Sentences with phrase «on federal education policy»

She regularly speaks on federal education policy to school leaders across the country.
Vic Klatt, a principal of Penn Hill Group who has worked on federal education policy for more than two decades, says school choice has a better chance now, but it won't be easy.
From where this publication sits, the gambit, as much driven by the arrogant desire of President Barack Obama and U.S. Secretary Arne Duncan to put their full stamp on federal education policy as the lack of movement by Congress on its reauthorization, is absolutely counterproductive to reform.
New Talk could have put together a truly valuable forum on federal education policy if it had included all perspectives.
Two numbers that have come out since last Friday are depressing the chances for action on federal education policy.
Jack Jennings started working on federal education policy in December 1967, about eighteen months before I did.
Schifter, who spent several years working on Capitol Hill advocating for students with disabilities, teaches a course on federal education policy, and requires students to role play a variety of actors, from politicians to community activists, to better understand how policy becomes law.
The result could have a significant impact on federal education policy, depending on the priorities of the new leaders and their willingness to work...
Sen. Marco Rubio sat down with the Seventy Four's Campbell Brown to discuss his views on federal education policy.
After a year at the Harvard Graduate School of Education — a year of seminar debates on federal education policy, weekend conferences on learning styles, and 2 a.m. conversations on what makes a great school — I'm heading to my own classroom to teach, using what I've been taught.
Register for ASCD's 2013 Leadership Institute for Legislative Advocacy (LILA), which will be held January 27 — 29, 2013, to get the most up - to - date information on federal education policy and receive guidance to help you stand up for your profession in the months to come.
He is author of Ten Big Effects of NCLB on Public Education and edited four volumes on federal education policy.
The victors — and, in some cases, the lame ducks — will have a long to - do list on federal education policy and budget matters awaiting them after the Nov. 6 vote.
I'm also quite sure of how difficult a task it is to push the standards rock up the status quo hill, particularly in a day and age when we are wary of testing in general and many are waiting to see what will become of the accountability standards in NCLB as wishes move to reauthorization, multiple measures, and a new look on federal education policy.
Groups like the Business Roundtable (BRT) further illustrate the increased influence of the interests of capital on federal education policy.
But for school reformers and others, the big question that must be confronted lies not with Clinton's penchant for avoiding transparency, but with what steps she would take on federal education policy if she wins the White House next year.
She has more than 18 years of experience working on federal education policy, most recently as an independent consultant developing policy and writing for national education reform organizations and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
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