Sentences with phrase «on hand of course»

It's naturally sweet but not sugary and it's easily replaced with water or any other liquid you've got on hand of course!
Not the one I rub on my hands of course.....

Not exact matches

Of course, the size of the kiosk limits the inventory, so it's important for a kiosk owner to carry as much as possible and price accordingly so that she can make money on what is on hand each daOf course, the size of the kiosk limits the inventory, so it's important for a kiosk owner to carry as much as possible and price accordingly so that she can make money on what is on hand each daof the kiosk limits the inventory, so it's important for a kiosk owner to carry as much as possible and price accordingly so that she can make money on what is on hand each day.
«I read blogs, books, I went to seminars, I did online courses, I just consumed any piece of information I could get my hands on so that I could learn and get an edge,» he says.
Then, of course, there will also be the usual spate of product announcements as EMC seeks to retain its leadership in data storage, fending off upstarts like Pure Storage (pstg) and Nimble (nmbl) on the one hand, while it also seeks to prove its relevance in the emerging cloud computing era as Amazon (amzn) Web Services rents out computing capability, storage, and networking from a massive bank of shared infrastructure to companies of all sizes.
Pricey gas hikes the cost of getting to and from a weekend place, of course, while also diminishing cash on hand for discretionary items such as cottages.
There's a fine line, of course, between creatively dreaming up new approaches to making a product (and a buck) on the one hand, and pushing the envelope beyond its limit on the other.
More than 200 million shares — the entire size of the offering — changed hands over the course of the day, accounting for roughly 10 percent of the total volume of trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Thursday.
Less - than - stellar leaders become consumed by the entrancement of the new thing and are hypnotized into dropping, aborting, or prematurely birthing what they're currently working on in order to get their hands on that shiny new project — all, of course, accompanied by an intellectually robust post-rationalization.»
Over the course of 100 - 110 days, you'll learn from leading faculty and international experts, engage in hands - on field experiences and service projects in every destination, and earn academic credit.
On the other hand, a position trader who rides the profit in uptrending stocks for many months can trade in much thinner stocks because they can scale out of positions over the course of several days or weeks.
Of course, these deal structures place some of the risk back on the seller, which is not ideal for the seller since operational control is in the buyer's handOf course, these deal structures place some of the risk back on the seller, which is not ideal for the seller since operational control is in the buyer's handof the risk back on the seller, which is not ideal for the seller since operational control is in the buyer's hands.
Instructor - led Online courses emphasize practical applications of the products through the use of hands - on experience.
Kabbage, on the other hand, only requires $ 50,000 in annual revenue — and of course, no minimum credit score — to qualify for a line of credit up to $ 100,000.
Of course, if you would like AudienceBloom to create and execute a hands - off (or hands - on, if you like) link building campaign for you, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Benoit Anne, strategist for Societe Generale, on the other hand, believes CBR's action is a «game changer» in the course of the ruble.
On the other hand if you have a strong risk tolerance, genuinely enjoy engaging with investing, and want to do more with less then McClung might just change the course of your retirement.
And so I don't see a Cryptocurrency issued by the Bank of China or the Federal Reserve as having any value because the the control of how much of that Cryptocurrency is emitted, is created, is of course still in the hands of the bank and so on.
Paulson concludes with a two - part contribution on global warming, noting that even though «we can see the crash coming... we're sitting on our hands instead of altering course
Once a bank has built up a reputation of solidity, it will be fairly easy for it to just keep a fractional reserve at hand — this is to say, instead of actually warehousing the entire amount on deposit, it will only keep a certain percentage at hand that it estimates will suffice to satisfy withdrawal demands in the «normal course of business».
You on the other hand will have absolutely no chance at paradise, that is of course unless the God you deny accepts you out of the true love he offers
On the one hand, of course, all human relationships have some sort of drama, but it often seems that it get magnified in church because people try to defend their positions with pious spirituality.
The disciples in Mark get a boat ready for Jesus, find out how much food is on hand for the multitude, secure the room and prepare the table for the Last Supper and, of course, chase down a donkey that the Lord needs to enter Jerusalem.
In the summer of 1947, Camus records his distrust of «static virtue» and of his desire to find a middle course between total negation, on the one hand, and an affirmation that would explain away the enigma of existence, on the other.
On the one hand, persons who have tried to pray without getting very far with it are apt to feel that if only someone would teach them — give them a book of instructions, or a course, or at least a lecture or two — the difficulties would all be cleared away.
With Man, on the other hand, owing to the grand psychological phenomenon of Reflection, the branches of his species follow an entirely different course.
As people begin to ask whether our beautiful but fragile world is part of a godless and random universe, on course for an inevitable extinction event, how can we show that it is in fact held in the hands of a sovereign and loving God?
Or, as my Dem family occupying most of the general Baltimore area philosophizes (behind closed doors of course), just hand out enough to keep»em happy and keep»em from rioting, and we will get on with our life and making money.
As a progression from the purely academic types of traditional theological training, many applied theological courses now exist, in which hands - on ministerial experience is gained alongside theological learning.
Whatever may have been the actual course of events, historically speaking, which the New Testament means to signify when it speaks of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is at least clear that it was the conviction of the New Testament writers, building on the testimony of the disciples after the crucifixion of Jesus — as it has been the continuing conviction of millions of Christian people since that time — that far from Jesus» being «put out of the way» by his death at the hands of the Roman authorities in Palestine, he was «let loose into the world.»
On the other hand, of course, an empty claim for confirmation, without devotion for being and becoming, again and again mars the truth of life between man and man.
On the other hand, if we focus on coping with a theological course of study's inadequacy to pluralism, are we not driven to deny that the Christian thing has any one underlying structure or that it is any one thing in and through all of its diversitOn the other hand, if we focus on coping with a theological course of study's inadequacy to pluralism, are we not driven to deny that the Christian thing has any one underlying structure or that it is any one thing in and through all of its diversiton coping with a theological course of study's inadequacy to pluralism, are we not driven to deny that the Christian thing has any one underlying structure or that it is any one thing in and through all of its diversity?
But on the other hand, as a matter of course, Socrates is not an essentially religious ethicist, still less a dogmatic one, as the Christian ethicist is.
My view of Europe today isn't of course based on first hand observation.
What is of extreme importance, on the other hand, is that we should know what course to steer, and how we must spiritually conduct ourselves if we are to ensure that the totalitarian embrace which enfolds us will have the effect, not of de-humanizing us through mechanization, but (as seems possible) of super-humanizing us by the intensification of our powers of understanding and love.
Lanzetta points out that this crisis has made Traditio appear in opposition to «progressivism» whereas of course everything in the Church is Traditio, literally «handed on», all the way back to Christ himself.
This was never going to last, since heresy and relativism had, of course, never disappeared from the «papal agenda» and neither — perhaps more to the point — had his (and his predecessor's) analysis that disunity in the modern church was the result of a clash between two different interpretations of the Council itself, one right, the other wrong: as Benedict once more explained it, as his first Christmas as Pope approached in December 2005, «On the one hand, there is an interpretation that I would call «a hermeneutic of discontinuity and rupture» [i.e., the line peddled by The Tabletfor thirty years]; it has frequently availed itself of the sympathies of the mass media, and also one trend of modern theology.
Of course, those committed to the pacifism of the messianic community may in some political contexts make common cause with liberal pacifism, for we do not presume that people committed to the pacifism of the messianic community, on the one hand, and those committed to liberal pacifism, on the other, are self — contained, making sense only to themselveOf course, those committed to the pacifism of the messianic community may in some political contexts make common cause with liberal pacifism, for we do not presume that people committed to the pacifism of the messianic community, on the one hand, and those committed to liberal pacifism, on the other, are self — contained, making sense only to themselveof the messianic community may in some political contexts make common cause with liberal pacifism, for we do not presume that people committed to the pacifism of the messianic community, on the one hand, and those committed to liberal pacifism, on the other, are self — contained, making sense only to themselveof the messianic community, on the one hand, and those committed to liberal pacifism, on the other, are self — contained, making sense only to themselves.
Of course, they could go to church every week, take communion, place their warm hand on a bible and declare they believe every letter of it, even pastor the church — but that doesn't mean they actually believe iOf course, they could go to church every week, take communion, place their warm hand on a bible and declare they believe every letter of it, even pastor the church — but that doesn't mean they actually believe iof it, even pastor the church — but that doesn't mean they actually believe it.
Gimmick or not, this final aside reminds us that Smith, ten years on from her ordeal at Nichols» hands, is of course more than just a character in a film, and is now a married, drug - free Christian.
We recognize, of course, the relatively late emergence in the Old Testament of a positively and precisely articulated belief in Yahweh's universal creation, and that it is not, indeed, until the time of Second Isaiah that such a belief is taken for granted.24 On the other hand, the J story of creation in Gen. 2 reflects an early if imprecise creation faith25 while the eighth - century prophets clearly stand upon a thoroughly practical though untheoretical belief in Yahweh's creative function.
Niebuhr would, of course, understand that nothing he wrote had eternal value; his cautions that we should be sparing in handing out bouquets are found on virtually every page of his writings, along with his affirmation of such old - fashioned doctrines as original sin and the transcendence of God.
Beauty, of course, is always in danger of degenerating into monotony on the one hand or chaos on the other.
Of course, career missionaries probably will no longer be on hand in most of the places where short - term volunteers go to servOf course, career missionaries probably will no longer be on hand in most of the places where short - term volunteers go to servof the places where short - term volunteers go to serve.
Of course, on the other hand, there are many who believe that the United States is the Sodom and Gomorrah of the worlOf course, on the other hand, there are many who believe that the United States is the Sodom and Gomorrah of the worlof the world.
I just don't think it applies to real life, are you going to have «Faith» in your doctor when she is treating your child, of course not (you want to see a degree or at least have knowledge that the doctor knows what she is talking about), if the technician working on your spouses brakes tell you that he doesn't know what he is doing but he has faith that he can fix them, are you going to your spouses life in his hands?
Of course, on the other hand, if this refers to heaven, we have a problem with explaining how there can be darkness in heaven.
Man, of course, is like one of the natural objects in the hands of man: «Their inhabitants, shorn of strength, are dismayed and confounded, and have become like plants of the field, and like tender grass, like grass on the housetops...» What is forgotten is that when the power of man is unleashed it is never in the hands of all men («man» here means some men rather than all men, and this is even more flagrantly so today).
Yet in the course... of rationalization of legal thinking on the one hand and of the forms of social relationships on the other, the most diverse consequences could emerge from the non-juridical components of a legal doctrine of priestly make.
Wyclif's writings came into the hands of a Bohemian priest, John Hus (c. 1373 - 1415), and reinforced him in the course on which he had already entered and for which he has been remembered.
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