Sentences with phrase «on climate change issues»

While this only focuses on climate change issues, I wise insightful self - aware person will see the very same dynamic active across other subject matters.
In my conversation with him yesterday I asked him point blank if he felt competent to analyse and form an opinion on climate change issues.
Claims that there is an international consensus on climate change issues are equally false.
I was honored to be invited, and view it as a sign that our efforts for the past 20 years on the climate change issue have not gone unnoticed.
The closing of minds on the climate change issue is a tragedy for both science and society.
It sounded like an interesting project and possibly a way to connect with a new audience on climate change issues.
I am optimistic that we now have a partner that will provide leadership to the world on the climate change issue.
In my conversation with him yesterday I asked him point blank if he felt competent to analyse and form an opinion on climate change issues.
Global media reporting on climate change issues was down again last year, according to a new analysis from The Daily Climate.
If we presume that America is the nation the world looks to for leadership on climate change issues, the declaration of a carbon pollution emergency in the United States would be a clear demonstration of our firm commitment to the fight against climate change, one which no other industrial nation could ignore.
When Michaels left the university in September 2007, UVa professor James N. Galloway explained that Michaels» «utility industry funding, private research and controversial views on global warming made him a lightning rod on climate change issues,» and «left the [climatologist's] office too politicized.»
U.S. - China Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) The CCWG was established pursuant to the Joint Statement on Climate Change issued on April 13, 2013 during Secretary Kerry's first trip to China and is intended to spur large - scale, cooperative efforts to address the climate challenge, including deepening and expanding work already underway.
All the eight countries have also agreed to send their key representatives to New Delhi for a joint conference on climate change issues for south Asian countries for four days, beginning December 16.
A key Senate committee approved Trump's top diplomatic pick yesterday, but Democrats cited concerns about Tillerson's position on climate change issues
A visit to the website of «The Stockholm Initiative» shows that not only does the group as a whole lack the technical qualifications to speak on any climate change issue, but that their mission is to debunk AGW and push the benignity of fossil fuels.
Unfortunately we're just not at the point where most Americans are standing in the streets demanding action on the climate change issue like these kids are.
He said he had «some very heated arguments» with Gordon Brown about it, but in the end decided it was better to fight on the climate change issue from inside the cabinet.
A statement on climate change issued by the vice-president of the Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ), Professor Keith Hunter, has been described as «deeply flawed» in an Open Letter to the president of RSNZ by the chairman of the NZ Climate Science Coalition, Hon Barry Brill...
The White House exerted unusual control over the public statements of federal scientists on climate change issues.
The US, as one of the most important players in taking a lead on climate change issues, may, as a result, already be flunking the test of taking up global leadership on this most critical of issues.
«Women remain the main buyers of organics for health reasons, however the environment as a motivator has fallen significantly, which may be reflective of a lack of engagement on climate change issues.
The Vodafone sit - down protests are a good model, as perhaps are the kinds of things that Climate Camp have done in the past on the climate change issue.
In addition, Pataki has formed an environmental consulting firm with his former chief of staff John Cahill, the Pataki - Cahill Group [68] and work with the Council on Foreign Relations on climate change issues.
«I think all three of the Democratic candidates, quite frankly, are very strong on the climate change issue,» said Sen. Ben Cardin (D - Md.).
My only concern with climatedebatedaily is that no attempt is made to differentiate peer reviewed science from a wide range of opinion pieces, leaving the reader with the impression that mainstream science is far less resolved on the climate change issue than is actually the case.
-- all of whom have been outspoken on climate change issues — described the campaign as an effort «to disseminate fossil - fuel industry talking points as curriculum for science teachers.»
Joining Crichton on climate change issues was William Gray of hurricane forecasting fame, Richard Benedick (a negotiator on the Montreal Protocol on ozone - depleting chemicals), and David Sandalow (Brookings Institution).
Doing nothing until the end of the decade would also likely mean curtains for low - lying areas and small island states, including the Maldives, whose President Mohamed Nasheed I advise on climate change issues.
Roger Pielke Sr. (Colorado State) has a blog (Climate Science) that gives his personal perspective on climate change issues.
What can we prompt (and help) the Times to do on the climate change issue, in general and (especially) related to the upcoming presidential election?
With Trump turning his back on climate change issues, philanthropists and big companies stepped up to tackle the problem.
This paper incorporating articles by three leading Australian experts has been virtually ignored by the Australian Government and the media, including in the voluminous reading lists on climate change issues published on the websites of the Australian Greenhouse Office, CSIRO and the ABC.
Today, the President will be giving a speech at Georgetown University on climate change issues, with announcements of initiatives that will be taken leveraging the powers of the Administrative Branch because the Congress is unable (and, to a large extent, unwilling) to take meaningful action to address climate change: whether mitigation or adaptation.
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