Sentences with phrase «on empirical data»

Intervention strategies are based on empirical data from research with more than 3,000 couples.
The professional judgment method does not rely on empirical data gathering or analysis of actual budgets.
This article develops that claim by drawing on empirical data and scholarship about Canadian family law.
I'd love to know exactly how many supercar owners made their purchase on empirical data or objective impressions.
The 3 - 4 degree increase depends much more on empirical data.
Instead we will devise buckets based on empirical data from past Mindfully Investing articles regarding historical stock, bond, and cash volatility and returns.
The articles build on empirical data acquired through quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods and offer great insights by visualizing the networks.
So I developed the Collusion Spectrum as a more accurate descriptive means of sorting out human interactions, relying heavily on the empirical data of several social psychologists, mostly of a behaviorist orientation (George Homans, J. Thibaut, H. Kelley, the early Timothy Leary, Robert Carson, and Harold Rausch).
Because the proposal is not based on empirical data on how much it actually costs to adequately and equitably educate students across Connecticut, the proposal is irrational.
The projections noted above are based on NPT's experience and observations over the past year, and not on empirical data collection.
ahh so yo ubase everything in life on empirical data and nothingmore?
Based on empirical data obtained in cases of chronic myeloid leukemia, a myeloproliferative syndrome controlled by the immune system, and in solid tumors, we observe both the possible contribution of innate CD8 (+) T cells to cancer disease control and their susceptibility to tumor immune subversion.
Besides, modern studies on mugwort have shown it has antiviral properties, and as ancient medicine was based solely on empirical data, making fun of Koreans for actually using it is totally not okay.
The Real Rate Report is based on empirical data gathered from $ 4.1 billion in invoicing generated by over 3,500 law firm and 90,000 individual billers over three years (2007 - 2009).
In this section, we report on empirical data from a research project about mathematics and science teaching in which teachers used variation theory as a design principle (Kullberg 2016; Kullberg et al. 2016; Runesson and Kullberg 2017).
Since the GISTemp method is based on empirical data regarding teleconnection, projecting this out seems to me the better option since we know the alternative method will produce an underestimate.
Modern 21st century theory, developed on empirical data from heretofor unavailble satellite data, is much more convincing for an atmosphere that is patently not infinite and bounded on both ends.
The study did not assume 100 % adoption of each intervention; rather, drawing on empirical data of adoption rates for previous health and environmental behavior interventions, the researchers estimated potential adoption rates ranging from 15 % for carpooling to 90 % for weatherization.
Rather than relying on empirical data to build models, our approach builds upon highly accurate first - principle calculations on prototype systems to develop models used in simulations of complex molecular systems such as liquid / liquid and liquid / solid interfaces.
You are unable to demonstrate based on empirical data that these temperatures will be harmful — and there are some indications that a slightly warmer temperature (especially in the higher latitudes, where GH warming is supposed to oiccur) will increase arable land surface across N. America, and Eurasia, lengthen growing seasons and result in higher overall crop yields.
Apple everybody seems to like to think their belief system is based on empirical data, but we are all in the same boat.
As generalizations based on empirical data, these laws were, for Marx, scientific laws, on the basis of which he predicted the course of social development.
And in the current educational - policy environment — in which accountability, based on empirical data, is valued so highly — if you can't clearly identify and measure skills, it's hard to convince people to take them seriously.
Although her article does not appear to be based on empirical data, it is informed by her > 22 years experience working with children.
Learning is based on empirical data and is associated with non-symbolic AI, scruffy AI and soft computing.
Now, researchers tend to stick to statements that are based on empirical data.
Planet Gore touts the fact that «Schwartz's results... are based on the empirical relationship between trends in surface temperature and ocean heat content,» implying that Schwartz's simple model is based on empirical data but other estimates of the climate sensitivity aren't.
It is grounded in research on best practices and is based on empirical data.
«Scientific knowledge is built on empirical data, and the details of the data... can vary quite a lot in different scientific disciplines, and in different areas of research within those disciplines.
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