Sentences with phrase «on human belief»

Yes, it is well worth emphasizing that the abstract arguments for recognizing a god as the «uncaused cause» of the universe can not be used to defend the notion of a personal god, let alone the specific conception of god and his supposed take on human beliefs that Christians believe in.

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At least 24 of the 34 colleges and universities granted religious exemptions based on their beliefs about gender identity also received waivers allowing them to discriminate against gay and lesbian students and employees, citing faith - based prohibitions against homosexual sex, the Human Rights Campaign said.
It emerged from a system based on a belief that humans couldn't damage the environment on a global scale.
Wealthfront is banking on the belief that smart, math - savvy millennials — whose net worth, according to the company, is projected to reach $ 7 trillion in the next five years — will trust the company's algorithms to manage their money better than a more expensive, human advisor.
As the name implies, a fixed mindset is a belief system that presumes that human achievement is based primarily on innate gifts.
Most human cultures depend on leaders to define, modify and reinforce the behaviors and beliefs of the group.
Zakaria wasn't suggesting ceding Western values and beliefs — but rather recognizing that prevailing attitudes on such issues as the environment, human rights, and social affairs are different in many parts of Asia than those that hold sway in the West.
Bias is a human tendency that affects our behavior and perspective, based on predetermined mental notions and beliefs.
The modern project of controlling nature is founded on the belief that technological innovation improves the human condition and should be encouraged rather than controlled.
- Pursue the UN Commission of Inquiry's recommendation of referral to the International Criminal Court; - Thoroughly consider and instigate appropriate alternative justice mechanisms to compliment the International Criminal Court process; - Ensure that all discussions on the North Korea at the UN and the EU include human rights and especially the «orphaned right» of freedom of religion and belief: Article 18.
So how do you go from that reasoning to «Since it wasn't accidental then it must have been this ancient male diety named (fill in blank depending on religion) who loves me and knows me and cares for me and wants me to perform rituals that have nothing to do with morality like prayer, not eating certain things, sabaath and many more just because he said so, even though we have no record of him saying anything, just records of humans who wrote things down that they claim he said, but I want to believe it all so badly I will base my beliefs on no other evidence than «it just can't be accident».
But to claim that God would bless you by making life harder on another human being, in this case your own son, is beyond belief.
Not for the communist atrocities those were caused by attempts to engineer society, based on a flawed understanding of innate human nature and a fallacious belief in humans beings as blank slates.
Unfortunately in my case, I've probably gone to excess the other way... after 43 years of being (in my view) threatened with hellfire for every cotton - picking thing (including the «sinfulness» of being born in the first place because it's a well - known scriptural fact that every human is born sinful and separated from G - d, with a heart that does nothing but desire evil and no way to please G - d even when righteous), threatened with being «left behind» in the rapture (should I fail on some doctrinal (belief) point at the crucial moment)... I refuse to consider ANY possibility of hell at all.
We can assume that all the Justices sitting on the Court today, like other humans, have their own preferences and biases about religion, but the judicial opinions of one of them, Justice John Paul Stevens, raise more than a slight suspicion that some of his actions on the bench stem from animosity, if not to animal sacrifice, at least to certain less exotic religious beliefs and practices.
And to say that Biblical teachings are invalid because there are other similar beliefs that have older known written sources invalidates the Biblical teachings also should take into consideration that for certain Biblical believers that all those truths whether they are known to have been placed in the Bible first or known thus far to have been placed elsewhere that they believe that they all come via deity who at the beginning of human history on this world dispensed those truths to humanity and that to those who believe in the biblical teachings believe that through time they are more complete than those of other ancient beliefs due to God restoring those truths through revelations given to later prophets like say Moses and other later Old and New Testament prophets and apostles.
i think the basic belief is that killing another human is wrong, whether it is an unborn child, and abortion doctor, or a murderer on death row.
Its an issue in human rights and separation of church and state and that all people have rights despite the wish of a few relgions to push their personal beliefs on others.
«Through the UK - Sudan Strategic Dialogue, and our policy of phased engagement, we continue to raise human rights issues with the government of Sudan and make regular representations on freedom of religion or belief, including in relation to reported church demolitions, most recently during the Archbishop of Canterbury's visit to Sudan in July.»
Obviously, that biblical law was written by ignorant men, and because humans are changeable, we have «evolved» our beliefs on such things and do not recognize what the biblical laws require — because they are immoral.
CNN: Catholics clergymen come out swinging against HHS regulation Catholics around the country got an earful on Sunday from the pulpit over a new health insurance policy by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that forces employers to cover contraception and abortion as part of preventative care regardless of religious beliefs.
As described in my article on The Judeo - Christian Origin of Science» [1], science is based on specific fundamental beliefs about the natural world, namely that matter is good, rational and contingent and open to the human mind, and that any discoveries that may be made should be shared freely.
The policy goes into effect on August 1, but U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced in a statement January 20 that religious organizations that do not provide contraceptive coverage based on religious belief will have until August 1, 2013, to comply.
Washington (CNN)- Catholics around the country got an earful on Sunday from the pulpit over a new health insurance policy by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that forces employers to cover contraception and abortion as part of preventative care regardless of religious beliefs.
• After Germaine Greer said that freedom is the world's most dangerous idea, and sex columnist Dan Savage picked population control, newspaper columnist Peter (brother of Christopher) Hitchens declared on Australian TV that «the most dangerous idea in human history and philosophy remains the belief that Jesus Christ was the son of God and rose from the dead.»
Some have argued that belief in God is a supernatural gift of God not depending on any achievement of human reason.
The belief that the Incarnate One possessed both human and divine natures raised a few additional questions on this matter: Did Christ's divine nature also have an external appearance through its union with the human one?
Some Traditions speak of Angels who guard Hell, some who guard Paradise, some who ask dead people about their beliefs, and some who record all of a man s actions; there is also an Angel who will blow the trumpet to awaken all human beings on the Day of Judgment.
Stupid things such as, «Jesus wants me to be rich», «the Earth is 6000 years old and every human is descended from Adam and Eve», and «my ignorant beliefs should be imposed on everyone by the government, as long as I don't have to pay for it.»
Princeton bioethicist Peter Singer popularized «speciesism,» a derogatory term for the belief that it is acceptable to treat humans differently from animals based solely on species membership.
Though now out of fashion, the writings of these men have had, and continue to have, a huge influence on popular beliefs regarding how human beings «work».
Though it purports to eliminate discrimination, Senate Bill 1146 results in its own form of discrimination by stigmatizing and coercively punishing religious beliefs that disagree on contested matters related to human sexuality.
The ERLC hammered on the same point, releasing a statement that accused the legislation of «its own form of discrimination by stigmatizing and coercively punishing religious beliefs that disagree on contested matters related to human sexuality.»
Faith based beliefs don't afford such a luxury as admitting they are wrong, because they don't rely on evidence, but on human «feeling.»
This freedom means that all men are to be immune from coercion on the part of individuals or of social groups and of any human power, in such wise that no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs, whether privately or publicly, whether alone or in association with others, within due limits.»
your understanding of the change process is very simplistic, because your mind is not open, you specifically believe already in the traditional doctrines, Dogmas as shown in thousands of years of history evolves, and the need for input variables, meaning the diversity of religious belief is necessay because nature through his will is requiring this to happen, we are being educated by God in the events of history.In the past when there was no humans yet Gods will is directly manifisted in nature, with our coming and education through history, we gradually takes the responsibilty of implementing the will.Your complaint on your perception of abuse is just part of the complex process of educating us through experience.
thinks, that the Tigris and the Euphrates have not a common source, that the Dead Sea had been in existence long before human beings came to live in Palestine, instead of originating in historical times, and so on... We are able to comprehend this as the naive conception of the men of old, but we can not regard belief in the literal truth of such accounts as an essential of religious conviction... And every one who perceives the peculiar poetic charm of these old legends must feel irritated by the barbarian — for there are pious barbarians — who thinks he is putting the true value upon these narratives only when he treats them as prose and history.
, they would base on quality of life, not on any silly human belief structure.
Orthodoxy is being able not only to repeat the same teachings but also to show their relevance to the new context.2 Other individuals, on the other hand, interpret religious beliefs as merely expressions of the human community's search for some kind of meaning, an accumulated source of information built up over the years as the community reflected on its life and activities.
Rather, we make decisions on the basis of beliefs about what sorts of virtues seem important, what sort of human life we believe to be good.
Amazing how humans use religion to justify their own personal beliefs rather than providing a stage for examining whether your their thoughts are upheld by their religion on not.
That would depend on what religion you are referring to since not all religions believe the same thing when it comes to life on other worlds or even sentient life on other worlds, and perchance if that sentient life out there is human or even humanoid, it may even verify those beliefs.
no other human has the right to impose their «beliefs» on another living human.
His conviction that this can be accomplished rests upon his faith in God on the one side and logical rigor on the other — his belief that his tools are indeed adequate (for humans to have the kind of knowledge humans can have); that our knowledge of God, although partial, is really knowledge of God as God is.
When I reflect on the infinite pains to which the human mind and heart will go in order to protect itself from the full impact of reality, when I recall the mordant analyses of religious belief which stem from the works of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud and, furthermore, recognize the truth of so much of what these critics of religion have had to say, when I engage in a philosophical critique of the language of theology and am constrained to admit that it is a continual attempt to say what can not properly be said and am thereby led to wonder whether its claim to cognition can possibly be valid — when I ask these questions of myself and others like them (as I can not help asking and, what is more, feel obliged to ask), is not the conclusion forced upon me that my faith is a delusion?
We aim to rediscover and reconstruct a society based on «belief in the ability of human experience to generate the aims and methods by which further experience will grow in ordered richness» (PCM 227).
Any «christian» who is shoving his beliefs down your throat isn't acting on christian belief, but human ego.
The authors report on the results of a survey of scientists and theological educators, asking about their belief in a God who intervenes in human affairs.
There is no underlying core to human beings, no ultimate basis for our most cherished beliefs, not even any final goal on which all our yearnings and searchings will eventually converge.
the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
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