Sentences with phrase «on ethical values»

The performance values, in turn, enable us to act on our ethical values and make a positive difference in the world.
During his years at university, one teacher had influenced him most: the highly independent - minded Margaret Peterson, whose total dedication to her teaching, and insistence on the ethical value of art, were to have a great impact on the artist Elmer Bischoff would be.

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Guerilla Marketing Goes Green is a guidebook on ethical marketing, from two experts with the highest standards and values in the industry.
«We believe that business is good because it creates value, it is ethical because it is based on voluntary exchange, it is noble because it can elevate our existence and it is heroic because it lifts people out of poverty and creates prosperity.
Jay Conrad Levinson and Shel Horowitz demonstrate how you can build a better business based on ethical, Green and value - centered principles.
The Sharia finance principle is related to the «Ethical Finance» that focus on the value of equality, morality, and fairness in finance.
Aware that the Church «can not and should not intervene on every scientific innovation,» the pope charged the congregation with «reiterating the great values at stake, and providing the faithful, and all men and women of good will, with ethical and moral principles and guidelines for these new and important questions.»
He added: «I was able to pay homage to this great country, which from the beginning has been based on a pleasing joining together of religious, ethical, and political principles, and continues to be a valid example of healthy secularism where the religious dimension, in its diverse expressions, is not only tolerated but valued as the «soul» of the nation and the fundamental guarantee of the rights and duties of the human being.»
Their minority report (This World, Summer 1989) observes, «Another vindication of fetal research with aborted tissue was grounded on the assumption that our inward dispositions alone determine the ethical value of our behavior.
And in exploring the wide implications of it all, he noted «the risk of an alliance between democracy and ethical relativism, which would remove any sure moral reference point from political and social life, and on a deeper level make the acknowledgement of truth impossible» (VS 101) and warned us, as he had done in an earlier encyclical, that «As history demonstrates, a democracy without values easily turns into open or thinly disguised totalitarianism».
Whilst increasingly pontificating (I use this word deliberately) on social issues, it excludes any discussion of ethical or religious values.
In the face of the present crisis it seems there are two possible paths to take in our approach to values: either to abandon discourse on values in favor of more traditional ethical language, or to assert the objective foundation of values and hence a system by which they can be compared, evaluated, and judged.
There are deeper questions about the possibility of the application of ethical values to political and economic decisions and about how Christians should interpret the prayer «Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven».
In the second place, he proposes to the truly revolutionary societies an attention to what is of value in their own contexts, and a program for growth to world consciousness — education, religion, an ethical business community, and so on.
The great liability of the ethical values associated with «the family pew» is the extent to which the modern family has depended on an intolerance of variety.
And as one reads through the theoretical literature on crime and penology, one finds very shortly that the articles on such topics as the Charles Manson case are thin, pale and anemic; for these discussions are wrapped in the folds of a value - neutral social science lingua franca which makes any realistic or in - depth ethical discussion virtually impossible.
It is rare to have a discussion on ethical issues in science without someone asking «Is that a fact or a value judgment?»
One of these instincts pushes humans to reflect on their own past actions and future situations in order to judge their realism and ethical value.
Evolutionary psychologists tell us that our brains are hard - wired with a five - toned moral organ that focuses on a quintet of ethical values - one of which is purity, or sacredness.
The other three arguments are normative and «turn on ideas of value: value first as aesthetic goodness or beauty, second as ethical goodness or rightness, the third as cognitive goodness or truth.»
He has taken on the monumental task of rethinking the principles of humanitarian intervention within an ethical framework based upon «universal» religious tenets — universal because they are core values in all these religious traditions.
«Liberty» is as close as we get to an ethical norm, and that term is deeply ambiguous, depending on whether it is, in John Winthrop's words, freedom to do the just and the good (Christian freedom) or freedom to do what you list (the freedom of natural man).10 While American civil religion remained extremely vague with respect to particular values and virtues, the public theology that fleshed it out and made it convincing to ordinary people used it with more explicitly Christian, particularly Protestant, values.
Thus it is possible to create a society based on the interests of individuals but not on common values or ethical norms, for there are none.
Rather than leave a blathering comment on the useless nature of religion, you may want to consider the ultimate ends of holding on to a belief system (assuming atheism here) that can not sufficiently explain where meaning, purpose or value (ethical right and wrong) could come from.
In a lesson designed to teach the Air Force's core values to ROTC cadets, Christian beliefs such as the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Golden Rule are used as examples of ethical values, CNN has learned.
«Younger start - ups are taking this on board and building ethical values into their branding from day one, rather than having to apply them retrospectively as is the case with older, more - established companies»
We are committed to the highest standards of business and ethical behaviour, to fulfilling our responsibilities to the communities which we serve and to the creation of long - term value for all stakeholders on a socially and environmentally sustainable basis.
From our workshop near Edinburgh, we craft innovative, artistic carriers and woven accessories, with an emphasis on exceptional quality and ethical values, that every parent will be proud to use.
The Park District of Highland Park is committed to be an excellent, accountable, ethical, and sustainable organization based on its strong commitment to mission, vision, and values.
The Park District of Highland Park aspires to be an excellent, accountable, ethical, and sustainable organization based on its strong commitment to mission, vision, and values
Ethical Issues We want a society where issues of ethical policy are debated openly and where decisions made on such issues are based on reason, evidence and shared human Ethical Issues We want a society where issues of ethical policy are debated openly and where decisions made on such issues are based on reason, evidence and shared human ethical policy are debated openly and where decisions made on such issues are based on reason, evidence and shared human values.
While identifying a clear target within the military bureaucracy and demonstrating the value of moral theorizing will likely prove difficult for Dr Leverinhaus's programme, ELAC's clearly defined partnership with a dozen humanitarian agencies and the immediate relevance of ethical principles on decision - making provide a strong mechanism for application.
«There are perfectly ethical ways of obtaining stem cells to cure disease, which do not involve embryo destruction, so no matter what moral value one places on the human embryo, we do not need to use it.»
And because there exists no «Code on Ethical Behaviour in Business» which would offer protection to good people on the Contractor's payroll (generally in the direct labour category) who are driven by strong professional, ethical and moral values and who would otherwise blow the whistle on this conspiracy of concealment, they are forced to remain Ethical Behaviour in Business» which would offer protection to good people on the Contractor's payroll (generally in the direct labour category) who are driven by strong professional, ethical and moral values and who would otherwise blow the whistle on this conspiracy of concealment, they are forced to remain ethical and moral values and who would otherwise blow the whistle on this conspiracy of concealment, they are forced to remain silent.
With funding from the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Mental Health, AAAS and 17 other organizations sponsored a Summer 1991 workshop on values and ethical issues in science and technology for minority scholars.
We are committed to standing for innovation in human health care based on scientific excellence and the highest ethical standards in order to deliver high - value compounds.»
SFRL also pursued projects exploring ethnic minority perspectives on values and ethics in science and technology as well as on emerging ethical issues for scientists and engineers in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Aware that the Church «can not and should not intervene on every scientific innovation,» the pope charged the congregation with «reiterating the great values at stake, and providing the faithful, and all men and women of good will, with ethical and moral principles and guidelines for these new and important questions.»
It aims to train young and mid-career practitioners in contemporary approaches to coastal and ocean management, with an emphasis on the moral, ethical and legal values in Ocean Governance (equity and peaceful uses of the ocean).
All the decisions we make at Wunder Workshop are based on a set of ethical and sustainable values to promote a transparent relationship between grower and consumer.
Unfortunately, longitudinal designs can also be quite difficult and expensive to construct, and can raise ethical concerns about the value of the data versus the potential negative impact on participants.
VERIZON COMMITMENT AND VALUES Wireless Code of Conduct as a resource on ethical business practices.
Although there is a clear bias against the trader, many of the perceptions and ethical values conveyed are somewhat accurate based on my experience.
Encouraging students to: Reflect on experiences — Exercise imagination — Develop curiosity — Examine ethical issues — Appreciate the arts — Improve literacy — Foster mindfulness — Examine British values — Learn about different cultures — Apply critical thinking «The SMSC4SCHOOLS Thought for the Week powerpoints are engaging, accessible and stimulating.
This requires governing body members to behave with integrity, demonstrate strong commitment to ethical values and respect the rule of law, building on and expanding the Seven Principles of Public Life.
Beyond the work that high schools do, colleges will have to indicate to applicants the value their institution places on community service and ethical development — and what exactly service means to them.
This means that whatever our good intentions are, value has to be the prime motivation, and this often means that ethical concerns are placed on the back burner as some environmentally friendly products carry a price premium.
For that reason, our work part from a new ethical approach based on the Freirean values of consciousness and it promotes a democratic and accountable education in schools, where teachers attitude plays a very important role as actors democratization of responsibility and sustainability, they are agents of awareness and training of the educational community, and especially for children and young people.
In revising A Time for Living as a character education program, the TFL curriculum committee decided to honor the history and tradition of the school by retaining the Time For Living name, while focusing on universal ethical values that transcend religious or cultural differences.
That's why we base our programs and materials on six ethical values that everyone can agree onvalues that are not political, religious, or culturally biased.
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