Sentences with phrase «on humankind»

And while the technology will have many beneficial effects on humankind, for cryptocurrency holders, the technology could spell devastation.
You are the victims of the biggest con job ever pulled on humankind.
That theme — in which nature, after putting up with so much abuse, turns on humankind — seems to be dominant in many films these days.
A meditation on humankind's relationship to the ocean, it depicts the majestic beauty of the natural world in stark contrast with images of human greed and brutality.
His work is built on a conceptual framework derived from the impact of emerging technologies on humankind.
Although the chances of finding non-terrestrial artifacts might be low, the discovery of ETI technology, even if broken and non-functioning, would provide evidence that ETI exist elsewhere in the galaxy and have a profound impact on humankind.
If so, then the pattern is similar to the movement of Gen 1 and 2 - 3, from creation as a whole to a focus on humankind.
The millions of people who have died over the «right» way to worship is a horror, a blot on humankind, and not any God's intention.
During this period there emerged the doctrine of the Noahide laws, which are seven categories of commandments considered binding on all humankind (i.e., the descendants of Noah after the Flood).
Religion and god is a scam, the biggest ever perpetrated on humankind.
And insofar as there was a hint of recognition on humankind's part, in the crucifixion the messiah was being returned unopened to his sender.
The reality of it, the real picture on humankind is laid out very accurately in the first 3 chapters of Romans.
John R. Wilmoth, a demographer at the University of California, Berkeley, has collected a wealth of data on humankind's increasing longevity over the past two centuries.
At present the only alternative to academic opinion on humankind comes from religious fanaticism or sentimental conservatism.
In a watershed moment for chimpanzee research, the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report on December 15 declaring that «most current use of chimpanzees for biomedical research is unnecessary» and recommending the sharp curtailing of government - funded research on humankind's closest genetic relative.
The study of neutrinos, like the study of deep space, will most likely have no direct effect on humankind prior to our extinction.
Based on humankind's admittedly limited experience, habitability seems to mean a small world — a terrestrial planet rather than a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn — orbiting its star at a comfortable «Goldilocks» distance that allows water to persist in liquid form.
In the 50 years since the book «Silent Spring» sounded the alarm on humankind's poisoning of the biosphere with synthetic pesticides like DDT, the grass roots environmental movement has tackled issues ranging from clean air and water, animal rights and
The darling book Catakism: A Humorous Purr - Spective on Humankind's Obsession with Cats by Jeff Lazarus AND a Beth Bender Beauty Cat Eye Kit!
In his novel The Terror, Arthur Machen imagined that the animals, sickened by the carnage of World War I, turned on humankind with tooth and claw.
Now Picard's nemesis is bent on destroying not only the Federation but also Earth itself unless the captain can overpower his young and arrogant opponent before he unleashes his deadly weapon on humankind.
Taken together, they make for a reasonably entertaining sci - fi thriller and an efficient hook for that inevitable sequel, where, we're guessing, the simian rebels, making like Spartacus, really get down to business and turn the tables on humankind.
The cultured, cool vampires» disdain for the «zombies,» along with dark hints at how they / we have «polluted» or «contaminated» ourselves somehow hint at some slight social comment on humankind's self - destructive tendencies, though we're probably reaching on that one.
It's just another war for oil in Battle: Los Angeles, a film so chaotic and incoherent that it nearly self - destructs before miraculously gaining enough momentum halfway through to offer a bombastic take on humankind's fight against a technologically advanced — yet not impervious — race of malevolent alien invaders.
Claymore, written by Norihiro Yagi, is the story of Clare, a so - called Claymore, hunters of shape - shifters called Yoma who prey on humankind.
It's a relationship to be respected, especially for our domesticated friends, who are so dependent on humankind for their care and protection.
You've been gifted a prototype transformable fighter - mecha from your grandfather in order to fight an alien attack on humankind.
During its post-mortem analysis on humankind, the AI resurrects the remains of a 21st century human into this unrecognizable world, and sends Shiba Emissary, a canine super-pet, to extract one final impression of man under stress.
Her contemplative pieces reflect on humankind's struggle for dominion over nature, and the resilience of life in the harshest conditions.
These are all assaults on humankind to eliminate and / or enslave the masses.
What could spur better or more effective «muddling» is by capitalizing on humankind's collective desire for stories.
For those who «embrace an optimistic view toward human capacities and the future,» the easiest path is to ignore the messy world of politics and focus one's gaze on humankind's amazing technological achievements.
The most damning and decisive report yet on humankind's contribution to climate change was delivered by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change little more than a week ago.
Failure to adapt to climate change came fifth on the WEF report's list of risks ranked by their potential impact on humankind.
And we should focus our therapeutic efforts on particular afflicted human beings, not on humankind.
Islam is the biggest con job ever pulled on humankind.
Focusing on humankind's obsessive relationship to computers and other virtual platforms, the works in this exhibition are microcosmic scenes that convey the varied nature of these relationships, such as obsession, escapism, isolation and sexual fetish.
That isn't to say that there are no standouts: Jeremy Sharma's Terra Sensa - Lovell (2013) consists of casts of radiographs of collated data from collapsed stars, a surreal meditation on humankind's unceasing obsession with extraterrestrial terrain light - years beyond Earth; Peace Can Be Realised Even Without Order (2012) by teamLab is a massive, interactive platform of holographic musicians and dancers clad in traditional garb that respond to viewers» movements and reactions.
But for sheer dramatic impact on humankind, the development and refinement of the implantable cardiac defibrillator leads the list.
He writes about the effect that technology has on humankind, and vice versa.
«Our planet is changing in ways that will have profound impacts on all humankind
Do you suggest that Climate / environmental / economic issues and or impacts, on humankind, only pertain to non-theists and should not be discussed or investigated, by theists?
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