Sentences with phrase «on drafts of the manuscript»

The authors» responsibilities were as follows — CNM: had leadership responsibility for the research planning and execution, wrote the manuscript, and had primary responsibility for the final content of the manuscript; CNM, HE, and BN: formulated the study idea and designed the research; EV and JM: managed the day - to - day conduct of the study and oversaw the data collection; YJ: performed statistical analyses of the study data; and all authors: provided critical review and commentary on the draft of the manuscript and read and approved the final manuscript.
We thank Philip M. Smith, MS, David P. Farrington, PhD, and Alan Leshner, PhD, for comments on drafts of the manuscript, and Michel Janosz, PhD, for his work on early analyses.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the comments of Judith Rabkin, PhD, on a draft of the manuscript, the dedication of the many study therapists, and the dedication of Dean Haglin, Kathy Dodd, and Alyce Kuklinski, without whom the study could never have been completed.
NG: acquisition of funding, conceived of the study, participated in the design and coordination of the study, provided feedback on drafts of manuscript.
E.C. collaborated on the statistical methods of the paper; reviewed and commented on drafts of the manuscript.

Not exact matches

Members of the Millennium Cohort Study Child Health Group contributed to the paper through analysis and construction of explanatory variables and commented on data interpretation and early drafts of the manuscript.
«The concept of «blue carbon» has focused scientists and stakeholders on the tremendous potential of managing marine ecosystems for climate mitigation,» said Patrick Megonigal, associate director for research at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, who reviewed an early draft of the manuscript but was not directly involved in the work.
In a 8 July letter sent by his attorney to ORI, Penn psychiatrist Jay Amsterdam, a co-investigator on the study but not a co-author of the paper, accuses five colleagues of «allowing their names to be appended to a manuscript that was drafted by» Scientific Therapeutics Information (STI), a medical communications company, that had been «hired by» GSK (then SmithKline Beecham).
After you've processed the great swathes of red typeface from your boss, and sought approval on the next draft of your manuscript, next in line come your co-authors.
David Pollard: «Every student has a right to expect a timely response on a draft of a report, thesis chapter, or manuscript.
The Department of Defense, which announced its draft public - access policy this week, is creating a public repository that will include all full - text manuscripts, as well as links to articles on publishers» websites.
The authors would like to thank Hartwig Siebner for his valuable advice concerning the fMRI design, Wolfgang Miltner for his valuable comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript, Anne Ohrt, Joachim Laudien and Johann Kuhtz - Buschbeck for their help during sweat collection, Bernfried Sojka for his help in constructing the olfactometer, Jan Born for the analysis of the endocrine parameters, and Rachael Cole and Sabine Schlösser for their help in language editing.
Over the next 3 weeks, I focused and wrote, and by July 24th had my first draft of my manuscript, and went on to publication through Balboa Press by February of the following year.
Inside that folder are documents: the back cover copy, the outline, a list of things to fix / check on in later drafts, and the manuscript.
We tried to write the first draft of More Than Two by working on it an hour a day or so, when we were both finished with our other work and had a bit of time after dinner, and the math showed us that at that rate, we might have a rough manuscript done in about six and a half years, give or take.
Edit the final draft of your manuscript before starting on the cover.
This is a valuable tool all year when working on the first draft of a manuscript, but is essential when you're on a time crunch.
Once you've completed the first draft of your manuscript, set it aside and focus on something else.
When the manuscript is finished — that is, when it's had a couple of drafts, perhaps been seen by a few beta readers, and had a spell check or two run on it — then the writer takes off the Writing Hat and puts on the Publisher Hat.
After I had just over half of my first draft written, I started looking for references on how the manuscript would need to be formatted for the eventual Kindle upload.
Long - term, one - on - one work with an experienced writer and editor to plan book concept and focus, with the right measure of market strategy; writing and editing of several drafts with a final manuscript prepared for publication.
I already had rough drafts for two other novels before I discovered NANOWRIMO, but I had a shiny new project in mind for it, so I put aside the other two manuscripts for the entire month of November to concentrate on this new book.
I published just the first draft on the blog, but the book got written in that amount of time and I ended up with a manuscript I could edit and revise.
I drafted my first manuscript in 2006 and then buried it on a shelf and deep in the memory of my computer.
«The Infrastructure of the Gods: 11 Signposts for Going all the Way» by Brian Hodge «The Writer's Purgatory: Between Finishing the First Draft and Submitting the Manuscript» by Monique Snyman «Why Rejection is Still Important» by Kevin Lucia «Real Writers Steal Time» by Mercedes M. Yardley «What Right Do I Have to Write» by Jasper Bark «Go Pace Yourself» by Jack Ketchum «A Little Infusion of Magic» by Dave - Brendon de Burgh «Never Look Away: Confronting Your Fears in Fiction» by Todd Keisling «Once More With Feeling» by Tim Waggoner Writers On Writing is an ongoing series of 15,000 to 20,000 word eBooks, with original «On Writing» essays by writing professionals.
A manuscript is the un-edited copy of a book and is technically a rough draft that the author first started on.
The Library's manuscript and rare book holdings also include a number of original Whitman items, including a sampling of Whitman's draft pages and his handwritten corrections on printed proofs for Leaves of Grass.
A small show called «The ABCDs of Sol LeWitt» at the Williams College Museum of Art, near Mass MoCA, zeroes in on that watershed 1960s moment with an archival display of his manuscripts and drawings, including a draft of the Artforum article with the words that put LeWitt's career on the map:
The authors are indebted to several anonymous reviewers who provided insightful comments on draft versions of the manuscript.
We thank K. Christison, W. Florence, C. Reed, and S. Symms for providing us with unpublished information and K. Sink, T. Samaai, and M. Gibbons for their constructive comments on, and suggestions for improvement of, earlier drafts of the manuscript.
In addition, there are hundreds of handwritten index note cards, possibly used for reference as Dr. King developed his many oratorical speeches and academic assignments, and many more typed and handwritten manuscripts and items, including: a telegram from President Lyndon B. Johnson inviting him to the signing of the voting rights act in 1965; handwritten edits of eulogies delivered on behalf of martyred adults and children of the Civil Rights Movement; drafts of numerous sermons, famous speeches; «to - do» lists for civil rights leaders the Rev. Joseph Lowery, Walter Fauntroy and Andrew Young; credit card receipts; travel coupons; examination blue books from college and even the cosmetics containers of found within a suitcase and briefcase used when he traveled.
I'm told (by a lawyer who'd have reason to know) that the first time my apportionment text was mentioned in the SCC — the text was still in draft (the parties had portions of the manuscript) so that'll give you an idea of when it was — one of the judges on the bench was less than impressed that they'd been referred to a still in progress work by a living author.
Contributors LN conducted all analyses, wrote the first draft of the manuscript and rewrote new drafts based on input from the coauthors.
Contributors LN conducted all analyses, wrote the first draft of the manuscript and rewrote new drafts based on input from coauthors.
AP drafted significant portions of the manuscript, participated in the design of study methodology, consulted on statistical analysis, and coordinated editing of manuscript drafting.
The authors gratefully acknowledge Pamela May, Jill Rabinowitz, and Jill DelTosta for their assistance with data management and anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript.
We would like to thank Wendy Carlson, Rebecca Schwartz - Mette, and Erica Waller for their assistance with data collection and Stephanie Jarvi, Mallory Dimler, Erin Hill, and Kristen Batejan for helpful comments on later drafts of this manuscript.
We thank Mary Main for her comments on prior drafts of this manuscript.
We thank Abira Reizer for very helpful comments on a previous draft of the manuscript and for useful discussions on the results of our study.
We are grateful to the authors of the reviewed studies who provided us with additional information about those studies and to the anonymous reviewers who provided valuable feedback on an earlier draft of this manuscript.
After about five months, the author had the first draft of his manuscript, based primarily on his blog posts.
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