Sentences with phrase «on human causation»

Still, they find a strong consensus on human causation of climate change: 87.4 % of respondents are to some extent convinced that most of recent or near future climate change is, or will be, the result of anthropogenic causes (question v007).
It's now frightening how little climate science is known by both sides of the debate on human causation of global warming.

Not exact matches

All the causality exercised on a present event, therefore, must come from prior events; no present event, including a moment of human experience, can exert causation upon itself so as to be (partially) self - determining.
Third, efficient causation dependably passes on novelties introduced so that human purpose involving vast reaches of time and space may be expressed.
Your last paragraph ignores the difference between an evolutionary hypothesis based on physical evidence and demonstrable mechanisms versus the magical causation inferred by scientifically ignorant ancient tribes resulting from a human tendency towards teleological thinking.
WRT to the (alleged) correlation between CO2 and human longevity: correlation is not, as our denialist friends like to stress — on alternate days, anyhow — causation.
Some of that would count as evidence of AGW, especially if it's the kind of impact that is somehow contingent on human - causation.
More specifically in regard to the question of human causation, opponents of climate change policies that deny human causation should be expected to specifically respond to the numerous «foot - print» and «attribution» studies that the international community has relied on to make conclusions about human causation.
This question, following up on question one, is designed to expose the fact that there is a strong ethical duty to assume human causation of climate change if there is reliable evidence of human causation and that those who seek to justify non-action on climate change because they claim that human causation has not been proven have a very strong ethical duty to demonstrate that humans are not causing climate change with high levels of proof.
Rarely is human - induced climate change mentioned as a cause or contributing factor in the recent outbreak of sever tornadoes although questions about causation are becoming more frequent on TV and newspapers in this writer's experience.
Climate skeptic scientists have long questioned whether the effects of relatively minor (compared to other CO2 sources and sinks) human - caused emissions of CO2 have more than a minor effect on global temperatures and some have even questioned whether the UN and USEPA have even gotten the causation backwards (i.e., because on balance global temperatures affect atmospheric CO2 levels).
Tamino's action suggestion, «politicians who deny the reality, human causation, and danger of global warming should be voted out of office» should be written on every wall and as a ceterum censeo added after every speech.
And of those abstracts expressing an explicit position on the cause of global warming, 97.6 % (999/1024) endorsed human causation.
Add to that the role of the moon and big planets, Jupiter and Saturn, and the effects on the geomagnetic field and galactic cosmic radiation and little is needed — indeed little room is left — for postulating a human causation as an additional factor let alone a rational explanation for all or even most of observed climate change.
It signifies expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of emotional and mental disorders based on advanced knowledge of human development, the causation and treatment of psychopathology, psychotherapeutic treatment practices, and social work practice as defined in advanced social work.
The ability to accept such a proposition rests in part on accepting that one of the single most pathogenic factors in the causation of mental illness, and some physical health problems, is humans themselves.
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