Sentences with phrase «on deep breathing»

Remember to focus on deep breathing as you draw in the lower abdomen and begin to fold forward.
Trust me, I sometimes rely on deep breathing, too.
For me, it was just a matter of concentrating on my deep breathing over and over again.
Focus on deep breathing and you'll probably experience some mental stress relief, too.
As a professional actor for twenty years and immigration attorney for fifteen, I've relied on deep breathing to help myself to relax which allows me to perform.
I found out that my lower TA's are not firing properly and have been working on the deep breathing exercises that Sarah prescribed and I can already see a difference in the lower belly bulge.
Once your client has a good handle on deep breathing, it's time to start programming some more challenging exercises that require core control.
I think one of the most helpful things for you would be Mindfulness practice, and since you are so busy and may not be able to fit yoga into your days right now, just focus on deep breathing could be VERY helpful.
If you go over my article on deep breathing, there is a breath practice that will traction and align your spine and actually lengthen but not flatten your lumbar curve.
For a moment I thought about asking Chris to describe where we were on the road, and how much longer it would take to get there, but instead decided to focus on deep breathing, and getting as much oxygen in me, to Silas, as possible.
Focusing on deep breathing can help you connect with the natural ebb and flow of your body patterns.
7) Focus on Deep Breathing: Improving your posture, seeing a high quality chiropractor and optimizing your breathing patterns is highly recommended.
First, focus on deep breathing (for relaxation) before and during your practice of the pelvic drop technique.
Yoga focuses on deep breathing and controlling breathing, which may slow down the body's «fight or flight» response — the body's reaction to stress, Kiecolt - Glaser said.
Another element of moving strong, is focusing on deep breathing.
To fix this issue, focus on deep breathing and getting that full 360 - degree expansion of your diaphragm.
Ease into a restful night with a quiet yoga practice focused on deep breathing to calm your mind and release physical tension.
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