Sentences with phrase «on eternal salvation»

Unlike the Jewish God, whose instructions are almost all about this world, the Christian God is focused more on eternal salvation: heaven and hell.

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The Church of The Subgenius offers you a ticket on the Escape Vessel of the S.ex Goddesses, not to mention eternal salvation or triple your money back!
Again, the very essence of eternal salvation is completely by - passed for a discussion on «warm and fuzzy» family ties.
Craig that was exactly my understanding however if we believe that in that traditional sense a person could lose there eternal life by there actions by not walking in the Lord which i do nt think is right as eternal life is a free gift from God not based on works.Jeremys definition is that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ to eternal life.I believe the term salvation has the meaning to be saved not necesarily to eternal life but saved from ourselves Christ gives us the power to be transformed into his likeness or to be Christ like.In the eternal picture our actions determine how we are rewarded from God although its not the motivation of the reward but because we love the Lord.regards brent
Giving up on doing such things because it is deemed to be too difficult, ineffective, cumbersome, shaming, paralyzing, pointless, or whatever could be better interpreted as a loss of faith in the Savior Jesus Christ and his power to change us, and an absence of the Holy Spirit which seals us unto holiness and eternal salvation.
1 Camus, however, never shows any interest in «eternal salvation,» and it is highly unlikely that Camus was on his way down the trail blazed by Eliot and Auden.
No other structure in the world can be called on to promise eternal salvation, and when such salvific claims are made in the name of some nation, race, social class, religion, or ideology, the church must fight such idolatry and blasphemy with all its means of persuasion, even to the point of martyrdom.
who with the lordship position can ever know that they have a personal relationship with christ and can stand on his promises of the certainty of salvation and eternal life.
This should be done not, indeed, because these might be worthier of eternal life or even easier to influence, but because the salvation of all will depend on the acceptance of Christianity by the leaders of society.
Assurance of salvation is based on God's promises in Scripture that those who believe in Jesus will receive eternal life.
Eternal security (the belief that a person can not lose his or her salvation) is rejected, since Mormon salvation is based in large part on acts of obedience after an initial faith experience.
He needs our view on salvation, wrath, and eternal rewards, and our case might be strengthened with his view of justification, while avoiding the mistakes he makes about works following faith... though really, his point about works is that they follow faith in the Holy Spirit... which is different, and which I could probably agree with.
Here's why: The Bible is VERY clear on the fact that Jesus came to this world to die for our sins so that we have «ETERNAL SALVATION».
I divorced and remarried then both me and my husband became Christians, I was fine with this as we were not Christians before we got remarried, but i commited adultery with my exhusband and although i know God has forgiven me and my husband has forgiven me it has has an effect on my spirit, i don't feel the same since i commted adultery, i feel unclean and my 100 % security of eternal salvation isn't there now.
1) that eternal life given on the basis of faith alone, in Christ alone, apart from works; 2) that eternal security is part of the gift of eternal life; 3) that assurance of salvation is through faith in Christ's promise of eternal life, and not by looking at one's own works 4) Christians can apostatize in this life, and are still eternally secure 5) eternal rewards are earned by faithful works, and lost by unfaithfulness 6) unlimited atonement 7) free - will to respond to God's drawing or not
As a kid in Missouri, I was a Baptist, and that identity said not only that I belonged to an important church but that I was on the right side of the great eternal divide, ready to defend my salvation against the other contenders around me.
Following Bonhoeffer's exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, he gives an exposition of Matthew 9:35 - 10:42.39 Short vignettes are drawn of the harvest (the people are without a shepherd, without relief, deliverance, and forgiveness) for which one must pray for laborers; the call of the apostles (who are given power stronger than Satan's and are bound together only by their choice and call); the work (fulfilling their commission to preach, traveling as messengers of the King, living in «royal poverty,» warning men of the urgency of the times); the suffering of the messengers (as Jesus was persecuted so the messengers will be, but they are forewarned; because Christ will return the disciples are not to fear man, or to be gullible in thinking that «there is good in every man «40); the decision (man's eternal destiny is determined by his decision on earth for the devil or for Christ); and the fruit (the disciples are fellow workers having as their goal the «salvation of the Church»).41
It follows that, when we go to Mass, we effectively stake our eternal salvation on the profession that Jesus is God, telling heaven that if He is not, then the true God may cast both Him and us into hell on the Last Day.
They said they have made «a personal commitment to Jesus Christ that is still important in their life today,» that their faith is very important in their life today; believe that when they die they will go to Heaven because they have confessed their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior; strongly believe they have a personal responsibility to share their religious beliefs about Christ with non-Christians; firmly believe that Satan exists; strongly believe that eternal salvation is possible only through grace, not works; strong agree that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; strong assert that the Bible is accurate in all the principles it teaches; and describe God as the all - knowing, all - powerful, perfect deity who created the universe and still rules it today.
This sort of oversight is present in the chapters on the providence of God, salvation, eternal security, and hell, just to name a few.
On the other hand, this perspective was curiously applied when it came to defining the relationship between God's love and God's predestining some to eternal salvation and allowing others to suffer their just desserts of God's «abandonment.»
The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has felt sometimes the WCC has not placed its thinking on the social content of salvation solidly within the perspective of the ultimate goal of salvation... the eternal life in God, «with the result that appropriation of eternal life is made to depend on social conditions rather than social conditions on the appropriation of eternal life»; and the Ecumenical Patriarchate has warned us that in «turning towards the anguish of the man today», the WCC must not forget the basic truth that man sees himself as hungering for an answer to a basic question over and beyond his acute interest in the most vital socio - political problems of the day.»
Second, the rigidity of his hierarchy as an ontological plan for creation might sometimes lend itself to the idea that the Incarnation of the eternal Word was superfluous — all grace flows naturally through the ranks, from the divine Word at the peak on down to the faithful: the Incarnation of the Logos does act as a theophany — arevelation of God — but it seems hardly necessary for salvation.
Honestly, I hope you think long and hard about your position on that because the only one in danger of losing eternal salvation is people who utter condemning, anti-Christian, anti-Jesus, anti-love messages like yours.
Instead of you being concerned about the welfare of these eternal souls as to wondering whether or not they will get the chance for salvation, you get hung up on that somehow because not everyone will get that chance in their mortal lives that somehow that means that God is biased; that in my beliefs as to how God gives out those opprotunities that it doesn't meet to your specifications, then that automatically means that God is biased, when in my beliefs the point is that no matter how you slice it everybody whehter in this life or afterwards will get a chance at learning about the gospel and make their own choices as to whether to follow the gospel or not.
It stood by the Westminster Confession of the Presbyterians except that it allowed some liberty on the doctrine of God's eternal election of some to salvation and others to damnation.
(b) Of the spiritual and eternal salvation granted immediately by God to those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, e.g., Acts 2:47, 16:31; Rom 8:24; Eph 2:5, 8; 1 Tim 2:4; 2 Tim 1:9; Titus 3:5; of human agency in this, Rom 11:4; 1 Cor 7:16; 9:22
John's Gospel is abundantly clear, as are many passages within other NT books that for eternal salvation all a man must do is trust in (believe on) the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
How can on be so general and irresponsible when it has to do with serious matters such as salvation and eternal life?
Article 19 bears quoting in full: Holy Mother Church has firmly and with absolute constancy held, and continues to hold, that the four Gospels just named, whose historical character the Church unhesitatingly asserts, faithfully hand on what Jesus Christ, while living among men, really did and taught for their eternal salvation until the day He was taken up into heaven (see Acts 1:1).
(I should clarify - I'm focusing here on what is essential to Christianity, not necessarily what is essential for eternal salvation — a distinction some of you might think unnecessary, but a distinction which is probably a good topic for another post!)
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