Sentences with phrase «on concupiscence»

But then, much earlier, the late Harold Smith, a former Oxford - trained British colonial official in Nigeria, had come up with a rather unflattering picture of Okotie - Eboh as allegedly venal, with rather low personal morality, bordering on concupiscence.
Schindler concluded his section on concupiscence with the observation: «Needless to say, ambiguity on the three points noted here can quickly slide one toward a dangerous imprudence in matters of sexuality.»
«Understanding [Waldstein's fine summary of teaching on concupiscence] in an appropriately Catholic way depends entirely on qualifying properly the sense in which true growth in virtue - under the transforming power of grace - does overcome the tendency to sin, relative to «objective concupiscence and the consequent danger to sin».»

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For Theodore, on the contrary, Adam was created mortal, death was not a punishment for sin but natural, and concupiscence already lived in Adam as in a mortal being.
We all realise that it is not the aspect of traditional Catholic teaching on marriage which is going to inspire and attract in our secular age, but there is no mention of the «remedy for concupiscence» angle or much on Original Sin, which I would have thought merited more than a passing nod.
On the basis of such a hope the concupiscence of the flesh as thesource of the tendency toward an egoistic gratification is dominated»... [Spouses] «are also in their turn called, through the sacrament, to a life according to the Spirit.
Carnal concupiscence on the other hand, also present in marriage, tends in its self - centered forcefulness to disturb the loving relationship which should exist between husband and wife, and so can easily prevent marital sexuality from being completely at the service of love.
There arose a new (and perhaps not sufficiently qualified) emphasis on the dignity of the physical sexual relationship in marriage - but without any attempt to examine the problems posed by the continuing presence of carnal concupiscence.
Commixture of the flesh, of course; the concupiscence whereof the Lord put on the same footing with fornication.
Insatiable desire, appropriation instead of communion, taking instead of giving, possessive self - love overshadowing donative love toward the other... all are major disruptions which concupiscence now inflicts on the lost harmony of the marital sexual relationship.
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