Sentences with phrase «on digital books»

The bulk of mainstream media tends to focus on digital books and this segment is also growing.
Some pricing on digital books is in a range of sizes rather than having a different price for every different size, but that only helps a bit.
This should result in lower prices, because the old VAT on digital books was a whopping 21 %.
I'll soon reveal my own take on the digital book.
In order to justify spending that kind of money on a digital book, I decided to look at the reviews.
But, if they would develop the screens that should be available on competing devices within 3 years, they would continue have THE hold on the digital book marketplace.
The new vote could feasibility eliminate the VAT on digital books and put them on par with the ones found in bookstores.
The full results will be presented at the Digital Book World Conference and Expo in January 2015 and published as a series of blog posts on the Digital Book World website, offering free analysis and commentary on a range of subjects captured by the data.
Briefly Noted Reduced VAT rate on Digital Books under Scrutiny by the Commission — Chartered Accountants Ireland
This month's comparison is based on the Digital Book World top 25 ebook bestsellers as of March 21.
I checked KDP's contract and they say «You will not receive any Royalties on your Digital Book during a free...
Well, not only do the stores make money from selling the tangible hardware devices but Kobo cuts them in for a unknown percentage on digital book sales.
For more on Digital Book World, March 7 - 9 at New York's Midtown Hilton, the site is here.
This list is updated daily and can be found on Digital Book Today's website and linked through our daily email.
A version of this blog post first appeared on the Digital Book World site.
via Reduced VAT rate on Digital Books under Scrutiny by the Commission — Chartered Accountants Ireland.
Well, the company is said to be working on a digital book library that will be not too different from that of what Netflix is offering with their e-book subscription service.
Today on the show we discuss a very detailed report published on Digital Book World about... [Read more...]
Amazon is willing to take a loss on digital books because they are mostly interested in selling Kindles.
I spoke with Kevin Sayar, Senior Vice President of Workflow Solutions, and we discussed what the acquisition means and what Proquest is doing on the digital book front.
The Commission has sent letters of «formal notice» to France and Luxembourg after they reduced rates on digital books as of 1st January 2012, thereby infringing EU law.
Your sales at Amazon may pay different royalties depending on the digital book price you select:
And Hugh Howey, Data Guy and their Author Earnings site are definitely on her radar, as witnessed by her repeated discussion of same on the Digital Book World site.
Perhaps the best description of Amazon's impact on digital books is Oscar Wilde's comment about people who «know the price of everything but the value of nothing.»
Or share with us thoughts on Digital Book World or The Alexa Conference.
We reserve the right to reject your submission based on your digital book contents, subject matter, or digital files not submitted in accordance to our technical requirements, or for any other reason in our discretion.
It reminded me of an essay I read in Wired a couple of weeks ago that has generated a lot of comments on the Digital Book World group on LinkedIn.
Germany and France prohibit the kind of deep discounts on digital books relative to print that have lifted e-book sales in English - language markets.
I'm sorry but France does not apply the European Directive on the digital book VAT.
You could call this Barnes & Noble's take on the digital book club, and it will be interesting to see users» response to it.
Two days ago I read a post from Marian Schembari on Digital Book World, called A Gen Y Reaction to Macmillan's Piracy Plan.
The president of Bolivia Evo Morales has signed a new law today that removes the 16 % tax levied on digital book and physical book sales.
The company is offering a Social DRM solution to embed watermarks on digital books.
Another useful post on this subject can be found on Digital Book Word.
I want to know what he is doing to increase the royalty rate given to authors, especially on digital books, whether the author is just breaking in or has been around for years.
On the review side, GalleyCat ruminates on digital book review sites, i.e., sites devoted to reviewing eBooks, and the possibility of an IMDB for books.
Greg Bateman, an expert on the digital book world, columnist at PublishNews and founder of Hondana, a «digital books» service provider based in São Paulo, told me yesterday that his company is converting / producing between 200 and 300 titles a week during these last months of the year.
An interview with Michael J. Sullivan on Digital Book World might give you some clue what hybrid authors can do to prosper.
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