Sentences with phrase «on economic realities»

«The court is going to decide this case based on the economic realities of the video distribution and content markets and not on President Trump's public battle with CNN.»
You've probably heard portfolio managers and famous investors say, «look beyond the accounting numbers and instead focus on economic reality
Always look deeper; focus on economic reality, not merely reported earnings and ratios.
Listen to our full podcasts or read the show notes below to get a full overview on the economic reality of vulnerable debtors.

Not exact matches

If we are already late in an economic cycle when the tendency for company managements to employ a rosy spin on their numbers is at its most acute, then we should worry if this gap between opinion and reality is wider than in previous cycles.»
«The reality is that the U.K.'s economic performance is likely to be stable but sluggish, businesses can not rely on the macroeconomy to drive growth,» he added.
His biography contains elements of an epic novel: growing up the son of a jailed Trotskyist labor leader in whose Chicago home he met Rosa Luxembourg's and Karl Liebknecht's colleagues; serving as a young balance of payments analyst for David Rockefeller whose Chase Manhattan Bank was calculating how much interest the bank could extract on loans to South American countries; touring America on Vatican - sponsored economics lectures; turning after a riot at a UN Third World debt meeting in Mexico to the study of ancient debt cancellation practices through Harvard's Babylonian Archeology department; authoring many books about finance from Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire [1972] to J is For Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception [2017]; and lately, among many other ventures, commuting from his Queens home to lecture at Peking University in Beijing where he hopes to convince the Chinese to avoid the debt - fuelled economic model off which Western big bankers feast and apply lessons he and his colleagues have learned about the debt relief practices of the ancient civilizations of MesoEconomic Strategy of American Empire [1972] to J is For Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception [2017]; and lately, among many other ventures, commuting from his Queens home to lecture at Peking University in Beijing where he hopes to convince the Chinese to avoid the debt - fuelled economic model off which Western big bankers feast and apply lessons he and his colleagues have learned about the debt relief practices of the ancient civilizations of Mesoeconomic model off which Western big bankers feast and apply lessons he and his colleagues have learned about the debt relief practices of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia.
Both are prone to significant deviation from underlying economic reality because they both rely on the same flawed accounting rules.
Today, as companies struggle to come to terms with harsh economic realities, questions are being raised on whether there is any good in doing good, business-wise.
What we can try to do is focus on supporting workers as they adapt to changing economic realities.
People retire on little more than luck and a prayer and are forced back into the workforce by the cold, biting wind of economic reality.
The collapse of the global economic - political paradigm that was fostered and nurtured by neo-classical economic theories built on childish abstracts which failed to embrace the physical and mathematical realities of existence defined by universal laws of matter and energy.
As Stephen Gordon often writes, in reality, economic policy has a larger impact on the quality and pay of jobs than on the raw head counts.
But this mythology is based on false analogies, not economic reality.
Whether the EU is able to pull of this ultimate coup de grâce in its decades - long coup d'état will depend on two vital factors: its ability to continue preventing economic reality from impacting the financial markets; and the willingness of hundreds of millions of European people to be herded and corraled into a new age of technocracy.
-LSB-...] Whether the EU is able to pull of this ultimate coup de grace in its decades - long coup d'état will depend on two vital factors: its ability to continue preventing economic reality from impacting the financial markets; and the willingness of hundreds of millions of European people to be herded and corralled into a new age of technocracy.
Because status as an «employee» for purposes of the FLSA depends on the totality of circumstances rather than on any technical label, courts must examine the «economic reality» of the working relationship.
Crony - capitalist innovation deprives the market of opportunity and is quickly destroyed on the rocks of technological and economic reality.
In reality, many commercial mortgage brokerages that focus only on one niche take the risk of being forced out of business when the industry stumbles into a tough economic stretch.
The income approach to measuring gross domestic product (GDP) is based on the accounting reality that all expenditures in an economy should equal the total income generated by the production of all economic goods and services.
A basic reality of economic geography is that Canada's provinces stand to be affected very differently by its regional trade agreements, depending on their geographic location within Canada and their sectoral specializations.
People aren't normally sending hundreds or thousands of dollars per transaction on Paxful, but the p2p network embraces this reality as their goal is to offer an economic lifeline to the developing world.
The report, which described its findings as «highly encouraging for near - term economic growth,» confirmed that over 200,000 small businesses were founded in 2013 by entrepreneurial Americans who have completely and utterly lost their grip on reality, and noted that the number of bold and frankly insane Americans applying for new business permits had risen markedly over the past year.
It seems indifferent to the radical distinction between conventional religion — which throws the aura of sanctity on contemporary public policy, whether morally inferior or outrageously unjust — and radical religious protest — which subjects all historical reality (including economic, social and radical injustice) to the «word of the Lord,» i.e., absolute standards of justice.
This ratings drive, on which fees for commercials are based, is the economic reality at the root of the problem.
In another editorial he argues that the church should promote such concrete programs as Social Security, Medicare, the Jobs Corps, and the massive attack on the intolerable slums of our great cities.35 These are concrete applications of Scripture's moral principles, viewed in light of contemporary social and economic reality.
In them we find clearly articulated such themes as the importance of the communidades de base («grass - roots «Christian groups); Jesus as the liberator from hunger, misery, oppression and ignorance; the refusal to separate Christian sanctification from «temporal» tasks; challenges to capitalism (as well as to Marxism); the theory of «dependency» on inhuman economic systems; the need for liberation from neocolonialism; the need for «conscienticization»; the need for the church to support the downtrodden; the correlation of peace and justice; and the reality of «institutionalized violence.»
Even when we are thinking about the environment or socio - economic and political life — ta ano phroneite, we should focus our minds and wills on the higher realities (not the inner), which must be manifested in the earthly realities — now partially, but in the end, fully.
The reality is that «The greatest security will not come through armies or counterviolence, not through revenge or hatred, but through building a world of love and open - heartedness, a world in which the recognition of the sanctity of everyone on the planet shapes every economic, political, and social institution» [Lerner, 2001].
This patience, which is complemented by a gritty determination to see real legal and economic reforms take hold, is all the more striking in that Ukraine must confront daily the cultural and social deterioration created by the sad reality of Homo Sovieticus: men and women who grew up under a brutal political system that was built on falsehoods, that maintained itself through terror, and that taught everyone that trust in another human being can be very costly.
See Walter L. Owenshy, Economics for Prophets: A Primer on concepts, Realities, and Values in Our Economic System (Grand Rapids: Win.
Those who see religion in this privatistic way, naturally, view preaching as suspect or on tenuous ground when it speaks not only of personal conversion, faith development, and spiritual nurture, but also of political realities, economic arrangements, care of creation, and the like.
In looking over the Feingold site, it looks like they've done lots of research on additives, which is great stuff to know, but it doesn't look like they've focused on the economic and political realities of the massive school lunch program.
For over twenty years the outsourcing of migration controls has meant that European publics have been protected from the practical reality of forced displacement and economic desperation that is now showing up on holiday beaches.
Gushing headlines in the Brexit press was a free gift and the economic fallout will be on May's watch, so there'll be no hiding behind a copy of a supportive newspaper when harsh reality hits the No 10 fan.
In accepting this responsibility on behalf of his colleagues, Speaker Heastie has stepped forward at an incredibly important time for New York as a whole, and I look forward to working with him to enact an aggressive agenda that ensures economic opportunity for all, improves and reforms our education system, ensures justice in perception and in reality, and restores trust in our government.»
Neither shorting or going long the pound makes you anything other than a currency trader hoping to be on the right side of economic reality.
If he makes the wrong choice, Miliband will be gambling on a precarious coalition of the disaffected and the dependent who do not see, or do not want to see, the economic reality that the post-2015 government will have to face.
Even the U.S. was transformed, though no battles had been fought on its soil — after the war and the economic changes it wrought, the traditionally isolationist country was firmly established as a first - rate world power, hard as its politicians might try to retreat from that reality.
It's not limited to David, but he writes most eloquently on the topic... The denial is of socio - economic reality.
«His views on immigration a based on abstract humanistic ideals and not on the political and economic reality of capitalist society.»
Well, soon the reality of the bad economic situation and some not well thought through policies crept in on everyone in the second half of 2015.
«In such a make - believe world, economic reality is marginalised and the eurocrats plough on, regardless of the harm that is being done.»
«Our focus will continue to be on the land use issues as we try to make this potential economic engine a reality
De Blasio said the Big Apple was struggling with «a different kind of homelessness» that's «more and more about economic reality» — a major reversal from previous claims that the problem was on the decline.
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy issued a somber warning to state lawmakers on Wednesday, cautioning that Connecticut's budget is not sustainable and that changes must be made to how the state crafts its budget in order to meet the «new economic reality
Lamenting on the present economic realities, Fayose said, it has become pertinent that the necessary political will is put behind agriculture, education, security and physical infrastructure on the long run.
The Minister who made the disclosure on Tuesday also said that the construction of airports is driven by economic realities of particular areas.
The company, in spite the adverse effects of the current economic realities in the country, it is apparent that the company has made N102billion as revenues on its financial results for the period ended June 30, 2016.
He might be instinctively grateful for those MPs continuing to push for modernisation and the green agenda — while he must stick to being seen gravely focusing on Britain's immediate economic realities — and essentially doing all the manifesto legwork for his next election campaign.
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