Sentences with phrase «on different areas of the body»

You need to keep your exercise varied and focus on different areas of the body to help ensure a full - body workout.
These bacteria can have a profound impact on different areas of our body's ranging from immune to and brain function to metabolic health.
There are different hormones that work on different areas of the body to keep things running smooth and efficient.
The Misfit Ray is a modular activity tracker that can be worn on different areas of the body in conjunction with various accessories.
on the 12th week many pregnant women dark spots on different areas of the body: neck, abdomen, face, etc..
Like most canine diseases, there are multiple causes for dog skin sores on different areas of the body as outlined in the table below.
My 8 yr old Maltipoo has an itchy skin bacterial infection on different areas of her body.
The new TEG system is just 2 millimeters thick, and is flexible, which lends itself well to being worn on different areas of the body without being bulky or disruptive to regular activities.
Each day, there's a short yoga sequence focused on a different area of the body to help you move and stretch, giving direction to your energy for the meditation and allowing you to feel quieter and more comfortable as you sit.
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