Sentences with phrase «on depressive symptoms with»

We applied generalised linear mixed models via PROC GLIMMIX to estimate the effects of different transitional patterns of exercise on depressive symptoms with HLDS as the event, after adjusting for the previous CESD score, age, gender, level of education, marital status, smoking, physical function, emotional support, social participation, self - rated health, economic satisfaction, employment and 10 chronic conditions.

Not exact matches

Although none of the groups reported on drug side effects, while Guo who tested only breastfed infants reported on significant decrease in infant crying, and decrease in depressive symptoms at one month and at two months respectively, Sung who tested both formula fed and breastfed infants reported on increase crying in the probiotic treated infants (particularly in the formula fed infants) compared to placebo with no effect on maternal depressive symptoms.
One randomized controlled trial comparing home - visited families with control participants who received other community services found a statistically significant difference in mean depressive symptoms at two years post-enrollment, but this contrast was nonsignificant at three years post - enrollment.15 A second study of Early Head Start found no differences in depressive symptoms between intervention and control group participants post-intervention, although a difference was detected at a longer - term follow - up prior to children's enrollment in kindergarten.10 Other randomized controlled trial studies have not found effects of home visitation on maternal depressive symptoms.12, 16,17
A series of randomized control trials of a nurse home visitation program show a range of positive effects on maternal health, including decreases in prenatal cigarette smoking, fewer hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, and fewer closely spaced subsequent pregnancies., A randomized control study of another program that works with a particularly high - risk population found that participant mothers showed significantly lower depressive symptoms than those in the control group and were less likely to report feeling stressed a year after participation.
Within the subgroup of studies which specifically focused on social support, they found that 14 studies showed no association between marital or partner status and depressive symptoms or diagnosis whilst 13 studies showed that women who were married or cohabiting with the baby's father had fewer depressive symptoms or a lower risk of postpartum depression compared to women separated from their partner or not in a relationship during the first postpartum year.
«One in five young non-Hispanic white women who tan indoors are dependent on indoor tanning: Dependence was associated with beliefs about physical appearance and depressive symptoms
Opioid use was also more likely for patients who scored higher on a measure of pain catastrophizing — exaggerated responses and worries about pain — than those with depressive symptoms.
«We were surprised that the heritability of depressive symptoms in twins with very short sleep was nearly twice the heritability in twins sleeping normal amounts of time,» said principal investigator Dr. Nathaniel Watson, associate professor of neurology and co-director of the University of Washington Medicine Sleep Center in Seattle, Wash. «Both short and excessively long sleep durations appear to activate genes related to depressive symptoms,» added Watson, who also serves on the board of directors of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
«Raising a child with autism: How optimism can help to cope: Research sheds light on relationship between optimism, coping strategies, and depressive symptoms of Hispanic parents of children with autism.»
Most research on ASD tends to focus on the negative aspects of how parents handle having a child with the disorder, such as exhibiting depressive symptoms or maladaptive behaviors.
The depression subscale determines the level of depressive symptoms a person is experiencing based on a 0 to 21 score, with a score of 0 to 7 being normal, 8 to 10 being mild, and 11 or greater being moderate to severe.
«While EVO was not directly designed to treat depressive symptoms; we hypothesized that there may indeed be beneficial effects on these symptoms by improving cognitive issues with targeted treatment, and so far, the results are promising,» said Anguera.
A pilot study of yogic meditation for family dementia caregivers with depressive symptoms: effects on mental health, cognition, and telomerase activity.
According to a 2014 study published in the journal Stroke, people who scored higher on measures of unfriendliness, as well as those with chronic stress and depressive symptoms, had a higher risk of stroke than the friendlier, kinder participants.
In this recipe, I keep the serving size to 1/3 cup (rather than the 1/2 cup most labels call for with rolled oats) and add some ground flax for extra fiber and some cortisol - taming omega - 3s, which have been studied extensively for their positive impact on depressive symptoms.
While fish oil has been shown to prevent relapse and alleviate depressive symptoms in some bipolar patients, it appears to have no effect on the manic episodes associated with the condition.
On the other hand, sitting upright with good posture (spine in line, shoulders back) helped people with depressive symptoms feel more enthusiastic and less fatigued, found a recent study published in Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.
These symptoms have occurred in all of the longer - term studies on cholesterol lowering, but rarely do physicians link their patients» depressive symptoms with the sudden change in diet or cholesterol level.
In a 2014 meta - analysis, Goyal and his partners at Johns Hopkins found that mindfulness meditation might be on par with antidepressants in treating depressive symptoms.
This group included 35 892 women with an incomplete depression history (ie, those who did not report their depressive status in 1996, 1998, or 2000 or did not return or answer the Mental Health Index [MHI] questionnaire9 - 11 [a 5 - item subscale of the 36 - Item Short - Form Health Survey] in 1992 or 1996), as well as women who reported taking antidepressants in 1996 (n = 2052) or had a physician - diagnosed episode of depression in 1996 or earlier (n = 3445), those with an unknown start date (n = 131), or those who reported severe depressive symptoms (score, ≤ 52) on the 1992 (n = 2381) or 1996 (n = 2271) MHI questionnaire.
Studies conducted on different populations have generally demonstrated that parenting support programmes encourage positive parenting practices, strengthen parent — child relationships and promote the mental health of parents.11 — 17 Previous studies have linked parenting support programmes with an improvement of parents» sense of competence, 18 19 which, in turn, has an impact on parents» mental health.20 According to Bandura's theory on self - efficacy, stronger self - efficacy in child rearing leads to better satisfaction in parenting and decreased stress and depression.21 Some studies have found a positive relationship between parents» sense of competence and parenting behaviour22 and that increased maternal self - efficacy is associated with decreased depressive symptoms in postpartum mothers.23 To date, it is unclear whether parenting support programmes are effective in improving the mental health of parents directly or via increased self - efficacy and satisfaction in the parenting role.
At both baseline and follow - up there was a high rate of depressive symptoms with one third of the group scoring 14 or more on the Beck Depression Inventory (a questionnaire designed to measure severity of depressive symptoms).
On the HAMD, adolescents who receivedIPT - A compared with those who received TAU reported significantly greaterdecreases in depressive symptoms (week 12, 8.7 vs 12.8; P =.04)(Table 2).
Results have shown this model may reduce depressive symptoms by up to 50 % compared with usual care, and it is on this model that we base our study.
Direct and buffering effects of social support on depressive symptoms of the elderly with home help
The response rates on meta - analysis (49.6 % psychotherapy vs 34.8 % control) compare well with antidepressants.2 The psychotherapy studies have used self - rating scales of depressive symptoms.
On average, female adolescents are more likely than males to react to stressors with depressive symptoms (Piccinelli & Wilkinson, 2000), which could lead to stronger effects of chronic illness on depressive symptomOn average, female adolescents are more likely than males to react to stressors with depressive symptoms (Piccinelli & Wilkinson, 2000), which could lead to stronger effects of chronic illness on depressive symptomon depressive symptoms.
Patients: In total, 150 adults (age ≥ 35 years) with elevated depressive symptoms (Beck depression inventory (BDI) score ≥ 10 on two screens or ≥ 15 on one screen) 2 — 6 months after hospitalisation for ACS.
On the basis of our literature review and pilot studies, we hypothesised that more BSA patients with cancer would self - report depressive symptoms than BW patients over time.
Inclusion criteria: cancer prognosis of 6 months or more; major depressive disorder for ⩾ 1 month not associated with a change of cancer or cancer management; and a score of ⩾ 1.75 on the Symptom Checklist - 20 (SCL - 20) depression scale (score range 1 — 4, higher score indicating greater levels of depressive symptoms).
We hypothesised that (1) objective measures of availability / access to destinations, greenness and a pedestrian - friendly infrastructure would be negatively associated with depressive symptoms; (2) environmental stressors such as signs of crime / disorder, pollution, traffic - related variables and presence of stray dogs would be positively associated with depressive symptoms; (3) older adults living alone would report more depressive symptoms than their counterparts; (4) and the negative effects of living alone on depressive symptoms would be attenuated by better access / availability of destinations and lower levels of environmental stressors.
As expected, when compared with participants living with others, those living alone were more likely to report (any) depressive symptoms when living in neighbourhoods with poorer access to civic / institutional destinations, retail, food / eating outlets, public transport stops and health clinics / services, lower levels of crowdedness and fewer people on the streets (table 4).
However, studies were excluded if they focused on young people with chronic illnesses that have been referred to psychological services due to depressive symptoms, or if sufficient information for computing effect sizes was not reported.
Jang et al's 35 study also showed that employment change is associated with risk of new - onset depressive symptoms, and that the association depends on sex and head of household status.
On the one hand, depressive symptoms are more common in adolescence than in childhood, and adolescents may be confronted with more illness - related stressors than children (e.g., when chronic illnesses hinder the development of peer groups and intimate relationships; Suris et al., 2004).
However, because the duration of the current maternal depressive episode at baseline was correlated with the number of children's internalizing and externalizing symptoms at baseline (Cynthia Ewell - Foster, PhD, et al, unpublished data, December 2005), and the extent of children's improvement following maternal remission depended on the magnitude of improvement in their mothers, reverse causation is not likely to fully account for the association between maternal remission and child improvement.
On average, children and adolescents with chronic physical illnesses had higher levels of depressive symptoms than their healthy peers — a small to very small effect (Table I).
Coping with the uncertainty and unpredictability of symptoms and the progression of MS helps the individual maintain a positive self - image and increase his / hers perception of control over his / her disease, thus having an impact on depressive symptomology and fatigue levels.
Living in neighbourhoods with lower public transport density also increased the deleterious effects of living alone on the number of depressive symptoms.
In fact, a better understanding of the possible interaction between these multidimensional aspects associated with fatigue can potentially assist clinicians in determining better therapeutic programmes for individuals with MS. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to further determine the mediating effects of depression on the association between health - related quality of life and fatigue in individuals with MS.. Since depression is the psychological disorder not intrinsically provoked by the disease, most commonly experienced by individuals with MS, 11 12 we hypothesised that the relationships between health - related qualify of life and the MS - associated fatigue would be mediated by depressive symptoms.
Do relaxation techniques have an effect on depressive symptoms and outcomes compared with other treatment approaches?
The current literature reports that MS patients with ongoing depressive symptoms perform poorly on cognitive tasks assessing information processing speed, attention, etc. (Arnett et al., 1999) Cognitive impairment is dominant in depressed MS patients, affecting effortful but not automatic information processing.
In fact, a recent study found that living alone was more highly associated with depression in mid-aged and older adults reporting low levels of perceived quality of social interactions with neighbours.26 However, to our knowledge, no studies have examined the moderating effect of objectively assessed neighbourhood environment attributes on the associations between living arrangements (living alone vs living with others) and older adults» depressive symptoms.
The secondary aim was to estimate the moderating effects of neighbourhood environmental attributes on the associations between living arrangements (living alone vs living with others) and older adults» depressive symptoms.
The present meta - analysis shows that young people with chronic physical illnesses have, on average, higher levels of depressive symptoms than their healthy peers.
An analysis of the moderating effects of neighbourhood environmental attributes on the associations between living arrangement and depressive symptoms revealed that, as expected, those living alone were more likely to report (any) depressive symptoms than their counterparts when residing in neighbourhoods with poorer access to destinations (eg, services and retail) and fewer people on the street.
Because the lack of significant effect size on the CDI may indicate that this measure might not be sensitive for depressive symptoms of young people with chronic illnesses, we also checked whether the results would be consistent in studies that compared children with chronic illness to test norms and to healthy control groups.
Because about 90 % of the available studies with chronically ill children used depression rating scales rather than clinical diagnoses, the present meta - analysis focuses on depressive symptoms.
As a result, they tend to spend more time onlooking (watching other children without joining) and hovering on the edge of social groups.8, 11 There is some evidence to suggest that young depressive children also experience social impairment.12 For example, children who display greater depressive symptoms are more likely to be rejected by peers.10 Moreover, deficits in social skills (e.g., social participation, leadership) and peer victimization predict depressive symptoms in childhood.13, 14 There is also substantial longitudinal evidence linking social withdrawal in childhood with the later development of more significant internalizing problems.15, 16,17 For example, Katz and colleagues18 followed over 700 children from early childhood to young adulthood and described a pathway linking social withdrawal at age 5 years — to social difficulties with peers at age 15 years — to diagnoses of depression at age 20 years.
One randomized controlled trial comparing home - visited families with control participants who received other community services found a statistically significant difference in mean depressive symptoms at two years post-enrollment, but this contrast was nonsignificant at three years post - enrollment.15 A second study of Early Head Start found no differences in depressive symptoms between intervention and control group participants post-intervention, although a difference was detected at a longer - term follow - up prior to children's enrollment in kindergarten.10 Other randomized controlled trial studies have not found effects of home visitation on maternal depressive symptoms.12, 16,17
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