Sentences with phrase «on human action»

Scientific and engineering models may be have more forecasting ability than economic models because economic and financial future events depend on human action, and people do not always react the same way.
Because there is a real difference between environmental concern — where consequences matter — and environmentalism — where signalling adherence to the appropriate markers of concern (based on human action being presumptively destructive) matter.
The two Thomisms ceased to be deeply integrated — with the secunda pars of the Summa Theologiae (on human action) read separately from the doctrine of providence, the metaphysics, and the anthropology of the prima pars.
My point is simply this: it's not fair to conclude that religion is evil based on human action.
Just as Jesus took on human flesh, became a man, and died a criminal's death, so also God took on human actions and events that made Him look guilty.
Since a large portion of the projected range in temperature increases are based on human actions, the good news is that the future is in our hands.

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His action spared much of the harm that some countries still face as result of the devastating effects of lead on human health.
It's closer to an immersive film than a fully interactive simulation, but as Fortune reported when we first checked in on StriVR in 2015, research shows that seeing real humans in action helps the brain refine its timing and stay focused.
«Absolver» aims to solve that problem with a stylish 3D action game where you primarily fight one - on - one with another (human) opponent.
The honorees will include Joanne Smith, the Chief Human Resources Officer for Delta Air Lines (No. 98 on this year's list), for helping the airline to build a more inclusive workplace by pushing it to commit to the White House Equal Pay Pledge, which encourages U.S. companies to take action to advance equal pay among men and women.
We also take action on any accounts we find that violate our terms of service, including asking account owners to confirm a phone number so we can confirm a human is behind it.
So as human beings continually act on their misconceptions, Reflexivity says that those actions then begin to distort the financial markets themselves, which actually impact the actual fundamentals of the markets themselves.
In short the need for actions and policies on many fronts has never been so great — yet the political comprehension and agenda is bankrupt of the will deal with the most salient matters facing the human condition.
«Today's report shows that we need action now on our collective agenda for closing the human rights gap,» said Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde.
If you want to learn how to read the «graphic representation» of human psychology on the charts as mentioned by Al Weiss in his quote above, as well as more about the principles discussed today, checkout my price action trading course and traders community.
We again sounded the alarm to Facebook, publicly calling on the company to strengthen its data privacy policies and «institute human and technical auditing mechanisms» to both prevent violations and take swift action against developers for misuse.
Many also view Canada's record of action on human rights in the region to be ineffective, with 62 % believing the actions have made no real difference.
However, surveys have shown that many Canadians view the country's record of action on human rights in Asia to be ineffective.
The representatives from Harford County Climate Action made it clear — human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels, has had a clear and measurable impact on the Earth's climate over the last century, and those actions have put low - lying areas of Harford County in danger from rising sea levels.
It could take a year or one hundred, for all I know, as it depends on the actions of billions of humans.
Amnesty, even in its weakest forms of non-enforcement of the law and deferred action, without corresponding action to tighten the border and control unlawful immigration, leads directly to the current human crisis as thousands of desperate children (and adults) attempt to enter the United States on the promise that the administration will take no action against them.
Often concentrating on the early writings such as the Habilitationsschrift and the Lublin lectures (neither has been translated into English), the author indicates where the young thinker incorporated Scheler's phenomenological value ethics, Kant's formalistic ethics of duty, and Aquinas» understanding of the rational desire of the will into his own synthesis of human action and value.
We can assume that all the Justices sitting on the Court today, like other humans, have their own preferences and biases about religion, but the judicial opinions of one of them, Justice John Paul Stevens, raise more than a slight suspicion that some of his actions on the bench stem from animosity, if not to animal sacrifice, at least to certain less exotic religious beliefs and practices.
The concept of a 13,700,00,000 year old being, capable of creating the entire Universe and its billions of galaxies, monitoring simultaneously the actions and thoughts of the 7 billion human beings on this planet is ludicrous.
The concept of a 13,700,00,000 year old being, capable of creating the entire Universe and its billions of galaxies, monitoring simultaneously the thoughts and actions of the 7 billion human beings on this planet 24 hours a day, seven days a week is ludicrous.
In human relationships we evaluate how others feel about us based on their actions towards us.
Most Western Christians, especially fundamentalists, define what it means to be human by the Original Sin, not the Original Blessing — which is not only unbiblical, but puts the emphasis on the human rather than Divine action.
This essay focuses on the nature of self - interest, and that is a different question than whether self - interest is the only possible end of human action.
Too many humans stay on the carnal level of thinking / believing, writing and actions.
So this is really promotional material for President Carter's new book: «A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence and Power» and the letter he sent seeking Papal «blessing» or endorsement for his campaign on human rights abuses against women.
Because Lewis has kept the action in this novel on the supernatural level, in the nontemporal, a-historical Eden, he can affirm life here; but the contrast between Malacandra and earth is such that human life is seen as brutal and brutish.
The Programme of Action is comprehensive and seeks to build and strengthen «adequate national structures which have a direct impact on the overall observance of human rights and the maintenance of the rule of law.
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
There are two aspects to the Sunnah: legislation given by the Prophet on matters not specifically detailed in the Qur» an, and traditions based on the actions and utterances of Muhammad as a human being.
«As rightly observed in the article Overlapping International and European Laws: «Environmental protection has become a fertile source of laws, international, European and national, since the U.N. sponsored the Stockholm Conference of 1972 and its Declaration on, and Action Programme for the Human Environment.
The monological, «performer» stereotype of conventional preaching, as we have seen, frustrates the clergy, impoverishes the laity, and fails to engage men who are living on the frontier of human thought and action.
Otherwise they will be like indolent workmen who find no spur to action in a task to be achieved; or else, if a healthy human instinct overrides their hesitancies or the fallacies they derive from a misunderstanding of religion, they will still be a prey to a fundamental division and frustration within themselves, and it will be said that the sons of heaven can not, on the human level, compete with true conviction and therefore on equal terms with the children of this world.
That is to say, most human action consists of learned responses, which depend on mental capabilities.
Some Traditions speak of Angels who guard Hell, some who guard Paradise, some who ask dead people about their beliefs, and some who record all of a man s actions; there is also an Angel who will blow the trumpet to awaken all human beings on the Day of Judgment.
However, human dignity is not based simply on our feelings but is linked to our radical capacity rationally to direct our actions.
Building on the Platonic understanding of hell as the place where unpunished violations of justice are requited, Schall argues it is the consequence of our free will («the other side of human dignity») and of the significance of human action, opening up trains of thought in the direction of the immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body - and finding this all pleasurable, «even amusing» (p. 121) in terms of logic and reason.
All that should matter to us is, on the one hand, human society, and on the other, the merely natural context of our actions.
Negatives tend to set the boundaries on human behavior, and to curb irresponsible action.
Humans enjoy or suffer the consequences of our choices and actions while we are here on the surface, in the light.
Within the extremely narrow sliver of time when human beings have occupied centre - stage on world history, why is it that this issue has come to dominate our thoughts and actions?
Sadly, these attitudes and assumptions were retained even when in fact human actions began to have a large effect on other living things.
Here in Christ is a focal manifestation in human life of God the creative reality, a manifestation in terms of action — and that action is on our human plane and in our human situation, speaking to our human condition.
If you hold that no human death came before sinfulness, then it depends on what you call human (there is a gradation of forms leading up to the modern human skeleton in the fossil record, as well as the overwhelming genetic evidence that we arose through an evolutionary process) and what you consider sin (i.e. when did we become accountable to God for our actions?).
The dropping of the atomic bomb, however, and the killing of birdlife by DDT, documented by Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, introduced a new problem: the presence of totally unpredicted (and probably unpredictable) harmful effects on the environment and on human life stemming from actions taken specifically to produce certain benefits.
The two natural modes of human thought, according to Bruner, are paradigmatic thought (logico - scientific thinking that rests on description, explanation and verification) and narrative thought that weaves together action and consciousness (NPM) 3 Consciousness is the thinking, feeling and willing of the human person.
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