Sentences with phrase «on dead trees»

Most of my published (the printed on dead tree publications that is) works are at the public library.
For the record: Although I'm a blogger and love multimedia platforms, I'm still reading on dead trees.
To the average person it looks like a lot of red needles on dead trees.
You may have seen him perched on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him.
And just because one evolved to stick its cells together differently than another, one mainly just grows on dead trees, and the other has conquered the Earth.»
But Amazon is full of surprises and — maybe, just maybe — selling books on dead trees inside a mall is the latest one.
It's Cucujus cinnaberinus, an endangered species that feeds on dead trees, and one example, Bohdan says, of why it's harmful to remove the dead trees.
The species grow in colonies of just a few up to an impressive display of hundreds of fruitbodies on dead tree trunks or on the lower trunk parts of still living trees.
Bats hide behind loose bark and in cracks on dead trees, where they can roost together and form colonies.
Now this sprawling saga has been immortalized on dead trees with notes from author Andrew Hussie explaining what the hell he was thinking as he brought this monster to life.
Playing fighting games for the story is oftentimes as rewarding as looking for fresh fruit on a dead tree, but Team Ninja has always woven a decent narrative around its stable of fighters.
We then run into a group of black - faced vervet monkeys, both to our left and right, and spot in the distance a solitary vulture perched on a dead tree.
Thus, we can find beauty in places we did not suspect — inside a flower from a roadside weed, in the anatomical details of a flea or under a mushroom growing on a dead tree.
But you may have noticed that things are changing in the media world, and print publications across the spectrum have had to adapt to the reality that readers now tend to consume information online rather than printed on dead trees.
I don't want to know who wins, capitalism or the climate, but I assume capitalism, because the book costs $ 30 and it's printed on dead trees
And it includes information in any form — electronic, verbal or on dead trees — about your past, present or future physical or mental health care or condition, as well as payments for your health care.
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