Sentences with phrase «on feeling grateful»

She kept saying how it has made such a huge impact on her feeling grateful for the big and small things.
But for me, it started with focusing on feeling grateful for my body and all it's done for me, rather than thinking it let me down with cancer.

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It's easy to feel down when you haven't hit your goals, but the fact there are people who believe in you and are cheering you on, is something to be grateful for.
It's easy to look around and see all the things you lack, but the mentally strong choose to focus their attention on the things they do have — and feel grateful for them.
«Assertive, powerful people factor student loan debt into their overall life plan, feeling grateful that they were able to get an education and embark on a career that is meaningful.
Hundreds of faculty signed a public statement of support, and dozens of letters arrived daily, reflecting a deeply felt need to be grateful for something at a time when, at least on the national scene, there were so few things one could be grateful for.
We are grateful to be able to report that the student has recovered and is feeling well,» says a statement released on the school's website.
Though it is not without effort on the human side, it is not due to a manipulation of feelings or to good works, but to the grace of God accepted in grateful fidelity.
«When I lie on my back and look up at the Milky Way on a clear night and see the vast distances of space and reflect that these are also vast differences of time as well, when I look at the Grand Canyon and see the strata going down, down, down, through periods of time which the human mind can't comprehend... it's a feeling of sort of an abstract gratitude that I am alive to appreciate these wonders, when I look down a microscope it's the same feeling, I am grateful to be alive to appreciate these wonders.»
I for one want to move on... and I feel very grateful that you are back in fightin form (meaning strong) to take us there...
A residual tradition or the needs of a loved one occasionally get us on the other side of comfort, and we feel surprised and grateful.
I always feel extra grateful on Sundays, excited that I get just one more day to enjoy the weekend and rest up before another start to the week.
Elana, once again I am so grateful for you and all that you share and do and I had just the other day wished that you had more info on Keto since I can understand you better than others out there that I try to read... and you share from your heart and experience which I appreciate so much and I felt an immediate connection to you when I first found you a few months ago.
But I also was feeling especially grateful to you after making your cherry cake and wanted to actually put out a written «thank you» to you for all you share on here!
I'm grateful because I know what it feels like to be on the other side.
It feels so good to have everything in one space, and I'm grateful to all the helping hands who got it done on a deadline!
And I'm grateful to be on the other side of it and into what feels like a much more normal winter season for us.
On the rare occasions that I breastfed in public, I was never harassed, and for that I feel extremely grateful.
Sitting in the meeting last night made me feel grateful that I actually followed through on the crazy whim to start The Lunch Tray.
Indeed, I admitted up front that I love his whole Cockney thing (and find him generally adorable) and I feel very grateful to him for the attention he's focused on school food nationally.
I need to feel grateful that atleast I'm winning some, the anxiety doesn't always come out on top.
sitting, on my garden bench, and feeling so grateful that it's there.
From the top of the crag, I looked out over this gorgeous place and felt so grateful to have a morning to be lost in the world, to get turned around on tangled streets and wind up crossing a cast iron bridge and climbing to the top of a bluff.
Feel free to pin the above, or post to Facebook, we'd be ever so grateful for helping get the word out about The Potty School & we always look forward to helping parents on this journey.
When you feel grateful about some of the choices in your life it helps you focus on the positive and less on the negative.
What I'm grateful for is that I still want to be a mom (definitely didn't feel that way on my relatively few mild postpartum days) and am having so much fun with my little girl.
I am very grateful for the support of LLL moms because they have helped me to carry on breastfeeding without judging me, so I now feel I can trust them to support me in my battle to quit smoking.
I actually started to enjoy bottle feeding and felt grateful that I could fill his food need and watch him sleep peacefully on a full belly.
I feel like I should have some control on this subject and not just be «grateful» for the gifts.
I wanted to do something that brought me back, on a regular basis to feeling grateful, inspired and awe - struck by the beauty.
We all feel grateful to work in a rewarding field that allows us to help our patients build their families and have a positive impact on the lives of so many people.
For many years Alex Salmond could rightly feel grateful for the strength of feeling with which his nationalist agenda was voiced on social media.
By focusing on what we appreciate and admire in our partner and being grateful for the value and gifts that our partner brings into our lives, we can not but think positively and may feel more intense love as a consequence.
On a table in the waiting room, next to a case of Cialis brochures, sit a few flyers encouraging patients who feel grateful for Bornstein's services to donate to his alma mater, Tufts University School of Medicine.
So, next time you're listening to Siri's step - by - step directions on your trip, smile and feel grateful for that little wonder.
When my thoughts and feelings are destructive, I focus on my accomplishments, what I am proud of myself for, and what I am grateful for.
A lot of so - called â $ positive psychologyâ $ can seem a bit flaky, especially if youâ $ ™ re the sort of person disinclined to respond well to an admonition to â $ look on the bright side.â $ But positive psychologists have published some interesting findings, and one of the more robust ones is that feeling grateful is very good for you.
At The Gratitude Jar, read why other people around the world are feeling grateful, and add your own positive thoughts to the â $ jar.â $ Or, put your blessings on the World Gratitude Map.
Extend those positive vibes by writing down the things you're grateful for on the run (say, how fresh your legs felt or how fortunate you are to live near a running path) on slips of paper.
In the past I've been told, ʺyou're too sensitiveʺ or ʺemotional.ʺ Or my all - time favorite since becoming a mom: On the occasion I would mention how tired I feel, ʺyou should be grateful to have kids after having six miscarriages.ʺ All of these statements hurt and put me on the offensivOn the occasion I would mention how tired I feel, ʺyou should be grateful to have kids after having six miscarriages.ʺ All of these statements hurt and put me on the offensivon the offensive.
On one hand, we get to be with people we may not spend enough time with during the year, and that can make us feel grateful and joyful.
I feel very grateful for the support I have received on my health journey and I feel it is a way to give back by sharing the lessons I have learnt.
But I also was feeling especially grateful to you after making your cherry cake and wanted to actually put out a written «thank you» to you for all you share on here!
So rather than feeling grateful for the pinnacle and privilege that they have reached they moved their goals on and made themselves ill in the process.
I too am grateful to Dr. Greger for putting out the science that explains why I feel so much better on a day to day basis compared to my many yeas on the SAD diet!
I love clean beauty, and feel more grateful than ever to have Sakara supporting me and my baby - to - be; nutrition has taken on a whole new meaning for me.
Alison has had a majorly positive impact on my son's life and I feel so grateful for her help and support.
I know I sure am full on lots of turkey and feeling extra grateful.
I have recently started my own lifestyle blog and would be so grateful if you could have a look at it ( and let me know what u think (if u like feel free to follow me on bloglovin as well).
Being a mum myself makes me so grateful to have perspective on how my own amazing mother felt when we were young.
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