Sentences with phrase «on everyday chores»

Simply Maggie sharing ideas, tips and helpful thoughts on everyday chores.
I know that your brain is already on vacation mode and it's tough to focus on everyday chores, but your post-vacation self will thank you.
Laundry facility is included, so you don't have to spend hours of your valuable time on everyday chores.
Simply Maggie sharing ideas, tips and helpful thoughts on everyday chores.

Not exact matches

MacLellan goes on to quote the researchers: «Everyday activities (like household chores or running errands) may afford families quality moments, unplanned, unstructured instances of social interaction that serve the important relationship - building functions that parents seek from «quality time».»
In examining postings with hastags of #sadwife, #happywife, #sadhusband and #happyhusband, they discovered that — happy or sad — they represent the same thing: the «performance of an ideal spouse where the inconvenience of everyday chores (laundry, dishes, childcare) and stresses (fiances, marital disputes, familial relationships, resentments) are absent from the rose - tinted world of marital performance on Facebook.»
She'll see that chores are a part of everyday life, not something grown - ups hand out on a whim.
He'll see that chores are a part of everyday life, not something grownups hand out on a whim.
Hence it can also be used when you travel or go on a holiday besides your everyday chores.
On paper, Russian parenting seems to be an odd mix of the strict (ballet and chores for all) and relaxed (no bedtime, going outside everyday).
How much are we relying on our mobile phones to help us multitask with everyday chores and matters of the heart?
Those people were busy putting down a deposit on the new four - door utility vehicle that could perform everyday family chores while their other Porsche rested up for weekend and fine weather duties.
On a long unravelled roll of printed paper that hangs down inside a cupboard, lists are scrawled, hinting at what's missed off, and the stress of completing everyday chores outside work within a finite time.
The subject matter so simple; everyday activities, chores, relationships between women, mothers and daughters and so on, the same characters recurring over and over again.
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