Sentences with phrase «on justice concerns»

Perhaps such resolution of issues is not solely based on justice concerns, but includes equity, mercy, goodwill, reputation, as well as simply a desire to move on with life.

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Comey said he kept memos on his conversations with Trump — a move he said he did not do with two prior presidents or other top Justice Department officials — because he «was honestly concerned that he might lie about the nature of our meeting.»
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, during his daily press briefing, said the Department of Justice will be the lead on what Spicer referred to as «greater enforcement» of federal law concerning adult - use marijuana.
Inside the White House, Cobb also acted as a moderating force on issues concerning the Justice Department.
Justice Douglas noted that individual privacy concerns were protected by a series of express Constitutional provisions, like the Third Amendment's prohibition on quartering soldiers during peacetime, the Fourth Amendment's right to be free from unreasonable search or seizure, and the Fifth Amendment's right against self - incrimination.
There are many ways to resolve concerns about the deal, a Justice official said on Wednesday, adding that no decision had been made and that conversations with AT&T were continuing.
On Nov. 16, the U.S. Justice Department's new antitrust chief, Makan Delrahim, said in a speech that he favored divestitures rather than behavioral remedies to address antitrust concerns in takeover situations.
In 2011, AT&T announced its plan to buy T - Mobile but later backed off on the news that the Justice Department would attempt to block the transaction due to antitrust concerns.
For years, trade and justice activists have proposed renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement to address some of the deal's most damaging features: for example, by removing the anti-democratic investor - state dispute settlement provisions of Chapter 11, linking trade benefits to genuine protections for human and labour rights (all the more important given the deteriorating democratic situation in Mexico), and establishing a continent - wide strategy for auto investment and production. We were always told that renegotiating NAFTA was a pipe dream: it would not be possible to open the text and get all three countries on board with reforms, no matter how legitimate the concerns.
If either of the two persons concerned feel in the light of this report they have been denied the justice they deserve then on behalf of the church I offer my personal and profound apology.
«As Hispanic Catholics in the U.S achieve upward mobility, they may become a little more conservative on social justice and concern for the poor,» Dillon says, «but currently many of the issues that are especially important to Catholics in Latin America are also very important to Hispanic Catholics in the U.S.»
There is little doubt that the concern for cultures and religions expresses the middle class social location of most process theologians, whereas the focus on political and economic issues and the concomitant demand for justice express the identification with the poor that is the glory of liberation theology.
This did not insure that they were well managed, but it offered the possibility that concerns for community and justice could establish some limits on their hegemony and moderate their effects.
Yet if the most important development in that doctrine in Caritas in Veritate is a strong linkage of the life issues to Catholic social - justice concerns, then it is also true that the challenge of this particular encyclical falls more sharply on those who believe that Roe v. Wade was rightly decided, and remedied an injustice in prior American law.»
When biblical scholars have interested themselves in ethical studies, they have tended to focus on rather specific, narrow topics: social justice, the status of women, war, vengeance, property rights, ecological concern for nature and the like.
Thus the particular historical exigencies and social possibilities in our own age will necessarily affect the ways in which these values are translated into norms on such issues as women's rights, sexual ethics, social justice, property rights, energy policy or ecological concerns.
The result is that America is a nation deeply divided between people who are concerned about real - life issues — war and peace, social justice, the health and welfare of people — on one hand, and other people who are concerned, instead, about «values,» by which they mean adherence to ancient taboos, dependence on a magical God, enforcing acceptance of ancient creeds, requiring everyone to believe as they do, and finding safety in raw (though often hidden) social and economic power.
Though the early Church was quite concerned with social justice as a sign and fruit of the teaching of Jesus, over the centuries Churches have had different perceptions on rights, according to their social alliances and theological elaborations.
I think we are not agreed on the subject of justice and rights among men because we have a significant shading of difference in our theology concerning man.6666
56 Thus it is somewhat understandable, though hardly excusable, that evangelical Foy Valentine never bothered to specify what «justice» means, when he declared at the 1973 Thanksgiving Workshop on Evangelicals and Social Concern: «Jjustice» means, when he declared at the 1973 Thanksgiving Workshop on Evangelicals and Social Concern: «JusticeJustice.
For a Biblical concept of justice has been the real concern of a few of these writers.58 Evidence is of course mixed, but the overwhelming thrust of Scripture's discussion of «social justice» suggests the following Biblical definition: «to each according to his or her needs» Rather than act on the basis of society's most common definitions of «social justice» those of merit or equality - the Christian seeking a Biblically derived social ethic must respond, first and foremost, on the basis of need.
By extension every good deed, every struggle for justice and deliverance from oppression, every effort to care for and show concern about those who are in need, will be not merely a reflection of the divine mercy and righteousness but also an instrument for the bringing about of just such shalom or «abundance of life» for God's human children, So one might go on, almost without ceasing, to show that response in faith to the action of God in this vivid moment has its implications and applications for the whole range of human life and experience.
Such a judgment carries with it its own problems concerning definition, and it will be unacceptable on first reading to many within evangelicalism, for their traditions do not easily stretch to include such a notion as being that of «justice
Sociological theology has focused on questions of justice, but as it has recognized that the effects of human beings on their environment are having seriously deleterious consequences for humanity, it has extended its concern to questions of the sustainability of human society.23 Yet in practice the difference of the amount of attention given to these two issues of justice and sustainability still leads to opposing judgements on important issues.
The concerns of environmentalists and of social - justice advocates need not be in conflict when it comes to the attack on absolute rural poverty.
With a certain glee the existentialists turn their back on science, on l`esprit de geometrie, and letting the chips fall where they may as far as the scientific enterprise is concerned, they work to articulate the structures of human being, to do justice to human being.
The pastoral role is concerned with ministry to individuals; the priestly role has to do with the proclamation of the faith and with leadership in the liturgical life of the church; the prophetic role focuses on judging the level of humaneness in the social order and pointing to the changes required if common justice is to be approximated; the kingly role takes up governance and the expression of neighbor love through responsible corporate action.
Even with the present democratic and Christian emphasis on the dignity of personality and concern for «liberty and justice for all,» we are still far from agreement as to what constitutes for every man «his due.»
We can not simply go on with our evangelical concern for the person, he implied, and let other people and other institutions take care of social justice.
«The attack on the character of Associate U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas by militant white feminists, in books and newspaper articles, should not be ignored by anyone concerned with the misuse of the Black American Civil Rights Movement.
Justice, on the other hand, expresses God's concern for the social situation of the togetherness of all occasions, since his experience of the world necessarily includes all the harmonies and clashes between individual achievements.
His book is an extended moral reflection on the subject, and it directly counters Rapp's argument that the overriding ethical concern attending prenatal testing is that of distributive justice.
Since that time, while many internal divisions persist, the United Church of Canada has been able to get on with other things, including great global concerns of social justice that must have a certain priority over personal morality and church polity.
When this ordering of goods is no longer respected, but turned on its head, the result is not justice or concern for human suffering.
And it is true that the mainstream Jewish community, priding itself on its concern for social justice, has on the whole been almost professionally insensitive to the many valid complaints of social injustice on the part of believing Christians, particularly the evangelical fundamentalists.
For example, there is the common emphasis on otherworldly salvation for individual souls, with no corresponding emphasis on the social conditions that oppress and distort those souls and with no concern for justice in this world.
«Energy decisions must be based... on values concerning the future of the world which human beings wish to inhabit... For Christians, the ultimate objectives of society are based on the biblical witness to creation, redemption, stewardship, justice and hope.»
Some were uneasy lest the statement slight concerns for justice — such as employment, majority / minority rights, or Third World development — in favor of a major stress on environmental or life - style issues related to energy.
Sanders also cited the oft - stated civil rights positions of the late Justice Thurgood Marshall, who like Douglas was called upon to vote on cases that concerned issues that were personally important to him.
Central to the criticisms has been the conviction shared by many religious leaders that the exercise of social power should be directed by a concern for justice on a representative basis rather than a concern to impose one's own particular standards and beliefs on others.
He admits that «any indication in my book that truly Christian conservatives are not just as concerned about justice as liberals are may be a failure on my part.»
The Buddhist's sympathy with the pain of the world, the Hindu's sense of the unchanging stability of the Eternal, the Moslem's realization of international comradeship, the Confucian's appreciation of social morality, and... the sacrifices of scientific workers in the quest of truth and human welfare [and today, may we not add the Communist's concern for social justice, the humanist's insistence on the value of right self - realization of man's capacities, and the secularist's recognition of the non-religious goods in human experience?]
(4) In addition to leading the church to address social justice concerns in such practical and far - reaching ways, Dr. Smith has served a term on the Oakland School Board after being elected by more than 80 percent of the vote.
On Tuesday, tribunal president Justice John Mansfield will preside over a case management hearing in Melbourne concerning Murray Goulburn's application.
Justice Michael McDonald ordered the workers stop the picket action at the concerned sites by midday Thursday at the latest, and the matter will be revisited on Monday.
«His special concern for rural communities, his work on Indian Point and on economic justice, qualify him to be an outstanding peoples lawyer in every sense of the word.»
Tomasi tries to deflect worries about capitalism in practice by claiming the high ground of ideal theory: the philosophical choice between free market fairness and its alternatives ultimately rests not on empirical and feasibility concerns, but rather on which vision of justice is most compelling at a moral level.
The Green Party of New York State signed on to a statement released by 38 signatories addressing concerns with Governor Cuomo's criminal justice reform package.
«The rules of law apply regardless of who is investigating a case, but our concern is that there will be pressure on a special prosecutor to indict an officer for the sake of public perception and that does not serve the ends of justice,» Lynch said.
Lord Justice Leveson's recent report on the culture, practice and ethics of the press recommended police whistleblowers should report their concerns internally rather than go to journalists.
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