Sentences with phrase «on cognitive theories»

As you may have read in our previous article on cognitive theories of learning, the dual coding theory (Paivio, 2007) includes an emotional component as part of the rich variety of impressions that contribute to learning.
Based on the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, this approach approaches human discussion, and so learners are actively involved in the learning process, trying to understand what the narrator means and thus become more involved in cognitive processes of choice, organization, and integration.
Consequently, based on the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia learning model, both channels of sensation are used, creating in the long - term memory a fuller and more structured representation that contributes to the acquisition of knowledge.

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The basis on which the genetic cognitive theory stands and which actually gives the genetic question its meaning is consequently nothing more than a specification of Whitehead's process principle: how cognition becomes constitutes what cognition is, so that both analyses, relative to cognition, ultimately include one another.
The development of cognition in general is conceived in Piaget's genetic theory as a reconstruction of earlier forms of cognitive organization with new means and on a new level; the best known example of this development is the transformation and reconstruction of sensori - motor activity schemata into symbolic - conceptual thinking operations.
Drawing on her own and others» cognitive research, along with evolutionary theory and philosophy, Gopnik concludes that children were not meant to be «molded» in the way parents are molding them today.
I employ an eclectic approach with strong reliance on Attachment Theory, Interpersonal Neurobiology, Somatic Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Child development theories focus on different aspects of development of a child including emotional, social and cognitive growth.
The focus group questions were based on relevant components of two theoretical models: Social Cognitive Theory and the Health Belief Model [37, 38].
, 1968 Zick Rubin, «The Social Psychology of Romantic Love», 1969 Elliot Aronson, «Some Antecedents of Interpersonal Attraction», 1970 David C. Glass and Jerome E. Singer, «The Urban Condition: Its Stresses and Adaptations — Experimental Studies of Behavioral Consequences of Exposure to Aversive Events», 1971 Norman H. Anderson, «Information Integration Theory: A Brief Survey», 1972 Lenora Greenbaum, «Socio - Cultural Influences on Decision Making: An Illustrative Investigation of Possession - Trance in Sub-Saharan Africa», 1973 William E. McAuliffe and Robert A. Gordon, «A Test of Lindesmith's Theory of Addiction: The Frequency of Euphoria Among Long - Term Addicts», 1974 R. B. Zajonc and Gregory B. Markus, «Intellectual Environment and Intelligence», 1975 Johnathan Kelley and Herbert S. Klein, «Revolution and the Rebirth of Inequality: The Bolivian National Revolution», 1977 Murray Melbin, «Night as Frontier», 1978 Ronald S. Wilson, «Synchronies in Mental Development: An Epigenetic Perspective», 1979 Bibb Latane, Stephen G. Harkins, and Kipling D. Williams, «Many Hands Make Light the Work: The Causes and Consequences of Social Loafing», 1980 Gary Wayne Strong, «Information, Pattern, and Behavior: The Cognitive Biases of Four Japanese Groups», 1981 Richard A. Shweder and Edmund J. Bourne, «Does the Concept of the Person Vary Cross Culturally?»
«People are likely to react with little fear to certain types of objectively dangerous risk that evolution has not prepared them for, such as guns, hamburgers, automobiles, smoking, and unsafe sex, even when they recognize the threat at a cognitive level,» says Carnegie Mellon University researcher George Loewenstein, whose seminal 2001 paper, «Risk as Feelings,» (pdf) debunked theories that decision making in the face of risk or uncertainty relies largely on reason.
They are active research areas, drawing on theory in information graphics, computer graphics, human - computer interaction and cognitive science.
To arrive at this radical notion, Hauser draws on his own research in social cooperation, neuroscience, and primate behavior, as well as on the musings of philosophers, cognitive psychologists, and most important, the theories of MIT linguist Noam Chomsky, who in the 1950s proposed that all humans are equipped with a universal linguistic grammar, a set of instinctive rules that underlie all languages.
Researchers are taking the first steps towards of a quantum theory model of humor, to explain what really happens on the cognitive level in the moment when we «get the joke».»
The theoretical framework for the two active interventions was based on social cognitive theory and incorporated behavioral self - management approaches designed to help participants set weight - related goals, self - monitor weight and weight - related behaviors (exercise and reduced calorie intake), increase self - efficacy and social support, and solve problems.
Gardner, who is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences, has authored 20 books on a variety of subjects including structuralism, cognitive science, creativity, leadership, and arts education.
Such «selection effects» could in theory account for the apparent school impacts on test scores, or even the apparent absence of impacts on fluid cognitive skills.
Drawing on CLT, dual coding, and other cognitive theories of learning, the experimental research of Richard Mayer has led to his cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML).
Cognitive scientists» skepticism of grouping students stems, in large part, from the emergence of various theories on «learning styles.»
Solis» research focuses on children's cognitive development, specifically how young children play with each other and with objects to understand and build theories about the world around them, and how this is shaped by their cultural context.
However, following cognitive - constructivist theories of learning (Jonassen, 2008; Sweller, 2010), we also believe delivery of too much information at once can put a strain on students» working memory.
However, I think that it is important for an instructional designer to have an understand on how the brain function and having a foundation in learning theory and cognitive science.
Piagetian programs are teaching methods based on Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development and his concept of children's stages of learning.
In this article, I'll explain 3 key principles of the Cognitive Dissonance Theory, and I'll share 3 tips on how to apply it in your next eLearning course.
This seminar focuses on adult learning theory, peer coaching, cognitive coaching, and crucial conversations.
The three authors are: Howard Gardner, a cognitive psychologist best known for his theory of multiple intelligences; Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a social psychologist, who writes from an evolutionary and motivational perspective, best known for discovering the psychological state called «flow»; and William Damon, a developmental psychologist who has focused on social and moral issues.
These tests measure a variety of skills: creative thinking skills such as fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration; intellectual development based on Piaget's theory of development (Piaget, 1954; Piaget & Inhelder, 1973); language proficiency; and nonverbal perceptual skills of cognitive development.
Critical thinking as an academic discipline is based on the rules of formal logic, theory and practice of argumentation, rhetoric and scientific epistemology (a section of philosophy that deals with instruments and limitations of cognitive activity).
Mobile Phones: The Sensei Way to Weight Loss Originally launched in November, 2007, Weight Loss Sensei is among the first «intelligent applications» available based on Social Cognitive Theory and the science of behavioral informatics — the use of technology to promote behavior change.
Much work on «cognitive dissonance» theory provides evidence for this mental mechanism.
Given the role that you ascribe to cognitive profile in polarizing views on climate change, what do you think might be the interaction between cognitive profile and age (assuming the second theory, or perhaps even the first theory?)
A. Cognitive Theory and Readability B. Quantitative Measures of Readability C. Prior Research on Correlation Between Readability and Case Outcome
Drawing on cognitive psychology, Julie Baker summarized the role of «fluency» in human information processing.19 Cognitive theory recognizes two different information processing systems that our braincognitive psychology, Julie Baker summarized the role of «fluency» in human information processing.19 Cognitive theory recognizes two different information processing systems that our brainCognitive theory recognizes two different information processing systems that our brains employ.
International contributors draw on a diverse range of sources, including cognitive psychology, economics, history, international relations, philosophy, political science, political theory, sociology.
Drawing on interpersonal neurobiology, affective neuroscience, learning theory, the works of Pierre Janet, psychodynamic theory, and cognitive behavioral approaches, this book is for those who wish to have an in - depth understanding of dissociation and its treatment across a wide range of trauma - related disorders.
Safer Choices is based on Social Cognitive Theory, Social Influence Theory, and Models of School Change.
Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 interventions based on cognitive behavioral theories and formative research.
Focusing on Blended Families and a Deeper Look at Trauma and Resilience Designed for Mediators and others Interested in deepening Their Personal Understanding Understanding Relational Conflict Theory and the Transformative Approach for Family Mediation, Negotiation and Communication Hands - On Conflict Intervention Skills Transformative How - To's Psychological, Emotional and Cognitive aspects of Separation, Divorce and Second Marriages The reorganization of Blended Families Psychological Considerations for Young, Adolescent and Young Adult Children Relationships and Identity: Heterosexual, Same Sex, Transgender Spousal / Partner Typologies Betrayal and Trauma.on Blended Families and a Deeper Look at Trauma and Resilience Designed for Mediators and others Interested in deepening Their Personal Understanding Understanding Relational Conflict Theory and the Transformative Approach for Family Mediation, Negotiation and Communication Hands - On Conflict Intervention Skills Transformative How - To's Psychological, Emotional and Cognitive aspects of Separation, Divorce and Second Marriages The reorganization of Blended Families Psychological Considerations for Young, Adolescent and Young Adult Children Relationships and Identity: Heterosexual, Same Sex, Transgender Spousal / Partner Typologies Betrayal and Trauma.On Conflict Intervention Skills Transformative How - To's Psychological, Emotional and Cognitive aspects of Separation, Divorce and Second Marriages The reorganization of Blended Families Psychological Considerations for Young, Adolescent and Young Adult Children Relationships and Identity: Heterosexual, Same Sex, Transgender Spousal / Partner Typologies Betrayal and Trauma...
Draw the Line / Respect the Line is based on several social psychological theories, particularly Social Inoculation Theory and Social Cognitive Theory.
Russ describes his approach to couples counselling as eclectic, drawing on principles established by John Gottman's method of couples therapy, as well as concepts from attachment theory, cognitive behavioral therapy, and solution - focused therapy.
I draw upon several treatment modalities, including attachment - based theories which focus on strengthening the bond, attachment, and relationship between child and caregivers, trauma - focused cognitive behavioral therapy, and play - therapy.
Hypothesized relationships between the environment, individual factors, and decreased age at smoking initiation, based on Bandura's social cognitive theory.
My approach is personalized to meet each client's individual needs and draws on cognitive - behavioral, solution - focused, and family systems theories.
We utilized the main concepts of social cognitive theory and devised a hypothesis of the relationships between the environment, individual factors, and early smoking initiation based on the interactions between these factors (Figure 1).
A woman, age 48 years, with morbid obesity initiated exercise through a 6 - month exercise - support protocol based on social - cognitive and self - efficacy theory.
The idea that seeing smoking modeled on screen would influence adolescent behavior4, 5 is consistent with the theoretical basis of our work.21 Social cognitive theory predicts that adolescents are responsive to smoking depicted by persons with star status.
Care and development / Care for others / Care for the caregivers / Care, learning and treatment / Care leavers / Care work / Care workers (1) / Care workers (2) / Care workers (3) / Care workers (4) / Care worker role / Care workers (1983) / Care worker turnover / Caregiver roles / Caregiver's dilemma / Carers (1) / Carers (2) / Carers support groups / Caring / Caring and its discontents / Caring for carers / Caring for children / Caring interaction / Caring relationships / Carpe minutum / Casing / Cause and behavior / Causes of stress / Celebrate / Challenging behaviours / Challenging children and A. S. Neill / Change (1) / Change (2) / Change and child care workers / Change in world view / Change theory / Changing a child's world view / Changing behaviour / Child, active or passive / Child Advocacy / Child and youth care (1) / Child and youth care (2) / Child and youth care and mental health / Child and youth care education / Child and youth care work unique / Child behaviour and family functioning / Child care and the organization / Child care workers (1) / Child Care workers (2) / Child care workers (3) / Child care workers: catalysts for a future world / Childcare workers in Ireland / Child carers / Child health in foster care / Child in pain / Child perspective in FGC / Child saving movement / Child's perspective / Child's play / Child's security / Children and power / Children and television / Children in care / Children in state care / Children of alcoholics (1) / Children of alcoholics (2) / Children today / Children who hate (1) / Children who hate (2) / Children who hate (3) / Children who were in care / Children whose defenses work overtime / Children's ability to give consent / Children's emotions / Children's feelings / Children's grief / Children's homes / Children's homes in UK / Children's rights (1) / Children's rights (2) / Children's rights (3) / Children's stress / Children's views (1) / Children's views (2) / Children's views on smacking / Children's voices / Children's work and child labour / Choices in caring / Choices for youth / Circular effect behavior / Clare Winnicott / Class teacher / Classroom meetings / Clear thought / Client self - determination / Clinical application of humour / Coaching approach / Coercion / Coercion and compliance (1) / Coercion and compliance (2) / Cognitive - behavioral interventions and anger / Cognitive skills / Collaboration / Commissioner for children / Commitment to care / Common needs / Common profession?
To best initiate growth, I employ a holistic approach to therapy — drawing on family systems theory, cognitive behavioral therapy, neurobiology and always humor, when possible.
These theories concentrate on motivational aspects of health behaviour rooted in beliefs — for example, the Health Belief Model6 — self - efficacy and outcome expectations — for example, the Social Cognitive Theory7, 8 — or attitudes and social norms — for example, the Theory of Planned Behaviour.9 Another approach focuses on informational aspects and the need for health education to promote constructive health behaviours.10 Both aspects are incorporated in the Health Empowerment Model11 that considers health literacy and psychological empowerment as two equally important predictors of health behaviour.
The five Parents Plus programmes are evidence - based parenting courses, which uniquely draw on a solution - focused systemic ideas as well as other mainstream theories such as social learning and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
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