Sentences with phrase «on issues voters»

For the moment, the Sunday shows, quite naturally, still focus on the issues voters care most about (war, money, health, candidates» eating habits, race, religion, likability, gender).
Democratic Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar suggested Tuesday that her party should spend less time talking about President Donald Trump and Russian bots, and more time focusing on issues voters actually care about.

Not exact matches

While the money is modest compared with that donated by fossil fuel interests, the support provides GOP candidates with added credibility on clean energy, an issue polling shows swing voters care about.
By converting «wasted» presidential votes into «none of the above» or support for third - party candidates in Oklahoma, Arizona and other deep red states in the South — the Confederacy, essentially — black voters would exert pressure on party leaders to not take black voters and their issues for granted.
As head of the IMF, Strauss - Kahn isn't allowed to comment directly on French politics, but he came pretty close during a Paris G20 press conference, addressing issues that would appear to be of more interest to French voters than the content of the international economic gathering.
Some observers believe that the profusion of fake articles on Facebook helped sway the presidential election in favor of Trump, although others have argued that all this accomplished was to entrench the views that Trump voters already held about various issues.
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to issue the final rulings of its current term on Monday, amid talk that swing voter Justice Anthony Kennedy is considering retirement.
There's a good reason why CEOs put their business foot forward: Voters have typically ranked the economy as the No. 1 issue on their minds.
The Ontario government pledged on Monday to lower electricity costs for residents of the Canadian province as it sought to provide balm for an issue that has become an irritant with voters.
«For a politician who doesn't want to admit that the electorate sent a message that they don't like politicians, it's far easier to scapegoat it on economic issues than it is to address the fundamental question: that there are voters in this country who no longer think their representatives represent them,» said a Democratic strategist involved in 2016.
[105] On January 8, 2008, to address ongoing structural budget issues, Governor Corzine proposed a four - part proposal including an overall reduction in spending, a constitutional amendment to require more voter approval for state borrowing, an executive order prohibiting the use of one - time revenues to balance the budget and a controversial plan to raise some $ 38 billion by leasing the Garden State Parkway, the New Jersey Turnpike, and other toll roads for at least 75 years to a new public benefit corporation that could sell bonds secured by future tolls, which it would be allowed to raise by 50 % plus inflation every four years beginning in 2010.
This week Democrats seized on two issues meant to broaden their popularity among working class voters: coal miners» benefits and «Buy America» provisions in an infrastructure bill.
While the candidates currently hold some very similar positions on issues such as immigration reform, gay rights, gun control and campaign finance reform, Sanders has been able to stake out positions to the left of Clinton on other issues that excite some vocal voters.
Meanwhile, we compared the various parties» platforms on a range of issues, from eco-friendly energy subsidies to home owners to the needs of the aging and women voters.
So if a Republican senator mostly hears from GOP constituents, and these constituents are more likely to be really passionate about the issue since they are on the side that opposes stricter laws, that's going to give the senator a skewed perception of where voters are on this topic.
When you engage in the election through WE Decide 2016, your viewpoints on the issues will be brought directly to the candidates, the media, and the voters.
Even around Burnaby, where the pipeline would terminate, Liberals in B.C. believe the Kinder Morgan issue was way down on most voter's list, except for the hard core Green supporters, who were against it, and union voters, who are actually for it.
The Libs are easy to despise for many reasons but the self - righteousness of the NDP and their complete back - and - forth on the issues that I care about as a voter make me equally angry.
Our new report uses more than 250,000 interviews with registered voters to provide insights at the national, state, and aggregated district level on President Trump's approval, key senator approval & re-elect ratings, generic ballot, and top issues for voters.
Sides found that the share of these voters who «perceived that the Democratic Party was to the left of the Republican Party on the issue of how much the government should help improve the status of African Americans grew dramatically over the Obama years.»
Does the American voter put this issue high up on his priorities?
There are many important issues to discuss in politics, but on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being most important), the Prime MInisters attire in India ranks about 100 for most voters.
But there also was concern that the Syriza leaders did not begin immediately upon their January election victory to educate voters on what actually is at issue: why remaining subject to the junk - economics dictates by the IMF and ECB will make the economy subject to chronic debt deflation.
Anyway, it'll be on policy choices that the Trudeau Government stands or falls with Canadian voters, regardless of the effort of the Conservatives to make couture an issue, and while there's plenty to criticize in the Liberal policy book, taken as a package Canadians don't yet seem that dissatisfied with what they're getting.
If Democrats can really use this issue to further energize college - educated, white, suburbanite swing voters, especially women, it will suggest the cultural shift on this issue is enduring.
On Friday, Mueller issued indictments for 13 Russians and three Russian companies for using propaganda tactics over social media to influence US voters in the 2016 presidential election.
The social network's announcement Friday could allay concerns of election experts and lawmakers that ads about hot - button social issues meant to be divisive and foment voter outrage might still slip through, leaving a dangerous weak spot on the network.
Election experts say Facebook must crack down on inflammatory ads on politically divisive issues such as immigration reform and gun rights, which were used to influence voters during and after the presidential campaign.
Sure the Libya exchange was the most telegenic, but Romney pasted Obama on the issues that mattered most to voters.
The group pulled media reports and speech transcripts to find answers and further analyze these politicians» performances on issues that matter to secular voters.
One suspects that some conservatives supported Rubio not only because they thought they agreed with him on the issues, but also in the hopes that nominating Rubio would lead to Republican gains among Hispanic and young voters.
Pundits who throughout the summer had billed the elections as the first post-Webster «referendum on abortion» increasingly argued, as fall rolled around, that abortion had «faded» as a decisive issue for voters.
Tea Party supporters are «much more likely than registered voters as a whole to say that their religion is the most important factor in determining their opinions on... social issues» like abortion and same - sex marriage, according to the Pew analysis.
Though the Supreme Court is far from a consistent proxy issue for social conservatives or religious voters, it does provide a flashpoint for issues of religious liberty, traditional moral values, and abortion - on - demand.
It probably also made pro-choice voters more likely to cast their vote based on the abortion issue.
He focused on issues that brought conservative and moderate voters together.
The fold - out brochure, which landed in Iowa mailboxes last week and was provided to CNN by a Des Moines - area voter, draws a series of contrasts between Obama and Mitt Romney on the issues of abortion, same - sex marriage and insurance coverage for contraception.
Funny how we criticize and mock other countries that have governments based on religious fanaticism (i.e. Iran) while a large segment of our voters are also religious fanatics who seem to think their view is the only «morally correct» way to feel about an issue (i.e.abortion).
While the program is one of the rare issues that has managed to draw wide voter support on both sides of the aisle, some Republican leaders have targeted it as an example of executive overreach.
Rush Limbach's comments will be taken as gospel for the Right, but they truely illustrate the reason the GOP is in turmoil... the leaders need the Religious Right to win, but know they are being intellectually dishonest because their values do not match the Religious Right, except on the abortion issue, whhich will never go away because the GOP needs that 20 % of voters who would otherwise vote Democrat becasue the Liberal values match Christian values more closely.
The Democrats» present failure stems from their presumption that on economic issues they win by default, that non-wealthy voters know their own material interests» those historically opposed or left unaddressed by Republicans» and do not require instruction or reminding as to which party is on their side.
I stand by my comment that it is the DUTY of American voters to be educated on political issues and candidates, which entails having their facts generally straight, but yes, it is by no means a law.
Being educated on the issues is part of the duty of an American voter, and it's terribly sad how many people have forsaken these American values.
If conservatives had organizations that could fund one - minute, issue - based messages on streaming media that up - for - grabs voters might hear month - in and month - out, conservatives could change the political landscape.
Walker seems to have a firm grasp of the opinions and priorities of the median Wisconsin voter on state - level issues, but has seemed terribly confused about....
The decline in political activity proved true for every category, from preaching a sermon on a public policy issue (1 % did so in 2016, down from 37 % in 2014) to distributing voter guides (36 %, down from 45 %) to speaking to the congregation about the importance of voting (62 %, down from 78 %).
It is personified by Dr Evan Harris, the Liberal Democrat MP who lost his Oxford seat at the last election substantially because local church members drew voters» attention to Dr Harris» ulterior motives on a variety of issues from abortion to euthanasia.
The battle between Driehaus and a group of progressive Catholic supporters on the one hand and religious conservatives on the other is a reminder that abortion has become a key issue in the midterm elections in parts of the country, even as the economy and jobs remain voters» top concern.
So, Perot voters have in common conservative views on the economy and liberal views on social issues.
According to the Pew survey, seven in 10 Democrats and more than six in 10 independent voters favor allowing gays to serve openly in the military with Republicans divided on the issue.
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