Sentences with phrase «on harmony»

No couple lives on an island alone and the way a person perceives their partner's relationships with other people, whether neighbors, co-workers, old buddies or parents, can sometimes be a significant strain on the harmony in a relationship.
In Created for Connection, Sue Johnson and Kenny Sanderfer revised Hold Me Tight to include reflections on the harmony between the science of love and the teachings of love found in the Christian scriptures.
Those who decide to splash the cash on a Harmony Home Hub Extender will get a device that makes it possible for Logitech's remote controls to interact with all kinds of other devices, widening the scope of what home automation devices the Logitech remotes can talk to.
Indeed, I do find myself using voice commands primarily for lighting control; I still rely on the buttons on my Harmony Elite universal remote, because pushing purpose - built buttons is more efficient than asking Alexa to do everything, even if I do have to reach for the remote.
The film focuses on the more stunning examples of extraction and industrialization done with little focus on harmony.
Nurturing the idea of a mirage, these visuals are more focusing on the harmony rather than the content, triggering optical illusions and deceiving the eye.
Works are organised based on the harmony and tension of opposing chromatic planes, combining symmetry and asymmetry as a means to give structure to the surface.
As well as a time where I mainly focused on harmony and counterpoint.»
At first glance the arrangement looks very classical, but upon closer inspection it seems to have a disruptive effect on the harmony of the sculpture park.
The «Final Smash» expansion and the original «Harmony of Heroes» album can both be found and downloaded for free on the Harmony of Heroes website.
This communicates the same focus on harmony seen at Gerudo Town.
When Toyota Prius let us know they were interested in working with LittleBigPlanet 2, we knew that their emphasis on harmony between man, machine and the environment was a good fit for Sackboy's world.
The Lodge is a stunning home set high on Harmony Hill.
In deals, there are savings on Harmony remotes and Omron blood pressure montiors.
on Harmony Raines» «Hot Shifter Nights: Shifters in Love Romance Collection», Beautiful Free Kindle Box Set, Deals
Nagraj ji has elucidated on the harmony and balance in the human conduct as well as in natural phenomenon.
Pattinson is currently filming James Gray's The Lost City of Z and pre-production has begun on Harmony Korine's next film, The Trap.
We are headed home after our 2 night stay on The Harmony of The Seas Cruise Ship.
Two days after its launch from Florida, the SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft was installed on the Harmony module of the International Space Station at 9:00 a.m. EDT.
What we find in Whitehead on harmony is that it can not be analyzed in the complex patterns of events without dealing also with balance and with hierarchy.
Adventures of Ideas on harmony may be read as an expansion.
Indeed, as I read Whitehead on harmony; he seems to be building into his theory these supposed refutations in order to render it more adequate and defensible.
(with «Select Bibliography on Harmony») Unpublished manuscript.
A course in music that leaves the student free to study nothing but hip - hop is more liberal, in one sense, than a course that insists on harmony, counterpoint, and a study of the classics.
Yet another example: the monetary health of denominational bureaucracies is delicately dependent on harmony with the prevailing ethos of the culture with respect to «controversial issues.»
Of more specialized interest are some of the essays in Studies in Chinese Thought, edited by Arthur Wright, especially the articles by Derke Bodde on Harmony and Conflict in Chinese Philosophy, by W. Theodore de Bary on A Reappraisal of Neo-Confucianism, by David S. Nivison on The Problem of «Knowledge» and «Action» in Chinese Thought Since Wang Yang - Ming, and by Schuyler Cammann on Types of Symbols in Chinese Art.
Besides, too high a price has been placed on harmony.
Its sights are on harmony — and a specific harmony to be defined by its creatures.
(Part 2) Interactive Dialogue on Harmony with Nature during the commemoration of International Mother Earth Day - General Assembly, 72nd session


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On Weibo, Modi wanted to talk about Buddha's birthday and a new era of Asian harmony.
Instead, people who fall into this category place less value on personal relationships, and are more likely to advance their own interests (read: pay and promotion) even at the risk of upsetting social harmony.
But the harmony turned to discord on April 2 when North Korean officials blocked the passage of South Koreans into and out of the zone — with 861 South Koreans still inside.
They don't have time, they don't know how, or they don't want to hear the truth — they'd prefer to operate in artificial harmony because the truth means shining a spotlight on a person or department [who could do better].
If we are to achieve a measure of harmony among workers and managers, we will need to demand further desegregation on the basis of wealth, race, and gender.
Boy: Beau As well as loving beauty, harmony and peace, Libras really care about appearance and pride themselves on being attractive.
Amazon is selling the Logitech Harmony Ultimate Smart Home Remote for $ 140, a 53 % savings on the device's regular $ 299 retail price.
My friend and competitor Shel Horowitz explains in clear terms why those two roles are in harmony and not conflict, and how serving the most underserved can build on this idea.
Before things got nasty, Monday afternoonâ $ ™ s business in the Legislature was a madrigal of harmony as members on both sides of the House debated 21 - year - old MLA Thomas Dangâ $ ™ s (Edmonton - South We...
We should continue to share the word of the wisdom of the Lord to every man of this world till the end.for in the word is the understanding of everything created by the almigthy, the word comes with understanding of the existance of the holyspirit which drives us into love, peace and harmony and great things will always be with us forever we will never be caugth on the wrong side.
If all religions would embrace the tenets and beliefs they share and focus less on their differences they could pull together and work in harmony for the good of those who are trapped in extreme poverty.
From a book on Werhner Von Braun: around 1975 when illness was advancing, «His desire to see the world of science and technology in full harmony with the world of religion, particularly as it is manifested in Christian faith, grew even stronger,» Ordway says (p. 272).
I find on the contrary, that... in our knowledge of physical nature we have penetrated so far that we can obtain a vision of the flawless harmony which is in conformity with sublime reason.»
But, as a person who tries to depend on reason and community harmony, I don't see a problem with it being there, as long as we can have a mosque in the neighborhood, a star of David, and whatever else represents people who lost their lives in this national tragedy.
In effect, Ally admits that Jesus was put on the cross, but that he did not die on the cross, and therefore the koranic and biblical accounts are, to some degree, in harmony.
I have had 5 or 6 comments on this thread for no reason except I said I support this Pastor in his quest for truth and inner harmony.
The Most Rev John Sentamu, was asked in a Q and A on his website if science and religion work in harmony with each other.
Protestant liberals were bent on proving that genuine Christian faith could live in mutual harmony with the modern developments in science, technology, immigration, communication and culture that were already under way.
There is a natural harmony of times and seasons, governed by natural law; that is to say, by a successive harmony which turns on, and turns off periods of desire in terms of proper times and seasons.
«Hooker's insistence on «reason» was therefore not at all a way of undervaluing scripture,» says Wright, «but rather of ensuring that the community which based itself on scripture could have an appropriate healthy life and growth, not blundering forward as it were in the dark, but moving ahead by the light of reason, itself informed by scripture and in harmony with the natural law which stemmed from the creator God in the first place.»
The purpose of the Faith Movement, in harmony with the Trust Deed of the Faith - Keyway Trust (registered charity # 278314 in English Law) made on July 13th 1979, is to advance the Catholic Faith in the modern world, by working together to attract many to discipleship of Jesus Christ in a living, sacramental practice of their faith, and above all, through this same activity and as the means to achieve it, humbly to offer within the Church a new development of, and further insight into, the Catholic Faith which she herself teaches us through Scripture and Tradition.
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