Sentences with phrase «on first reading»

On a first read of a story, this might mean writing up a paragraph or a page of comments and suggestions for revision.
You must make it easy for them to find this proof on their first read through, if you want them to keep your resume on the pile for further consideration.
Was the infographic easy to understand on the first read?
This is a positive news event that you would expect on first reading to cause the market to react positively.
They aren't easy poems, but they are approachable on the first read, inviting students into a genre with open arms.
A poem that completely loses the audience on the first read is best kept for less frequent, more time - consuming, in - depth study.
My only comment is that teachers in the lower grades encourage encourage fluency and expression on the first reading.
You will surely impress the hiring manager on the first read.
On that first read of your resume, try to do the same thing.
The truth is that if I love a book on first reading, I go back to the beginning and start again.
Though early Christian exegesis may on first reading appear idiosyncratic and arbitrary, it arose within the life of the Church and was practiced within a tradition of shared beliefs and practices, guided by the Church's faith as expressed in the creed.
This post follows up on «Kindle Fire Pros & Cons, Part I» and «Kindle Fire Pros & Cons, Part II», but my review doesn't depend on first reading those posts, so if you're heart is -LSB-...]
The McCracken County Fiscal Court voted on the first reading of a 2014 - 2015 budget Monday that totals $ 32m, including over $ 6m for the McCracken County Jail.
Your words are pleasant on first read, but they are pretty much willful ignorance if you still really believe in the Christian god in the face of so much evidence that the Christian tales are simply not coincident with reality.
This is the international year of statistics, and I think we (= human beings as a worldwide community) desperately need materials that teach us to think about data and not believe everything just because it is written in a scientific language and kind of makes sense on the first read.
Indeed, according to Polly Toynbee reporting on the first reading of the Art. 50 Bill: «The mad zeal of the Europhobes, still astounded that their small cult has swept the country, had full rein yesterday.
A must - read guide packed with first date advice that every girl Take a Break From Dating not only have a good time on a first
Word is that Pacino fell in love with the script on his first reading.
In this interplanetary adventure, a space shuttle embarks on the first Read More →
Minety Primary School «We started off, my book group and I, on our first reading adventure: Cowgirl by G.R. Gemin!»
Balancing the roles of group member and leader requires close monitoring and an ever - present attitude of trusting that children can gain meaning on the first reading.
When the child can read a passage relatively fluently on the first reading, the adult provides a more difficult passage.
Did I read correctly that the new rules stipulate you will only be paid on the first reading?
This ensures that your thesis appears as relevant to the examiner on first reading.
Incredibly valuable information provided that may not be appreciated on the first reading through.
Councilors passed the ordinance on first reading, which means it must go before the council a second time before it can be enacted.
Notice is hereby given that an Ordinance entitled «An Ordinance Amending And Supplementing Sections 8 - 1 And 8 - 10 Of Chapter 8, Animals, Of The Revised Ordinances Of The Township Of Randolph To Ban The Retail Sale Of Dogs And Cats» was submitted in writing at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Township of Randolph, County of Morris, State of New Jersey, held on July 31, 2014 and was introduced, read by title and passed on first reading.
DeFazio and Bass sought a cut of $ 10 million from the Wildlife Services budget in 1998, when their bill was approved on first reading, 229 — 193.
However, after the vote on first reading in the Parliament, this provision was amended and the New Law requires specific evidence to be requested for disclosure.
Sounds great (and vaguely socialist, BTW) on first read until you realize that «equalizing» is code for effectively penalizing the (the mostly blue) states that actually improved their health care coverage as the money they would otherwise use to fund their expanded programs would go to (the mostly red) states that, well, didn't.
Today's skim readers often never get past the first bullet on the first read.
A necdotal evidence consistently suggests that many recruiters and hiring managers spend less than 30 seconds on the first reading.
What may escape attention on first reading is that Thurber and White considered sexual desire to be a drive to satisfy a biological hunger, much like our need for food.
It is in fact these latter works that seem to take a back seat to the artist's vital and energetic early exploration of material and form, and on a first reading appear antithetical.
This post follows up on «Kindle Fire Pros & Cons, Part I» and «Kindle Fire Pros & Cons, Part II», but my review doesn't depend on first reading those posts, so if you're heart is racing because you're a mouse click away from investing two hundred clams in a K - Fire, skip the back story and scan, read, consider the following.
While it would undermine any point in reading it if the Bible was entirely unintelligible, the point may not be to undertsnad it on first reading.
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