Sentences with phrase «on distinctions»

For more on distinctions between the two basic areas of marketing, see our Personal Marketing and Property Marketing toolkits.
Deviant peers may influence adolescent delinquency through a number of mechanisms, and there is a lack of clarity within the literature on distinctions between co-offending and deviant peer norms as influential mechanisms.
Sometimes the head coaches, who can demand video review of a limited number of plays, are not clear on those distinctions.
Also he did not rely on distinctions between urban and rural made by others.
In society, we (end - users) depend on these distinctions to be rigid — with the understanding that science advances, causing shifts in understanding and migrations from unknown to known, and occasionally back again, through the process of scientific discovery — and we depend on the distinction to be strictly boolean in nature and, fundamentally, in presentation.
Topics range from history and criticism, to the art market and utopia; «the talks will draw on the distinctions and affinities between the socially engaged artistic, curatorial, writing and administrative practices of the two geographic regions.»
Such a world is founded on distinctions between images, signs, and the real, a world in which nature and technology belong to separate realms.
As long as the focus remains on distinctions within the United States, then the comfortable can remain comforted by the distance between suburbia and the inner city.
The reason this can be an issue is on account of every race or ethnic gathering manages day by day life in an unexpected way; knowing and bargaining on these distinctions can make the relationship more grounded as opposed to shredding it.
In this 20 - minute webinar on Distinctions Between Whey and Plant Proteins, you'll discover the differences between plant proteins and the more traditional protein powders that have be used over the years.
Kail said future research should focus on the distinctions between different forms of insurance and the generosity of coverage, as well as how these factors are associated with diverse health outcomes.
We're all familiar with how easily we can distinguish groups among speakers of our own language by accent or dialect, and we often make associations based on those distinctions.
The theory relies on the distinctions between verbatim and gist reasoning.
Dear Father Editor, Your editorial comments on the distinctions between monogenism, polygenism, and polyphyletism were enlightening (Letters, March» 09).
Based on the distinctions you made a few days ago between preaching and teaching, would the «sermons» you're referring to here be preaching or teaching?
What Katz calls «poverty discourse» has focused mainly on distinctions among the poor and the effect of welfare on their behavior, especially work effort.
Dwelling on this distinction, the court peered hard into the glasses.
But let's focus on the distinction between two of them: owner and CEO.
My focus is on the distinction between the financial economy and the real economy at large.
If regulators recognize (and put out clear guidance) on the distinction between tokens that have passive income streams associated which rely solely on the work of highly centralized parties as security tokens and tokens that give holders the right to use an existing digital service or contribute work to an existing decentralized organization as non-security tokens, the democratization of ownership of non-security assets will continue.
In the end one is forced to fall back on the distinction we used to make between the primary and the accompanying ends of marriage and of the act of sexual communion.
«We certainly can't build a Christology on that distinction,» Dr. MacDonald admitted, «but it does help us to see where Christology comes in.
But it was not true and this explains why Lemaître insisted so strongly on the distinction between science and faith.
Woodbridge points out that «Hermeneutics has been founded on the distinction between what the text meant and what it now means.
This article will situate his theology of sex not only in the plan of creation and the Incarnation but, significantly, on the distinction between how the sexual urge operates now and how it would have operated beforethe Fall.
And yet all depends on this distinction.
In the 19th century, Henry Ward Beecher and, in the 20th, William Temple both left us pithy comments on the distinction between religion and Christianity.
(See above on the distinction between «homosexual» and «gay.»)
He emphatically insisted on this distinction during a news conference, chastising reporters who had been so short - sighted as to describe it as an act of war.
Both Catholic Scholasticism and Protestant Orthodoxy sought to steer a middle course between such false notions of divine transparency and divine opacity by insisting on the distinction between first and second causes.
But Ford is right to insist on the distinction between what the passage explicitly meant at the time of writing and how it leads into his later thinking.
On this distinction of culture and politics, the New York Intellectuals were the model.
I have spoken of two universes based on the distinction between them, but most of the time, at least, they are not separate universes.
1, pp. 415 ff., on the distinction between personification and personalization and also on Philo's use of Logos as related to wisdom.
But my guess is that he is here implicitly depending on a distinction he explicitly introduces elsewhere that invalidates this assumption — namely, the threefold distinction between «infinite,» «finite,» and «absolute» difference (see, e.g., 1957, 80f.).
It is written by a Canadian criminal defense lawyer, now a Crown prosecutor, and it explores the legal and moral dynamics of the Book of Job with particular emphasis on the distinction between causal responsibility and moral blameworthiness embedded in Job's Oath of Innocence.
I take it for granted that this company of readers insists on the distinction, drawn in one form or another, between abstract features or aspects of immediate awareness and mediated cognition as necessary to describe the character of experience.
For example, one of the great problems facing liberal and conservative churches alike is that their membership has been schooled on the distinction between public and private morality.
(On the distinction between problem and mystery see especially Gabriel Marcel, Being and Having (Westminster: Dacre Press, 1949) 117.)
Please read up on the Greek Orthodox disciplines for priests if you are confused on the distinction.
It is the Whiteheadian insistence on this distinction that many deep ecologists find offensive, but Whiteheadians can not give it up simply to diminish opposition to our view.
Pope John Paul II insists on the distinction: «the perennial call... and, in a certain sense, the perennial mutual attraction on man's part to femininity and on woman's part to masculinity, is an indirect invitation of the body.
Political leaders might benefit from reflecting on a distinction Max Weber made between the morality of saints and the morality of politicians.
(On the distinction between wishing and hoping see H. A. Williams, The Resurrection (New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1972), PP. 178f.)
To reflect critically on reality as such is and must be one and the same with critically reflecting on the distinction and correlation between God and the world — and conversely.
Having been founded on the distinction between knowledge and belief, fact and value, object and subject; public and private, Western culture is unable to take Christianity seriously.
For a recent essay on this distinction, see Simon R. Charsley «Caste, Cultural Resources and Social Mobility,» in Dalits Initiatives and Experience from Karnataka (ed.
Building on the distinction between «everlasting» and «eternal,» Ford argues that God is both everlasting and eternal.
To give up on this distinction is to court the horticultural disaster that resulted when the hundred flowers of that New Age optimist Chairman Mao produced nothing but skunk cabbages and stinkweeds.
The question of providing spiritual fellowship to those committed to Christ in different religious communities is a peculiarly Indian ecclesiological problem which has been with us for many decades and needs to be faced squarely, for the number involved is large and the stand of many of them based on the distinction between the spiritual fellowship of faith and the Christian communality, have theological justification.
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