Sentences with phrase «on dreck»

If you feel like streaming a movie and don't want to waste your time on dreck, we've rounded up the best movies on HBO.
might in fact be wasting our hard earned money on dreck like this.

Not exact matches

«Reality» TV tends to accentuate the dreck in life and if anyone thinks that the people on these shows don't play it up for the cameras,...
I can feel sweet in something one day and put on the exact same thing a week later and feel like dreck.
Succumbing to the siren's call of nostalgic dreck is one of the most dangerous things about being a millennial with too much time on his hands.
For all the cinematic dreck currently peddling disorienting editing as «action,» no one in good conscience could deride Tarantino for his indulgence in split screens or extreme close ups or smash zooms or any other mode of cinematic gimmickry, when it affords us hauntingly sparse centerpieces such as The Bride's live burial, an aural choir of oppressive dirt, panting whimpers, and futile struggling set to the visual accompaniment of pitch black confinement that stretches on well past any spectator's comfort level.
Lifeless, plodding, pat, and predictable when it's not being preposterous, this dreck is an assault on the audience's intelligence.
Sure, there's also all kinds of dreck on the way, but the cinematic landscape for 2013 looks enormously exciting, from $ 200 million blockbusters to tiny indie pictures.
Seeing the similar books you have out already, I'd like to suggest that you also do one on Z movies, stuff like «Plan 9» and «Robot Monster», as well as more recent dreck.
Under «The Evolution of Spider - Man» you'll find Josh Dreck & Eric Matthies's 25 - minute «Spider - Man: The Mythology of the 21st Century,» an excellent primer on the origin of the character and his various transmutations over the years delivered through interviews with a few of the good men who drew him, such as John Romita («The Norman Rockwell of Marvel,» says Todd McFarlane, meaning it as a compliment) and his same - named son.
I'd like to tear down these bits of dreck, but there's something really ugly going on in them that requires a more serious treatment.
I used to be a huge Rodriguez fan but wasting his time on lousy kids films, purposely making dreck theres been a large disconnect and I've found myself ignoring his projects.
The one person most likely to not heed that advice considering some of the really unspeakable dreck he's actually proud to include on his filmography (read: Battlefield Earth) is toplining star John Travolta.
The other day, I wrote «Bad, Indie Writer, Bad», taking on the opinion that indie authors are «spamming» Amazon and «polluting» it and other stores with what is basically dreck.
The fact they didn't go through the traditional gatekeepers means they are dreck and pollute the very data streams they are stored on.
Second, on what basis do you decide that the book is «dreck
Bestselling authors are inundated with requests and I'm not sure she would have agreed to read the ms on spec if it wasn't for the industry «endorsements» that validated for her the ms isn't total dreck.
Of course, the level of the market is less interesting to value investors who are (or should be) focussed on the market's undervalued dreck.
In fact, considering a lot of the dreck that we've seen infect Steam in recent months - including «devs» just buying a pre-built Unity asset pack and selling it, unchanged, on Steam - this sort of policy has been a long time in coming.
Some publishers have turned out dreck and relied on the franchise tag to push sales — some, depressingly, have been successful.
Although Games Workshop has been pretty free and easy with its licensing, and a lot of dreck has appeared with the Warhammer name stickered on the box, Vermintide 2 is a standout product and an improvement in every way over the already excellent first installment.
PS4 and Switch have been releasing quality exclusives while Microsoft's pathetic, mentally ill brand slaves have nothing but lies, overhype and underdeliver to feed themselves on, what pathetic drecks.
Lloyd is as much into the hardware of projectors, screens on shiny metal poles, the techno - dreck of wires and boxes, as the images of cranes and bridges, motorbikes and bodies they project.
Emin's Bed is the first thing you see, right there in the centre of the gallery in her Turner prize show, and on one side of the bed, the night's dreck: a nest of used tissues, unravelled condoms, slippers and a fluffy toy; KY gel, old Elastoplasts and a full ashtray.
But all that endless dreck so on display in this thread would disappear almost immediately, and such a system also has a way of cutting short all the many often equally pointless replies.
That Avvo has the gall to announce this dreck with some fanfare isn't simply a failure on Avvo's part.
After Avvo announced new consumer forms, Ken wrote: «That Avvo has the gall to announce this dreck... isn't simply a failure on Avvo's part... symptomatic of a broader failure, in terms of quality, of the consumer market for fill - in - the - blanks contracts.»
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