Sentences with phrase «on human diets»

The work of Dr. Weston Price is the single most important set of studies ever done on human diets (IMO) and all of them included animal foods to some degree.
An experiment on human diets and looking for biological markers of aging should be tried on 60 year old humans.
There are a few examples of plant enzymes having physiologically relevant impacts on the human diet, and the formation of sulforaphane in broccoli is one of them.

Not exact matches

I warned then that tricked traffic, vicarious visitors, and the kind of morons attracted to the latest news on Momma whoever's new diet weren't worth reaching or pitching to in any case because they weren't buying anything worth selling — but at least we thought they were living, breathing human beings.I said:
On a normal diet, the human body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which are used for energy or stored as glycogen in liver and muscle tissue.
Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
The turkey, native to Latin America, has been part of the human diet for many thousands of years, based on bone remains found in Mexico.
Whichever group you fall into though, you are part of another statistic, my favorite one: 100 % of humans have bodies that run best on a diet made up of natural, organic, unprocessed food.
It's a documentary that follows the careers of two scientists studying the effects of a plant - based diet on humans and sharing the comparative data from around the world.
The adverse effect of a cost constraint on food selection and nutrient density: an analysis of human diets by linear programming
Using a «gnotobiotic mouse model» — where mice were «colonized with a synthetic human gut microbiota composed of fully sequenced commensal bacteria» — Desai et al reported on the effects of different diets with different fibre content.
Humans wash their fruits and veggies so well that we no longer consume enough B - 12 containing soil on our foods and must fortify our diets with it.
Some of us have to consider health as well as taste (I use a low carb diet to maintain normal blood glucose instead of taking diabetes drugs, while at the same time I focus on foods that have a long tradition of supporting healthy populations, as well as limit processed «fake food» ingredients which are novel to the human diet).
«Recent research on humans published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition earlier this year indicates that drinking diet beverages does not cause people to overeat or to increase their intake of sweet foods and beverages.
Some words of wisdom grace the walls with none other than Albert Einstein's famous quote,» Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet
I'll be discussing a whole - food, plant - based diet and its benefits on human health and the environment.
In the first human trial, subjects on a diet of A2 milk reported less abdominal pain, compared to a diet of regular A1 milk.
Researchers can't seem to agree on whether or not following a low carb diet is effective for long - term weight loss in every human being.
They may mention a passing caution that the type of fats in human milk will differ depending on your diet, but it's never made into a big deal.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a Washington - based group that promotes low - fat, vegetarian diets and opposes what it deems inhumane experiments on animals and humans, acknowledges that it has conducted no independent research.
Chocolate regularly «calls» her name, she's forever going on a new «diet» every Monday and she's always taking on more projects than one human can manage (this description likely fits many of you!).
Previous studies have shown that a high fat maternal diet during gestation and lactation has a long - term impact on the infant's gut microbiome (the community of bacteria living inside the human gut.)
The study was the first of its kind to compare the risk of developing NEC and requiring NEC surgery among premature infants on an exclusively human milk diet versus those fed preterm infant formula derived from cow's milk (
«I knew how important it was to keep my babies on an exclusive human milk diet.
Impact of maternal diet on human milk composition and neurological development of infants.
«Leave it to liberals to ignore injustices and atrocities of a totalitarian nation on human beings and put more importance on a nations diet which includes grass clippings and canines.
Julie Lesnik's research focuses on food culture and the evolution of the human diet as they relate to edible insects.
By analyzing microwear traces on the fossilized molars of Neandertals and Upper Paleolithic modern humans, the researchers were able to draw conclusions about diet type and establish a relationship with prevalent climactic conditions.
The researchers found that changes in the amount of protein and carbohydrates in the diet had a similar effect on the microbiota of dogs and humans, independent of the dog's breed or sex.
Dr Luis Pedro Coelho, commented: «These findings suggest that dogs could be a better model for nutrition studies than pigs or mice and we could potentially use data from dogs to study the impact of diet on gut microbiota in humans, and humans could be a good model to study the nutrition of dogs.
Hunter - gatherer diets like those eaten by these northern groups and other traditional diets based on nomadic herding or subsistence farming are among the older approaches to human eating.
Our results suggest, in specific circumstances, there may be a potential benefit to eating more soy foods as part of an overall healthy diet and lifestyle,» said Zhang, who is also the 2016 - 2017 Miriam E. Nelson Tisch Faculty Fellow at the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life and an adjunct scientist in nutritional epidemiology at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts.
Although humans have been eating raw foods since they first began foraging for their sustenance, the diet really began to catch on in recent years when some high - profile celebrities began touting its health - and weight - maintenance benefits
But this should not deter you, for there are plenty more accessible contributions such as those by Coppens («Brain, locomotion, diet, and culture: how a primate, by chance, became a man»), Phillip Tobias on «The brain of the first hominid» and Rebecca Cann's chapter «Mitochondrial DNA and human evolution», which as a relative novice, I found very helpful.
The rest were fed a diet of 60 percent fat — the sort of unhealthy diet that would pile excess pounds on a human frame.
A good diet and strenuous exercise minimise the damage, but no one knows how the human body will fare on long - term missions to an asteroid, for example, or Mars.
The smart pills were trialled on two groups of pigs — whose digestive systems are similar to humans — fed high and low - fibre diets.
Black bears in Yosemite National Park that don't seek out human foods subsist primarily on plants and nuts, according to a study conducted by biologists at UC San Diego who also found that ants and other sources of animal protein, such as mule deer, make up only a small fraction of the bears» annual diet.
Those exposed to human cultures digesting a potato diet released the most PYY, followed by those exposed to baboon cultures on a potato diet.
Surprisingly, the human cultures on a potato diet produced the highest levels of SCFAs.
The study, which focused on bears that had learned to eat human food or food waste, found that the proportion of human foods in their diets decreased by about 63 percent after the new strategies were implemented.
Belury and colleagues were able to tie these findings to the human tendency to skip meals because of the behavior they expected to see — based on previous work — in the mice on restricted diets.
But finding the mechanism, and the role that mechanism plays in humans, might just place high - fat diets on the «don't» list for moms - to - be.
A recent Baylor University research study has shed new light on the diet and food acquisition strategies of some the earliest human ancestors in Africa.
Other teams suggested that humans reduced muscle mass to save energy; walked and ran more efficiently; or got extra calories faster by eating a higher quality diet, cooking food to cut down on the energy spent in digestion, and sharing food.
The hypothesis on dietary differences between modern humans and Neandertals is based on the study of animal bones found in caves occupied by these two types of hominids, which can provide clues about their diet, but it is always difficult to exclude large predators living at the same time as being responsible for at least part of this accumulation.
Professor Gideon Davies, who led the research at York University, says, «Despite our omnivorous diet, humans aren't well equipped to eat complex plant matter; for this we rely on our gut bacteria.
The mice were then placed on a calorie - restricted diet, which usually precedes the development of anorexia in adolescent humans and may act as a trigger for eating disorders.
By analysing these isotope signals for possible food sources and relating them to the values shown in human bone material, it is possible to deduce the diet the person in question has lived on.
Whereas humans evolved over time on a complex diet, hummingbirds evolved on a diet rich in sugar.
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