Sentences with phrase «on hokey»

As Horacia puts two and two together at a key point late in the film, Diaz gives his own spin on a hokey, century - old visual trope by placing the entire scene out of focus; his heroine only comes into sharp definition as she walks away, toward the camera.
In their first press conference together — a media call - cum - tirade against the Trump tax plan — Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gov. - elect Phil Murphy of New Jersey expressed a chumminess that bordered on hokey.

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The hokey slogan has long invited mockery, most famously in a series of skits on Rock et Belles Oreilles (think Kids in the Hall in French).
You don't see anything deeply inane about basing 21st Century health care policy on the perceived $ exual wishes of some hokey Bronze Age sky - god invented by ignorant Palestinian farmers 2,000 years ago?
In a half - hour, they have to convert you (which trivializes what conversion means), heal you (which is hokey), promise success (people on the shows have overcome alcoholism, are Miss America, or play in the NFL), and entertain (so they find ever more expensive sets with more fountains and glamour (which detract from the world of the suffering.)
As such your claim that we need a CF and DM is no better than a claim that could be made by a hokey fan on football matters.
Share songs that go along with simple hand motions or dance moves, like The «Itsy Bitsy Spider,» «The Wheels on the Bus,» «Two Little Blackbirds,» or the «Hokey Pokey.»
Paul Ray will be on that committee; and he will work his rightwing magic to privatize SS, and the M & Ms.The teabaggers did do the hokey pokey on Obama.
a hokey pokey attack on the middle - and working - class.
bumper sticker seen in historic Saratoga Springs, NY ***** Liberal / progressive bloggers proclaim that the teabaggers did the hokey pokey on Obama.Liberal Robert Reich was given airtime on last night's PBS Newshour.
I was surprised by how much the class turned me on, and it didn't feel hokey or awkward.
If you've read the sales pitch on the Lipovox and Leptovox websites, the hokey «stories» of how each product was developed no doubt left an impression - it certainly did for me.
While the concept and execution of warrior diet may be helpful, Ori's thoughts on metabolism and physiology / biochemistry / metabolism are verging on being totally hokey and unfounded.
«We're being reared on the notion of our own individuality and the belief that we need tools and filters to find other like - minded individuals, rather than put our faith in supposedly hokey old adages like «opposites attract»,» says Mintel's Richard Cope.
MTV's big swing at epic fantasy is a lot of hokey bombast, wasted on a cast of callow babes in the exotic woods.
I thought the translation in the demo was hokey to say the least which doesn't bode well for a game heavily reliant on text.
It's also a vast improvement on the 2001 original starring Angelina Jolie, Jon Voight, and a pre-Bond Daniel Craig — which, revisited, has the distinct whiff of late - night»90s Cinemax: erotic slow - mo shower scenes, hokey digital effects, prancing villains in George Hamilton tans.»
Herman Melville, onetime sailor, never set foot on Nantucket before publishing Moby - Dick, but in In The Heart Of The Sea — which adapts Nathaniel Philbrick's non-fiction book about the Essex whaleship disaster as a hokey origin story for Melville's novel — he arrives on the island, hoping to find the man who had been the...
That, and the heavy reliance on emotionality, ultimaley make this flick a hokey schlock-fest.
The film has plenty of the usual hokey dialogue and characters (instead of a singing nun we now have a singing blind man who dies a few minutes after finally finding true love) but this time around not every passenger on board will make it out alive which does lead to some suspense.
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial may feel hokey to modern audiences, but it's one of many movies directed by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas that had a huge impact on my childhood and on my creative sensibilities.
Some of these visualizations are a bit hokey (nightmares will always be scarier in our minds than on - screen), but it's hard to shake images like the long shadowy figure with smoldering red eyes and sharp teeth.
What You Need to Know: Judging strictly from the logline, this may seem like a hokey Screen Gems thriller that doesn't belong on any list of anticipation whatsoever, save for one authored by the Babysitters Club.
These three possibilities are somewhat at odds with one another: the interpersonal relationships of Walsh's truckers on the Warners back lot are far from the closeted group dynamics of Hawks's aviators within a metaphysical void conjured out of hokey sets at Columbia, while Kubrick's film focuses on the relationship between humans and their artifacts.
Lewis Milestone («All Quiet on the Western Front» / «The Front Page» / «Rain») directed this ill - fated project, and kept it hokey.
Based on one of the company's hokier characters, who in turn is based on Norse mythology, Thor has largely been a second - tier champion whose blend of superheroics and classical melodrama has defeated many a writer since the thunder god debuted in 1962.
What could be an interesting reflection on an actress's breakout feature film experience is rendered kind of hokey because Howard's narration is overdramatic, as are the images and James Newton Howard score selections that are set to it.
Some strings are evident on the dirigible, and the depiction of fire in volcanoes and elsewhere ranges from unconvincing to plain hokey.
While the Boogeyman plays on a common childhood fear, the conclusion will likely leave more audience members horrified about the price they paid for their ticket than terrified by this hokey closet dweller.
It's perhaps a commentary on the lengths to which a teenager will go to feel some sense of normalcy in high school, but the screenplay's depiction of those concerns feels far too hokey for it to have any impact (Her dad, played by Ryan Phillippe, embarrasses her in his self - employed garbage - hoarding, and the there's not a single interaction among the teenage characters that comes across as legitimate).
On the minus side, director Brad Peyton is known for churning out duds such as San Andreas and Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore, not to mention that the trailer for this one contains several hokey special effects.
She isn't great yet with characters on the periphery — Bill is a one - dimensional corporate bad guy / insensitive husband, and it's depressing to see the great Chloë Sevigny cast in a generic role as Owen's mom — but Amos, Diane, and Owen are all vivid and credible enough to support a less - hokey, more rough - hewn narrative.
«Initially, many teachers thought this was a hokey idea,» teacher Elyse Hunt told Education World, «but it caught on quickly.
«For example, making up a dance routine for something as simple as the Hokey Cokey to impress our friends, figuring out how to streamline a supply chain business process, developing a computer simulation to model how a new antibiotic will impact on the immune system, or just doing long multiplication, are all examples of using algorithms to solve problems.
Their last publicity stunt with hokey numbers last fall was loaded with invalid slants on the data they provided.
The cladding seems like a hokey afterthought, and the sporty wheels look out of place on this aging, rather sharp - edged body.
Now we were meeting metaphor head - on in the undeniable poetry of John Lennon and Bob Dylan; Paul Revere's hokey descendant, poised to foretell another revolution, had taken acid before his midnight ride.
While Woods skillfully confronts heavy issues, such as cancer, loss, and Alzheimer's, this book maintains a hopeful (but not hokey) ending focused on self - acceptance and familial bonds.
Kids will join the alligators to sing the alphabet, and sing along with the seals for, «The seals on the bus go round and round...» Top it all off with a Zoo Hokey Pokey and take a bow!
At risk of sounding hokey, I like to «greet the day» by stepping outside on the porch, looking at the sky, feeling the temperature (which saves me checking on my phone later to know how I should dress), and simply taking a moment to see how the day feels.
It looked like on of those sappy, hokey forwards when I opened the email about black bear quintuplets.
«Argle,» a play on the word «argue,» dates back to 16th - century Scotland, while the rhyming reduplication that gives us the phrase «argle - bargle» (think «hokey - pokey,» «namby - pamby,» or «mumbo - jumbo») came along later.
At any rate, I'll simply point you to Google Street View, a new feature imposed on Google Maps (hat tip to beSpacific) where you'll find a video featuring a Google engineer dressed up in a body suit and required to act out a hokey tutorial.
You won't see any hokey Effective Coverage TV commercials, because we don't think your Florida renters insurance premium dollars should be spent on them.
He adds, «Although doing this exercise might sound silly or hokey, it is based on a wide body of research into the power of rehearsing positive thoughts.»
If there is only one on the grill, yet you are seeing several doing the Hokey Pokey, be man enough to rely on the second opinion of your partner.
I was told it was good, so I read it, but found that touching my forehead then repeating the high points and posting on my mirror to be a bit «hokey» and the typical «guru» style.
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