Sentences with phrase «on isometric positions»

Static stretching focuses on isometric positions to lengthen muscles, and is best at night or as a general anytime cool down.

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Iso holds are isometric pauses — statically holding the weight in a position where the greatest stress is placed on the muscle.
With efficient eccentric isometrics, focusing on concentric positioning is almost unnecessary as the muscles have been properly activated on the lengthening phase and will stay so throughout the rest of the movement / shortening phase.
You'll be «sitting» in this position for the duration of the exercise... and THIS is what puts a strong isometric load on the glute of that front leg... CONTINUOUSLY through the entire exercise..
Because it is a static hold that uses isometric contraction to maintain the position it is possible to become very proficient at this exercise in a very short period of time and I recommend it to anyone trying to develop good core strength before moving on to other exercise such as the Lalanne push up or the dragon flag.
Assessing the effect of surface stability, Atkins et al. (2015) compared the isometric prone push up position with hands on the floor, on a Swiss ball, or in suspension straps.
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