Sentences with phrase «on hold»

I ask for a manager and get put on hold for over 20 minutes.
You don't have to deal with fast - talking insurance brokers who use jargon you don't understand, and you're not put on hold for hours while you call customer service.
Now, he'd like to take his wife there for their honeymoon, which has been put on hold until now.
After a meeting with government ministers yesterday, unions announced that a planned strike ballot would be put on hold while talks continue.
Even though it was not a large increase I plan on holding for the long term and I think they are doing good investing in their future.
This is ok as long as it doesn't hinder the overall plot, but unfortunately the overall plot has been put on hold in order for these character introducing moments.
But that program was put on hold because of logistics.
Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love... but don't put your life on hold waiting for love.
Or, of course, it can also mean providing some effective consequences for something like having missing homework assignments, such as weekend activities being placed on hold until the work is completed.
Don't spend your time calling around and waiting on hold as you gather quotes.
That way, you don't have to put your career on hold while you struggle to repay the debt.
Don't put your social life on hold when you become pregnant!
The ban is now on hold because of a court order.
I have a project on hold because I wanted a darker finish.
Your pet of choice can be placed on hold with a completed application for up to 24 hours or until the next business day.
Plans to ditch the cap were announced in 2016, but were put on hold after last year's general election.
Investors can also trade stocks, futures, options, mutual funds and exchange - traded funds that are based on holdings in various precious metals.
Recruiters report that a substantial number of candidates put their searches on hold at year - end.
The project has been designed but construction is on hold pending road infrastructure investigations.
If you don't already have the miles in your account, you can place an award on hold by calling them.
It's no fault of the game though, but rather my own for insisting on holding down the attack buttons constantly.
All other positions not mentioned above are currently on Hold.
There isn't an official policy that we've seen, but many people have been able to place awards on hold for at least a couple days.
So, they put their house search on hold until they were financially stable again.
The central bank left its benchmark interest rates on hold at 1 per cent, as expected.
Most world economies are starting to experience a rebound and traditionally hiring managers will tend to keep on hold until they are sure of the situation then kick off the hiring process.
The city's plans will remain on hold until it is complete.
If you have been told to put your job search on hold during the holidays, you might want to reconsider.
We are extremely pleased with these numbers, particularly as we put our promotional plans on hold due to budget constraints and then the delays in upgrades associated with the contract negotiations.
Well, you need to also focus on holding onto profits.
Questions are marked [on hold] for the first five days after closure to encourage edits and improvements to the question.
Questions are marked [on hold] for the first five days after closure to encourage edits and improvements to the question.
If you've tried a tactic that works, you might want to put other tactics in your book marketing plan on hold so you can do more of what's working.
This can include placing loans temporarily on hold or adjusting payments.
You plan a forever future together, but if something unexpected happens to one of you, your surviving loved one shouldn't have to put their dreams on hold indefinitely.
The ESA program is still on hold in the Silver State with a resolution possibly coming later this month.
It's so weird to be living day by day, with everything on hold just waiting for a baby.
While the government certainly plays a part in starting a business, the fact is that entrepreneurs don't put their dreams on hold because of it.
His outdoor projects had to go on hold while we prepare for baby # 2 & he deserves a yard he would be proud of!
You may also let him know that, while you will back off some to let him work on his confusion, you will also not put your life on hold forever.
This little perk makes it worth calling and putting an award ticket on hold.
You can't sit on hold with the direct writers for an hour to get a policy.
But a year later, administrators put the program on hold because of staffing shifts.
The school also asked the court to put the case on hold while the state supreme court considers the appeal on the original request.
Do a lot of hiring now while there is still top talent up for grabs, hire just a few people or keep things on hold to see where the economy goes?
At one point that staff was asking each other how long they could put customers on hold when they ask if they could hold a moment.
Then the shocking diagnosis, the troubling spots on her skull and in her pelvic area, put her life on hold again.
After writing to them several times with no response, I decided to change my policy on holding covers.
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