up and running across the state.
The one thing we know for sure is that sharpshooters have set their sights on the charter bulls - eye.
Klein's opponents also point to recent data on charter schools that show, as a whole, less than stellar results on Common Core — aligned English Language Arts assessments.
While some of the material on charter schools and vouchers will be familiar, it's convenient to have these multifaceted offerings, which include everything from experimental research to first - person accounts, between two covers.
The conventional wisdom on charter schools nationally is that their performance is «mixed.»
The Lilly Endowment remains mum on charter schools.
Peterson and Finn's previous podcasts: Charter Schools, Unions, and Linking Teachers with Student Achievement Data What Congress Is Not Working On Charter Schools Narrow Achievement Gaps in New York City
Most research on charter schools, and the most intense public debate over their desirability, has focused on the impact of these new schools on the students who attend them.
We asked Harvard Graduate School of Education faculty to share thoughts and reactions to the election, during which Republicans maintained control of the House and Senate and — in an important local contest — a ballot question to expand the cap on charter schools was rejected by voters.
Should states set any limits on charter schools» open - enrollment policies?
We didn't want it to be an up or down vote on charter schools or an up or down vote on teacher evaluations.
As governor, Romney proposed education reform measures that lifted the state cap on charter schools and gave principals more power to get rid of ineffective teachers.
While NEA officials hailed the decision as a «fundamental shift» in the union's stance on charter schools, Mike Antonucci looks back at an earlier NEA statement on unions and finds the same hostility.
Criticism has often focused on charter schools given the growth in the charter sector in recent years.
Facilities scarcity, driven by political discord between charters and districts, puts a hard cap on charter growth.
All you need to know about NEA's position on charter schools is actually contained in the original 2001 policy, which states that charters should not exist «simply to provide a «choice» for parents who may be dissatisfied with the education that their children are receiving in mainstream public schools.»
If we rely completely on charter authorizers, we have a very long road ahead of us to replace all of our failing schools with high - quality ones and to provide real opportunity for all kids.
Sherry notes that as governor, «Romney proposed education reform measures that lifted the state cap on charter schools and gave principals more power to get rid of ineffective teachers.»
Today, almost half of the city's public school enrollment is in charters, even more kids are on charter waitlists, and PCSB has the authority to continue growing its portfolio.
The investigation, which began in March at the request of the state Advisory Commission on Charter Schools, is one of the most serious actions taken against a charter school operator in the state.
Ashley LiBetti Mitchell discusses her recent article on charter schools that offer pre-K programs in this episode of C - SPAN's Washington Journal.
A couple of weeks after the report was released, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who has resisted expanding charter schools in favor of proposed «readiness schools,» reversed course and proposed raising the cap on how much a school district could spend on charter schools, from 9 to 12 percent.
Delegates to the National Education Association Representative Assembly last week approved a policy statement on charter schools that aims to limit the growth of charter schools and regulate the schools more closely.
Considering the effects of Hispanic population on charter laws, we were surprised that the fraction of a state's population that is black did not affect the likelihood that a state would pass a charter law, nor did we find any relationship to the timing of passage or the strength of the law.
Should states set any regulations on charter school teachers?
The Education Writers Association «s national seminar last month included a panel on charter authorizers.
Margaret Raymond, director of CREDO at Stanford University, sits down with Paul Peterson to discuss CREDO's latest study on charter schools in New York City.
A key aspect of the grassroots campaign involved organizing the parents of the 40,000 children in charter schools as well as the 40,000 on charter school waiting lists.
For those on the right, the Light of Donald Trump plus two - thirds of governors and state legislative chambers, Republicans all, will shine on the charter sector, ushering in an early spring of hope.
Statutory caps on charter schools have caused some of this leveling, but not all of it.
That year, we found large shifts toward Obama's positions on charter schools (an 11 - percentage - point increase in support), vouchers (an 11 - percentage - point decline in support), and merit pay (a 13 - percentage - point increase in support).
Established in 2004 as part of compromise legislation that also included new spending on charter and traditional public schools in the District of Columbia, the OSP is a means - tested program.
The limits on charter schools in each of the four states correlate strongly with enrollment pressure — how fast the K — 12 market is growing.
(Roughly one in four respondents takes no position on charter schools, perhaps reflecting the fact that many Americans remain unfamiliar with them.)
The NAACP, for example, has called for a moratorium on charter school expansion until, among other things, charters «are subject to the same transparency and accountability standards as public schools.»
National organizations that rank charter - school laws have varying opinions on the charter laws of the Four Corners states.
In the months following the study's release, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino both revised their positions on charter schools.
Having set forth our disagreements, we conclude by noting that we find common agreement with Ritter and his colleagues on the need for more complete and accurate data on charter schools.
The study reported here thus differs from virtually all other published research on charter schools in its reliance on experimental methods to determine the schools» effectiveness.
However, perhaps because vouchers didn't expand fast enough or because charters did spread across the country, choice opponents have increasingly set their sights on the charter sector.
Five years of studies on charter schools prove they are meeting the needs of traditionally underserved children and forcing regular public schools to change for the better, the Center for Education Reform concludes in a report released last week.
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