Sentences with phrase «on cultural values»

Super Urdu Mom About - My blog covers parenting, multiculturalism, recipes, lifestyle, travel and resources to pass on cultural values to children in engaging ways.
You must give your new employer an impression that you are suitable to the position and that you fit on their cultural values and principles.
Of what in each case is dependent on cultural values, as these modulate innate skepticism.
«Tribes and First Nations across North America pride themselves on supporting their communities with responsible forest management that is based on their cultural values and traditional practices.
He gradually came to realize, he said, that parliamentary politics «was administrating cultural values, and the real politics would be to work on those cultural values and to bring up new ideas of how things could be done.»
My brother, a political scientist, informs me of a debate in his field: Many political scientists insist that «policy follows culture,» meaning people establish laws and social arrangements based on their cultural values.
Washington State Values Bilingual Education The state TBIP places a strong emphasis on cultural values.
«ParentCorps creates a space for families to come together, reflect on their cultural values and beliefs, and set goals for their children.
«Motivating eco-friendly behaviors depends on cultural values
However, each group fails to bring scripture to bear on cultural values.
They then shared the high - quality bottles with the world, promoting the elegance and complexity of vini siciliani by focusing on their cultural value and, above all, the land.
Haier also focused on the cultural value of putting customers first, or attaining «zero distance from customers.»

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It's important to develop cultural values and practices to make sure the entire company is on the same page.
But I can attest that it truly pays to invest some time in identifying your cultural values early on.
Apart from skills and experience, the algorithm will attempt to match job - seekers and employers based on such variables as personality - as on the eHarmony site - as well as work and social and cultural values.
«To get the full change to happen, we probably need not only greater representation of women, but we need to see also a cultural shift in organizations that really places greater value on gender equity in the workplace, and makes it more legitimate and acceptable for women to lend a helping hand to other women in the work place.»
«You could certainly write a book on why the US has yet to see a federal paid - leave policy — but the answers essentially come down to two distinct cultural elements at play in the US: the values we place in individualism and business,» she wrote.
Please know, your questions and stories on Tuesday, along with what I heard from drivers, have kept me resilient and reminded me of one of our most essential cultural values, Be Yourself.
Kalanick walked her through «the big - ball bets for the future, through the controversies, through the cultural values,» she said, adding the final meeting to get her on the board was last week.
«Your annual assessment is predominantly based on how well you're living out the nine cultural values
Those included performance reviews of senior leadership, better record - keeping in human resources, reformulating the company's cultural values, mandatory manager and human resources training, and an emphasis on diversity and inclusion.
«Please know, your questions and stories on Tuesday, along with what I heard from drivers, have kept me resilient and reminded me of one of our most essential cultural values, Be Yourself,» Mr. Kalanick wrote.
Domestically, universities such as Pontificia Universidad Catolica and the Universidad de Chile have published studies focusing on entrepreneurship influencing cultural change and and the value of the traditional business accelerator.
This third stage depends on the emergence of a new set of proven leaders from outside the company, attracted by the initial vision and momentum, who willingly model the founder's cultural values.
The cultural aspects of Pope Francis's statement seem on point: Millennials on the whole don't value the marital commitment as much as previous generations.
But it belongs on the rump of the cultural right as well, for Robert Caserio has usefully defined «political correctness» to mean «a prefabricated sense of values, a predetermined set of assumptions about what is good for people and what is bad for them» (quoted in CHE 1).
Emphasis has always been on India's socio - economic interests, not on surrender to foreign pressure and laying bare our economic space for MNC occupation, subverting our Constitutional values, cultural heritage and march towards a self - confident future.
Efforts to promote such changes in the guise of human rights are correctly condemned as egregious instances of «cultural imperialism» by which elites of certain rich nations, not least of the United States, attempt to impose their values on the rest of the world.
In human and spiritual terms the focus on the family for any struggle between conflicting worldviews is obvious since it is here that cultural and religious values are primarily passed on.
The cultural emphasis on the value of the individual has created a tension in contemporary domestic life.
The problem with India is that is built on a system of cultural and societal values based on Hinduism which is a cult.
One draws upon the approaches of cultural anthropology in focusing on a society's value orientation around the issues of space and time.
The «subjectivists,» on the other hand, reduce all value to the subjective interest of individuals or cultural groups.
On the cultural front, we are seeing what I call a «marriage mindset» — where people value childbearing within marriage as well as marital permanency — find a more secure purchase among highly educated Americans than among less - educated Americans.
Introduction: Affirming the context: Cultural identities are good everyday instances of our deepest social biases; even when they are openly espoused, they are often based on submerged feelings and values, reflecting areas of both sensibility and judgement.
Other Republican hopefuls, Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition and such «cultural warriors» as Rush Limbaugh, former Secretary of Education William Bennett, and James Dobson, director of Focus on the Family, have claimed there is an encompassing social divide over morality and values.
A great many of our contemporaries, perhaps the majority, still regard the technico - cultural knitting together of human society as a sort of para-biological epi - phenomenon very inferior in organic value to other combinations achieved on the molecular or cellular scale by the forces of Life.
There is little doubt that the President's evolution on homosexuality probably impacted the evolution of cultural values.
• to set a high value on the total cultural legacy we have received from the past and which enables us to develop our potential to become human;
Cultural identities are good everyday instances of our deepest social biases; even when they are openly espoused, they are often based on submerged feelings and values, reflecting areas of both sensibility and judgement.
Heightened awareness of the link between cultural problems and moral irresponsibility has spawned a nearly universal condemnation of the «war on values» being waged in American society.
Nuclear war would not only result in hundreds of millions of casualties and in the material destruction of nations; it would also probably destroy the institutions of freedom and the moral, cultural and political conditions on which our values depend.
The first is that nuclear war would not only result in hundreds of millions of casualties and in the material destruction of nations; it would also probably destroy the institutions of freedom and the moral, cultural and political conditions on which our values depend.
Finally the assembly agreed on a number of guidelines for a new information order, including: the elimination of the imbalances and inequities brought on by media monopolies; a «better balanced dissemination of information and ideas»; freedom of the press and of information; and respect for each people's cultural identity and its right to inform the world about its «interests, aspirations and social and cultural values.
On many cultural and political issues, tradition appeals to Evangelicals; they are the «traditional values» people.
To quote Paul Brass in his essay on ethnicity and nationalism, «The cultural and religious forms, values and practices of South Asian countries have become political resources of the elite in competition for political power and economic advantages.»
The fact that Jesus is on the side of women should be our source of encouragement and empowerment as we continue to serve God and strive for a full and equal ministry.81 Nothing, perhaps, was more shocking for his contemporaries than the freedom with which he associated himself with women, considering the inferior position of women in Jewish society.82 According to R. L. Hnuni, «male dominated cultural and traditional values and injunctions may put boundaries and debar them from full ministry, but this should not discourage women's conviction and commitment to full ministry.
This massive shift has had a devastating effect on the once - deep cultural values that exerted their force upon most of society's institutions — values of truth, duty, discipline, reading, beauty, family, tradition, justice, among many others.
In describing and accounting for the lives of the Religious Right, which we define simply as religious conservatives with a considerable involvement in political activity, the book and the series tell the story primarily by focusing on leading episodes in the movement's history, including, but not limited to, the groundwork laid by Billy Graham in his relationships with presidents and other prominent political leaders; the resistance of evangelical and other Protestants to the candidacy of the Roman Catholic John F. Kennedy; the rise of what has been called the New Right out of the ashes of Barry Goldwater's defeat in 1964; a battle over sex education in Anaheim, California, in the mid-1960's; a prolonged cultural war over textbooks in West Virginia in the early 1970's — and that is a battle that has been fought less violently in community after community all over the country; the thrill conservative Christians felt over the election of a «born - again» Christian to the Presidency in 1976 and the subsequent disappointment they experienced when they found out that Jimmy Carter was, of all things, a Democrat; the rise of the Moral Majority and its infatuation with Ronald Reagan; the difficulty the Religious Right has had in dealing with abortion, homosexuality and AIDS; Pat Robertson's bid for the presidency and his subsequent launching of the Christian Coalition; efforts by Dr. James Dobson and Gary Bauer to win a «civil war of values» by changing the culture at a deeper level than is represented by winning elections; and, finally, by addressing crucial questions about the appropriate relationship between religion and politics or, as we usually put it, between church and state.
«Resistance to oppression is often based on a love that leads us to value ourselves, and leads us to hope for more than the established cultural system is willing to grant... such love is far more energizing than guilt, duty, or self - sacrifice.
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