Sentences with phrase «on flawed methodology»

My view is that the sceptics derided in the emails deserved that derision - for trying to undermine good science and impede the work of scientists, and for publishing work based on flawed methodology.
The latest union complaint, in New Mexico, argues that the evaluations violate teachers» due process rights because they are «based on flawed methodology, erroneous records, and inaccurate data.»
These studies have subsequently been shown to be based on flawed methodology (for example, low number of subjects and accidental use of a correlational score as an effect size — e.g. using R instead of Cohen's D)(Hattie, 2009)-RRB-.
An algorithm that claims to predict sexuality or criminality from a picture of a face raises the terrifying spectre of profiling and discrimination, mostly inaccurate and often based on flawed methodology.
What he found is that nearly every study that purported to prove breastfeeding led to more positive outcomes for children relied on flawed methodology — there was no control group.
Economist Mike Veall has a superb piece on the flawed methodology behind these calculations which led to the rather remarkable result that a single immigrant to Ontario is worth an extra $ 26 million in GDP.

Not exact matches

In an article on the Israeli site Walla, Bransburg - Zabary points out flaws in the study's data and methodology, and explains why its conclusions were so irresponsible.
The company said in a statement that a large portion of the current rate increase for small group plans can be attributed to the risk adjustment program, «which includes flawed methodology that is adversely affecting nearly all insurers on New York State's health exchange.
If a review addressed any of the paper's serious scientific problems, I sent the editor a «revised» version that was superficially improved — a few more photos of lichens, fancier formatting, extra details on methodology — but without changing any of the fatal scientific flaws.
This paper — where conclusions are drawn on basis of flawed methodology — is not an exception.
Olive oil appears to contain anti-inflammatory compounds, but again, the methodology is flawed: two of the positive UVB ray studies were conducted on mice.
I am very upset that children in elementary schools are being experimented on with a flawed project based methodology of pedagogy in that the group grading is going on and vast teacher subjectivity in grade... Read More
«LAUSD should be putting its efforts into negotiating a meaningful, research - based evaluation system rather than trying to impose a flawed program based on discredited methodology
A brilliant, scathing rip - apart of said research paper, though, shows why the methodology is flawed and the criticism lobbed in the direction of the censors who are falling down on the job is unwarranted.
Mr. Gimein continues to use his flawed methodology to state that 54 % of loans with an interest rate of 18 % or greater have defaulted, leaving the impression that lenders on these loans have lost over half of the funds that they lent, and that losses ran roughly three times the interest rate on loans.
Using her time - tested and scientifically - backed brand of positive reinforcement training methodology, Stilwell not only helps us understand once and for all why outdated and dangerous punishment - based methods are so flawed, but also how and why to replace them with more effective and long - lasting positive solutions that create a bond between man and dog based on mutual trust, respect and love.
And the crescendo: ``... the subject paper... does not follow the scientific methodology of proof, it disagrees with observations, it is based on flawed referenced papers, and it utilizes a flawed science that is unrecognized by most of the world.»
VZ did not analyze the impact of the MBH98 method on MBH98 proxies and, since their replication of MBH98 methods was flawed, does not show that problems with MBH98 PC methodology did not matter.»
There is little that can be validly noticed from the «hockey stick» plot, the methodology to produce it was flawed, showing clear indications of predetermination in it's consideration of «data» dropping «outrider points» when those very points are strongly indicative of short term fluctuations of temperature in an «experiment» looking for «the casual process» only shows that the «casual process» had already been decided on beforehand.
In summary, all presently used carbon budget methodologies are based on a severely flawed interpretation of ensemble climate forecasts, and I see no way of salvaging the concept as it is presently understood.
In a paper released on December 1 by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Dr. Goklany says WHO's forecast that climate change would bring about 250,000 extra deaths annually between 2030 and 2050 is based on «absurd assumptions,» «willful exaggerations,» and «flawed methodologies
And it's easy to prove that Brulle knows perfectly well that his methodology is flawed — that it is unfair to measure the size of an organization's work on climate change just by looking at the group's total revenues — because Brulle made that same point himself when he looked at the work of Matthew C. Nisbet, then at American University.
I have no position on papers that don't use this flawed principal component methodology.
Finding flaws with Mann's methodology, on the other hand, and bringing them to light (and possibly forcing Mann to correct things himself) is another thing!
The authors note that Oreskes» methodology is further flawed because it also surveyed the opinions and writings of «nonscientists who may write about climate, but are by no means experts on or even casually familiar with the science dealing with attribution — that is, attributing a specific climate effect (such as a temperature increase) to a specific cause (such as rising CO2 levels).»
«A recent publication by The Heartland Institute called Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming: The NIPCC Report on Scientific Consensus... edited by Craig D. Idso, Robert M. Carter, and S. Fred Singer, thoroughly documents the flawed methodology utilized by Climate Change scientists.
The authors note that Oreskes» methodology is further flawed because it also surveyed the opinions and writings of «nonscientists who may write about climate, but are by no means experts on or even casually familiar with the science dealing with attribution — that is, attributing a specific climate effect (such as a temperature increase) to a specific cause (such as rising CO
The study, published by the brand new SUNY Buffalo's Shale Resources and Society Institute and titled «Environmental Impacts During Shale Gas Drilling: Causes, Impacts and Remedies,» was also, as we pointed out, based on likely purposefully flawed methodology.
The district court correctly noted that its function at the class certification stage was not to determine whether plaintiffs had stated a cause of action or whether they would prevail on the merits, but rather whether they had shown, based on methodology that was not fatally flawed, that the requirements of Rule 23 were met.
Their methodology is based on Alexa Rankings, which do have significant flaws, and are subject to manipulation.
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