Sentences with phrase «on distant worlds»

So in 2003, when a professor suggested he hunt for life on distant worlds, he jumped at the chance.
These magnetic field lines influence winds on the distant world, making them blow both east and west, a new study says.
A young man at the center of a struggle to save his planet on a distant world.
He lives on a distant world that is full of unrest, where disputes are settled by the sword.
Extremely low temperatures on planets like Neptune — called ice giants — mean that chemicals on these distant worlds exist in a frozen state, researchers say.
Fortunately, Hubble is up above the atmosphere and has near - infrared vision that can easily spot water on distant worlds.
Strange glows on distant worlds could indicate extraterrestrial civilizations — or intriguing new astronomical phenomena.
And NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, planned for launch in 2018, he says, could study the chemical composition of vaporized material sputtered off the planet by the intense radiation of its star, sniffing out signs of rocks like pyroxene and olivine to track geochemical cycles on the distant world.
And so it was, when I reported on January 21 that fish were found living in an isolated corner of the ocean beneath 740 meters of ice in Antarctica: People asked what this might mean for finding life on distant worlds such as Europa, a moon of Jupiter that very likely harbors an ocean of liquid water beneath a crust of ice.
The President mentioned in his speech to both houses of Congress that, «American footprints on distant worlds are not too big a dream.»
It's completely unclear whether conditions on these distant worlds are favorable for life, so we need different terminology
As with other exoplanet analyses, the authors are holding out hope that the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled for next year after many delays, will get them the data they need to understand more clearly what is happening on these distant worlds.
Until now, astronomers had found water only on distant worlds that are about the size of Jupiter.
NASA's NExSS Coalition to Lead Search for Life on Distant Worlds NASA is bringing together experts spanning a variety of scientific fields for an unprecedented initiative dedicated to the search for life on planets outside our solar system.
A mammoth ground battle in the lush fields of Wakanda is juxtaposed with a group of Avengers squaring off with Thanos on a distant world, only for the two skirmishes to collide for a gut - punch finale that... well, that would be telling, wouldn't it?
When normal soldiers and standard weapons aren't enough to get the job done in the war between a soulless corporation and colonial militia on a distant world, Titanfall allows you to call down a giant Titan robot to help out.
NExSS will help lay the groundwork for answering important questions about how to search for signatures of life on distant worlds using existing technology.
A scientist on a distant world discovers a new technology that leads to a war of complete destruction; stricken by guilt and seeking to right this wrong, he develops a race of robots with a core mission: «to serve and obey and guard men from harm.»
We will take you to the moons of Jupiter, and explore the possibility of life on these distant worlds.
Observing how life thrives at extreme cold temperatures also has important implications for the search for life on distant worlds, such as Jupiter's icy moon Europa.
In this eBook, we present several theories on the origin of life, some of its extreme and surprising forms and the ongoing search for signs — or sentience — on distant worlds.
He eases into his subject with an extended discussion of astronomy, the origin of life, and the premise that other intelligent beings exist on distant worlds.
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