Sentences with phrase «on human longevity»

I've speculated before about the effect of eating paleo on human longevity.
Purpose is SO important and Deanna Minich, PhD shares why on The Human Longevity Project.

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It's human nature that we estimate our longevity based on the longevity of our parents, or grandparents.
Despite Venter's claims, many doctors oppose Human Longevity's approach, citing the potential for false negatives and the bevy of unnecessary tests on «healthy people.»
Even if we suppose that, by prolonging its existence on a scale of planetary longevity, the human species will eventually find itself with a chemically exhausted Earth beneath its feet, is not Man even now in process of developing astronautical means which will enable him to go elsewhere and continue his destiny in some other corner of the firmament?
Anne's work, insights and advice have been seen on TV shows and movies including 4 episodes of «A Baby Story» on TLC Discovery Channel, and the award winning feature documentary, «Orgasmic Birth» and «The Human Longevity Project.»
My work, insights and advice have been seen on TV shows and movies including 4 episodes of «A Baby Story» on TLC Discovery Channel, and the award winning feature documentary, «Orgasmic Birth» and «The Human Longevity Project.»
His research focuses on the upper limits to human longevity, the health and public policy implications associated with individual and population aging, as well as the pursuit of the scientific means to slow aging in people.
Reflections on longevity have usually gone beyond acknowledging the basic shortness of human life and have included thinking about methods to extend life.
«By understanding how seabirds can cope with high metabolic demands with no effect on longevity, we may learn how old humans can reduce their chance of being impacted by metabolic diseases.»
Explanations in the first category are based on unique aspects of human life history, such as intelligence, social organization, and cultural transfer that allowed the evolution of longevity [45]--[51].
For one, real longevity research on humans should involve humans, he said, and should last for decades.
Other researchers on the study were Yuriko Hishida, Veronica Modesto, Kenneth E. Diffenderfer, and W. Travis Berggren of the Salk Institute; Angelo Arias, Peter Shepard, and Agnieszka D'Antonio - Chronowska of the University of California, San Diego; Clay Conner of the University of Notre Dame; and William Biggs and Efren Sandoval of Human Longevity, Inc..
PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University]-- A new study on the mechanics of aging and longevity finds that fruit flies inhibited from producing the protein Sirt4 — which is also found in humans — are short - lived, while flies modified to make extra Sirt4 are long - lived.
Inflammaging and anti-inflammaging: A systemic perspective on aging and longevity emerged from studies in humans.
Based on our understanding of human physiology and longevity, coffee reduces your risk of death by helping your cells produce energy, increasing your metabolism, and therefore improving thyroid function.
The Peak Fitness method can also engage the fast and super-fast twitch muscle fibers that have many beneficial effects on your body's metabolic systems, especially when it comes to promoting the production of the human growth hormone (HGH) and potentially improving your longevity.
However, the effects of meal frequency on human health and longevity are unclear [2].
Research into fasting for longevity and healthier aging is well - established in animals, but controlled testing on humans is still in its infancy.
Malmquist adds that it has an unnatural feel and you can differentiate human and synthetic hair based on price, maintenance, texture and longevity.
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Humans are on an endless quest for a fountain of youth — keys to longevity and health — and we'd like to know what might help our pets live longer too.
Just as longevity in humans has improved with medical advances and an emphasis on early diagnosis and treatment of age related health problems, a proactive approach to your geriatric pets can help assure the best quality of life and longevity for your canine and feline family members.
A single - player tournament system — played with AI bots of differing difficulties — gives you scope to practise on your terms, but offers no real longevity and the lack of a human competitor restricts the otherwise exciting experience.
WRT to the (alleged) correlation between CO2 and human longevity: correlation is not, as our denialist friends like to stress — on alternate days, anyhow — causation.
Longevity will depend on environmental stewardship and human values.
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