Sentences with phrase «on everyday encounters»

«Our apps focus on everyday encounters and situations for children and help build fundamental skills by inviting them to play along with their friends from Sesame Street.»

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Along the way are various encounters with monks, prostitutes, sages, criminals, and others who add their distinctive angles of vision on everyday life in China.
Although the formulation of the question was not always precise, the everyday experience of black suffering, arising from black people's encounter with the sociopolitical structures controlled by whites, created in my consciousness a radical conflict between the claims of faith on the one hand and the reality of the world on the other.
Finding the right things to lump together and the right words to focus attention on critical transitions is the special work of human intelligence — whether applied to history or to everyday encounters with the world.»
You probably encounter the first three a lot in everyday life, especially on nutritional labels.
The film creates a richly detailed and evocative portrait of the everyday horrors encountered by its youthful protagonists, and delivers amply on the chills and thrills that result as more supernatural terrors come into play.
Easy - to - understand definitions are provided for over 400 mathematical terms and expressions typically found on standardized tests, used in textbooks, and encountered in everyday mathematical situations.
While The Children's Guild DC Public Charter is a public school, it offers an innovative approach to learning by placing a strong emphasis on the integration of the arts and technology throughout the curriculum as well as engaging students in hands - on application of academics and social skills to everyday problems encountered in family life, groups, organizations, communities, the United States, and throughout the world.
EGR's sleek Aerowrap bug shield keeps your truck's hood and front end panels looking good by protecting them from everyday rocks and debris you encounter on the road.
In everyday use we encountered virtually no stuttering, although it is very possible that the Android build on the device is far from final.
Lia Purpura wrote in her brilliant Brevity essay, «On Miniatures»: «Time, in miniature form, like a gas compressed, gets hotter... miniature time transcends the experience of everyday time and space by offering a special way to encounter and measure duration.»
Study participants were asked five questions covering aspects of economics and finance encountered in everyday life, such as compound interest, inflation, principles relating to risk and diversification, the relationship between bond prices and interest rates, and the impact that a shorter term can have on total interest payments over the life of a mortgage.
Special emphasis on introducing your new family member to all those «scary items» they have never seen before and don't encounter in their everyday life such as bicycles, walkers, crutches, canes, skateboards, costumes (Halloween).
Discovering areas of untouched wilderness such as stunning gorges, waterfalls cascading into inviting pools, beaches that stretch for miles on end is an everyday encounter in the Kimberley.
Those who want to really dive deep into a place's culture, its people, and the everyday life of an expat's new home — like being trapped indoors by the rainy season or mould growing on clothing, oh, and that night out of a horror movie when they encountered a giant moth, will love this book.»
Fifty years on, the historical relevance of this groundbreaking show continues in our digitally driven world in almost everything we visually (and even aurally) consume — from CGI and special effects seen in Hollywood blockbusters to design encountered in our everyday lives and, of course, in fine arts.
While drawing on the language of 20th century abstraction, White's pattern paintings temper that language's impulse towards epic, auratic significance, and emphasize, rather, the endless adjustments that are made when abstract forms encounter the world of the everyday.
In these works, blue gazing balls, hand blown from glass, have been placed on white plaster sculptures depicting signature examples of antique statues from the Greco - Roman era, including the Farnese Hercules and the Esquiline Venus, along with everyday utilitarian objects encountered in today's suburban landscape, such as rustic mailboxes, a birdbath and an inflatable snowman typically seen outside during Christmas.
The constant stream of images that society produces and encounters everyday on their electronic devices, such as tablets, and our physical relationship to them in the way we hold, swipe and tap them is being thought about when making these works as well as how that relates to making sculpture and the process of constructing form and image through material processes.
For Skulptur Projekte» 07, he asked some 50 garden allotment associations in Münster to keep diaries on the everyday life of their urban agricultural plots, which are not only used for growing one's own fruit and vegetables but are also vital sites of social encounter.
Hand - blown from glass, the blue gazing balls have been placed on white plaster sculptures depicting signature examples of antique statues from the Greco - Roman era along with everyday utilitarian objects encountered in today's suburban and rural landscape, such as mailboxes and a birdbath.
Whether it's a simple exchange in the routine of everyday life, a life altering moment in working with a family, a brief encounter on the street, or a planned event with a child in a residential program or foster home we can increase the quality of our interactions with those we care about.
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