Sentences with phrase «on energy expenditure»

Energy - intake restriction and diet - composition effects on energy expenditure in men.
However, there are many different cardio activities outside the gym that can also have a positive effect on energy expenditure.
Even small, seemingly irrelevant changes in your movement patterns can have a big impact on your energy expenditure.
In earlier studies that primarily focused on energy expenditure, teachers observed increased attention and better behavior of students using standing desks.
You need these energy sources at varying times of your day, dependent on your energy expenditure level.
However, a 2006 study cast doubt on this theory by showing that water had no effect on energy expenditure.
Effects of dietary composition on energy expenditure during weight - loss maintenance.
Effects of combination of regular exercise and tea catechins intake on energy expenditure in humans
Effects of dietary composition on energy expenditure during weight - loss maintenance (Ebbeling et al., 2012)
In 14 healthy, normal - weight subjects (seven men and seven women), we assessed the effect of drinking 500 ml of water on energy expenditure and substrate oxidation rates by using whole - room indirect calorimetry.
Brillon, et al., Effect of cortisol on energy expenditure and amino acid metabolism in humans, Am J Physiol 268 1995: E501 - 13.
Low dose leptin administration reverses effects of sus ¬ tained weight - reduction on energy expenditure and circulation concentration of thyroid hormones.
Effects of long - term ingestion of tea catechins on energy expenditure and dietary fat oxidation in healthy subjects
Racette SB, Schoeller DA, Kushner RF, Neil KM, Herling - Iaffaldano K. Effects of aerobic exercise and dietary carbohydrate on energy expenditure and body composition during weight reduction in obese women.
Effect of music by Mozart on energy expenditure in growing preterm infants.
With that sort of return on energy expenditure, BigDog could get away with having a smaller and possibly quieter engine; its current power plant produces a loud, mind - numbing drone when in operation.
Effects of Levothyroxine Replacement or Suppressive Therapy on Energy Expenditure and Body Composition.
Effect of an 18 - wk weight - training program on energy expenditure and physical activity.
One recent and relatively comprehensive weight loss supplement study is titled «Acute Effects of a Thermogenic Nutritional Supplement on Energy Expenditure and Cardiovascular Function at Rest, During Low - Intensity Exercise, and Recovery from Exercise.»
A study focusing on the impact of high - protein diets on energy expenditure and satiety, weight loss, body composition, cardiovascular risk, lycemic control, and potential detrimental consequences of high - protein intake found that diets moderately increased in protein and modestly restricted in carbohydrate and fat, particularly saturated fat, may have beneficial effects on body weight, body composition, and associated metabolic parameters.
The effects of catechin rich teas and caffeine on energy expenditure and fat oxidation: a meta - analysis
Furthermore, Orlistat reduces fat absorption, so, similar to the Westman study (above), the energy deficit may have been greater in the low fat diet group, yet still, weight loss was greater in the ketogenic diet group (speculatively, due to the impact of carbohydrate restriction on energy expenditure mentioned above).
Effects of short - term carbohydrate or fat overfeeding on energy expenditure and plasma leptin concentrations in healthy female subjects.
Water - induced thermogenesis reconsidered: the effects of osmolality and water temperature on energy expenditure after drinking.
Group values for reported energy intake or diet composition during the intervention were not reported; therefore, it is uncertain whether the differences in weight loss between groups could be ascribed to differences in energy intake or other metabolic effects of pulses on energy expenditure.
Apfelbaum M, Bostsarron J, Lacatis D. Effects of caloric restriction and excessive caloric intake on energy expenditure.
Ebbeling CB et al. 2012 Effects of dietary composition on energy expenditure during weight - loss maintenance.
«Effect of Cortisol on Energy Expenditure and Amino Acid Metabolism in Humans.»
Studies have shown that making small, seemingly innocuous changes to your daily routine — whether it's opting to take the stairs, pacing while on the phone, or volunteering to retrieve that document from the printer — can have more of an impact on your energy expenditure than traditional exercise (sometimes up to 1,000 extra calories!).
Dr. David Ludwig added fuel to the fire in 2012 when he published his article «Effects of Dietary Composition on Energy Expenditure During Weight - Loss Maintenance» in 2012 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
One important implication of our study is that the effect of water on energy expenditure and fuel utilization should be recognized as a powerful confounding factor in metabolic studies.
Effects of growth hormone treatment on the leptin system and on energy expenditure in abdominally obese men.
CB E, JF S, HA F, al E. EFfects of dietary composition on energy expenditure during weight - loss maintenance.
A recent study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology looked at the effects caffeine had on energy expenditure and exercise motivation.
Effect of reduced dietary intake on energy expenditure, protein turnover, and glucose cycling in man
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