Sentences with phrase «on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas»

We knew this might be coming for the last three months: New Jersey has become the first state in the US to enact a statewide ban on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas, popularly known as fracking.
The Environmental Protection Agency's anti-coal aero - pollution rules, intense opposition to the Keystone pipeline, and looming restrictions on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas are already further impairing electricity and other energy availability and reliability.
The Town Board in Rush has voted unanimously in favor of establishing a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas.

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Cuomo has «delivered more real progressive wins than any other Democrat in the country,» Shafran said, listing the legalization of gay marriage, the new minimum wage law, a gun control law and the ban on hydraulic fracturing to drill for natural gas.
He said Cuomo has «delivered more real progressive wins than any other Democrat in the country,» listing the legalization of gay marriage, the new minimum wage law, a gun - control law and the ban on hydraulic fracturing to drill for natural gas.
His praise, however, came with a healthy dose of irony: Pegula owes much of his fortune to advancements of horizontal hydraulic fracturing for natural gas, a controversial technique that Cuomo's administration has kept on hold in New York for years.
The decision came at an especially sensitive time for the Southern Tier: On the same day as the casino decision, the Cuomo's administration announced that it would ban hydraulic fracturing for natural gas, seen by some as another economic lifeline for the region.
New York environmental officials have released a revised set of proposed regulations for hydraulic fracturing natural gas and will begin taking public comment on them in December.
She's also been an advocate for property tax reform, she opposes high - volume hydraulic fracturing as a method of natural gas exploration and she'd like to take on corruption in Albany.
ALBANY — State Sen. Greg Ball, a Republican known for his maverick sensibility, enhanced that reputation further with his introduction Wednesday of a proposed moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, the controversial natural gas drilling technique better known as hydrofracking that's under review by the state Department of Environmental Conservation.
Secretary Sally Jewell told a Senate subcommittee that her department is «very close» to unveiling rules to regulate hydraulic fracturing for natural gas and oil on public lands
The French parliament voted on June 30 to ban the controversial technique for extracting natural gas from shale rock deposits known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, the web sites of Le Monde and other French media reported.The bill had already passed the National Assembly, the country's lower chamber, on June 21, and on June 30 a Senate vote of 176 to 151 made France the first country to enact such a ban, just as New York State is preparing to lift a moratorium on the same method.The vote was divided along party lines, with the majority conservative party voting in favor and the opposition voting against the bill, according to Le Monde.
eg on Page 4 Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing as a means for producing oil and natural gas began in the early 2000s.10 aka Cheney et al..
While in Washington to run a panel at an invaluable conference on disasters and the environment this week, I spent a few minutes in a studio to discuss the issues and opportunities surrounding hydraulic fracturing for natural gas (and oil) on the Current TV show The War Room, hosted by Jennifer Granholm, the former governor of Michigan.
Bruno Van Peteghem, 2001 Goldman Environmental Prize winner for Islands and Island Nations, celebrated a victory as the French government recently adopted a nation - wide ban on hydraulic fracturing, a controversial natural gas extraction method frequently known as «fracking.»
Tagged as: 350.Org, American Electric Power v Connecticut, Best Available Control Technology Standards, cap and trade, carbon capture and storage, Carbon Pollution Standard, center for biological diversity, Congressional Review Act, Copenhagen Climate Treaty, Cross State Air Pollution Rule, Endangerment Rule, epa, H.R. 910, hydraulic fracturing, James inhofe, Lisa Murkowski, Massachusetts v. EPA, natural gas combined cycle, new source performance standards, Robert W. Howarth, S.J.Res.26, skinning the cat, Spruce Mine, unconventional oil, war on coal, Waxman Markey
I claim no particular expertise on the issue of whether, on balance, increased extraction of natural gas through hydraulic fracturing is a good thing for the environment and our economy, in relation to our current methods of energy generation or other feasible alternatives.
Our own coverage on the story: US Congress May Undo Cheney's «Fracing» Exemption Hydraulic Fracturing For Natural Gas Development Gets Added Regulatory Scrutiny Fracking Is Finally Getting Some Attention and Regulation Jargon Watch: Fracking
Add Algeria to the growing list of nations that choose to focus on the profits rather than the pollution of using fracking to extract natural gas from shale (that's hydraulic fracturing for those new to this issue).
More on Fracking: Hydraulic Fracturing For Natural Gas Development Gets Added Regulatory Scrutiny US Congress May Undo Cheney's «Fracing» Exemption Tracer In The Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid: Accountability For...
As expected, the DoE has announced its recommendations on what to do about the safety and environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing for natural gas, more commonly and colloquially known as fracking.
As you can see, these focus on U.S. energy development, now and in the years to come, support for safe hydraulic fracturing that is driving America's energy resurgence, the game - changing role natural gas is playing in reducing emissions and more.
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