Sentences with phrase «on ideological grounds»

Social conservatives have long sought to exclude Planned Parenthood from public programs and funding streams on ideological grounds, a campaign that kicked into overdrive both in the states and in Congress with the 2015 release of deceptively edited videos attacking the organization.15, 16 At the congressional level, attempts to exclude Planned Parenthood health centers from receiving Medicaid reimbursement came close to succeeding last summer as part of broader efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Backers of SegWit, also known as the Bip141, opposed bitcoin cash on ideological grounds.
In 1981, my Harvard colleague, political scientist Steven Kelman surveyed Congressional staff members, and found that support and opposition to market - based environmental policy instruments was based largely on ideological grounds: Republicans, who supported the concept of economic - incentive approaches, offered as a reason the assertion that «the free market works,» or «less government intervention» is desirable, without any real awareness or understanding of the economic arguments for market - based programs.
Perhaps more of a concern is that regardless of the claims that most training is now school - led, there hasn't actually been a thorough review of School Direct, even with the increase in places made purely on ideological grounds.
If parents want a particular kind of education for their children, it is not for this House to deny them that choice on ideological grounds.
In the considerable majority of cases, however, the children's teachers have remained unaware of their extraordinary intellectual potential or, where psychometric evidence of this has been made available, the school has refused, on ideological grounds, to develop any form of differentiated curriculum for the gifted child.
There have always been competing camps, often defined on ideological grounds.
But it shows that the promise of a public financing system can entice candidates — even those from political parties which have for decades opposed the idea on ideological grounds — to participate.
Council Member Karen Koslowitz disputed this claim, recalling that that Mark - Viverito told her specifically that she opposed saying the Pledge on ideological grounds.
He at least has committed to appointing GOP - approved judges, many of whom oppose at least some of the executive overreach on ideological grounds.
Now he's driving people out on ideological grounds just because they disagree with him.»
Councilmember Karen Koslowitz disputed this claim, and says that Mark - Viverito told her specifically that she was opposed to saying the Pledge on ideological grounds.
My own concern is fetishing a natural birth and avoiding interventions on ideological grounds makes some trained midwives as potentially lethal as their amateur counterparts.
Seriously, answer the question, should you on your religion take the blame for trying to commit genocide against the jews because hitler tried to kill all of them on ideological grounds?
It's just a model adopted on ideological grounds.
But this could be because his true love ended up spurning marriage, supposedly on ideological grounds... Complicated.
The most obvious is that as an explicitly Communist country, it attracts opposition on ideological grounds.

Not exact matches

We are now both biblical and modern; and on both grounds we reject this medieval Aristotle, this static and hierarchical view, this dubious rendition of faith and reason, this impossible and oppressive ideological system.
I should remember that, in many circles, a preference for Dostoevsky over Tolstoy is practically de rigueur on purely ideological grounds.
Every abortion practitioner knows that the overwhelming majority of abortions are carried out on social grounds andthe abortion lobby is unapologetic about its belief that abortion should be available «on demand and without apology», yet it uses rape survivors as an emotive smokescreen to cover its unsavoury agendas and exploits their suffering for political and ideological gain.
The ironic result is that when such governance and control do occur, Baptists seldom recognize it since, on traditional and ideological grounds, they believe it can not happen.
Important ideological conflicts emerged between capitalists and communists on grounds of economic theories and practices.
Unsurprisingly for someone of his ideological perspective, Martin suggests that the ills of capitalism as it currently exists can be solved by breaking up corporate giants like Google and Facebook — on the grounds that concentrated power is dangerous, and monopolies and oligopolies prevent markets functioning properly.
In the pamphlet, Osland insists that he is not making a plea for «deselect early, deselect often» or calling for deselection on purely ideological grounds.
An array of ideological and budgetary considerations that reject tracking, ability grouping, «pull - out» programs, and other forms of educational separation (often including both acceleration and grade repetition) on grounds that such practices are morally wrong, socially and educationally undesirable, politically imprudent, and just plain unaffordable.
Many of us education activists (and yes, this includes folks of color) challenge the fundamental assumption that high - stakes, standardized testing provides ``... fair, unbiased, and accurate data...» as the civil rights organizations assert in their statement, and we challenge this assumption on historical grounds, empirical grounds, pedagogical grounds, political - ideological grounds, cultural grounds, and technical grounds, amongst others.
Effectively merging the opposing ideological foundations of Pop Art and Abstract Expressionism, Zero approaches his hyperrealistic painting on the same conceptual grounds as collage.
Environmentalism is an ideological position, whereas scepticism encompasses a range of objections to it, some of which are, in fact, perfectly valid on scientific grounds.
I strongly oppose those who block nuclear power on irrational or ideological grounds.
Apart from the irony of using a Deltoid blog to try and show that those two suffer from «ideological blinkers» (don't get me wrong, I enjoy Deltoid, in good part because he is so honest about where he is coming from that I know where I stand), the posts you link to in no way show an inescapable conclusion of ideology as far as I can see, and I stand by my position of incomprehension that you would discount anything those two say on grounds of proven ideological bias.
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