Sentences with phrase «on emotional biases»

Rather than assuming that all women or African Americans or working - class whites will respond to the same message, they target individual voters with emotionally charged content — in other words, ads designed to tug on emotional biases.
Everyone else will buy and sell based on emotional biases; overcoming these instincts will lead to sound investment decisions, and set you aside from the pack.

Not exact matches

«We investigate whether emotional shocks, experienced by a highly - educated group of individuals, have any impact on these individuals» professional behavior which, by law, should be free of personal feelings and biases,» says the report.
Another bias is mental accounting where an investor divides wealth into arbitrary categories and makes irrational decisions based on the category, such as a stock purchase or sale tied to an emotional attachment to the company.
According to many studies, our different personality traits and preferences, along with a range of emotional and mental behavioral biases, have a strong impact on the way we invest.
It would seem appropriate that judges review the entire case and qualifications of the respective parents and refrain from basing their decision on personal biases and emotional testimony.»
More specifically, the aim was to study the effects of early family relationships on children's emotion regulation, psychological defense mechanisms, and the related biases in their social - emotional information processing (i.e. attention biases to emotional facial expressions).
Figuring out what kind of car to buy on is straightforward, but us humans are messy bags of flesh, full of ego, bias and emotional detritus that makes the job of pairing us up with life partners (and to some extent one - night stands) seemingly impossible.
Lack of bias is fine, but when the brothers reserve judgment on the emotional abuses, beatings and financial exploitation of hookers (almost exclusively called «bitches»), their film looks irresponsible and too easily impressed by the men it portrays.
Growing up in a racialized society has an emotional impact on students of color and leads to unconscious biases that affect how all of us perceive ourselves and others.
Each summer, OUSD cops and security guards now receive SEL training through the district's Social Emotional Learning Office on topics like inherent bias, resistance to change, and de-escalation strategies.
On the other, it could be that students in some schools rate their social - emotional skills more critically than in others, perhaps due to variation in norms across schools that leads to reference bias.
Using Title I, II, III and IDEA dollars, the ESSA plan increases priority on a number of social and emotional - related initiatives, including: social and emotional skill development; cultural, racial, and socio - economic competence; conflict management; restorative practices; cultural competence; anti-racism; and recognizing implicit bias.
One main concern is reference bias, or the effect of survey respondents» reference points on their answers.37 Students, for example, attending competitive schools often rate themselves as having less self - control or as less hardworking because of their schools» rigorous expectations.38 Accordingly, some experts caution that using SEL to classify schools could ultimately punish high - performing schools while rewarding low - performing schools.39 Additionally, teachers may misinterpret behavior, erroneously rely on first impressions, or incorrectly equate their opinion of a student with the student's social - emotional skills.40
Using the interactive guide, program leaders can find resources on supporting social - emotional development, reducing challenging behavior, recognizing the role of cultural differences and implicit biases, and more.
Preventing Suspensions and Expulsions in Early Childhood Settings: A Program Leader's Guide to Supporting All Children's Needs offers «resources on supporting social - emotional development, reducing challenging behavior, recognizing the role of cultural differences and implicit biases, and more.»
What started as behavioral biases — that we confuse short - term performance as vital information on manager skill, and that we enjoy blaming others and holding them accountable for random bad outcomes — have been institutionalized.6 No longer can behavioral biases be overcome by the greater mastery of one's emotional state or by attaining greater investment enlightenment.
Different personality traits and preferences, along with a range of emotional and mental behavioral biases, have a strong impact on the way we invest.
I've comment on another one of your comments, but now that I've seen more of your comments, all which a based on your personal experience and bias it's quite comical to see you call someone else's comment emotional and irrational unless you are specifically commenting on party of the comment «uncastrated dogs father lots and lots of pups» because the rest of the comment is quite the opposite, they are way too many factors at play too suggest that neutering causes behavior problems
The core problem, I believe, is the interaction between our penchant for biased reasoning on the one hand, the deeply polarized political climate (which pushes emotional buttons rather than encouraging calm deliberation), and the rich misinformation environment (there's a ready - made argument in defense of anything and everything).
Emotional bias is one of the important mechanisms which helps to drive narrative takeovers; I am close to completing a short piece on this that I'll send for your consideration.
• Schema Therapy, an evidenced - based, active, and integrated treatment approach that focuses on changing lifelong, biased emotional and self - defeating behavioral patterns through cognitive restructuring, balanced attachment, limited re-parenting work, behavioral - skills training, and experiential techniques.
Using the interactive guide, program leaders can find resources on supporting social - emotional development, reducing challenging behavior, recognizing the role of cultural differences and implicit biases, and more.
She has authored multiple curricula on social and emotional skill building with a particular expertise in teaching bias awareness and cultural and diversity appreciation.
Using the interactive guide, program leaders can find resources on supporting social - emotional development, reducing challenging behavior, recognizing the role of cultural differences and implicit biases.
Teachers can acknowledge that they have work to do on their own biases, while still providing students with the emotional support that they need.
In a related vein, consistent with theories on emotional contagion according to which intimate partners are highly vulnerable to each other's emotions (Goodman and Shippy 2002), it is conceivable that mothers are biased toward negative emotions due to their partners» psychological difficulties, leading mothers to talk more about these emotions with their children.
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