Sentences with phrase «on knees»

Instead, she fell on her knees, invoking God, the Virgin, St. Michael and St. Catherine to forgive all as she has forgiven them.
Before delivering his message at the Holy Thursday Mass (an extremely important mass in Catholic tradition), Pope Francis spent time on his knees, washing the feet of young women incarcerated at a nearby prison.
Too much time on their knees maybe?
«Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly - evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!»
If he really believes this is real why isn't he on his knees in supplication praying for mercy and also for his family and friends?
In the woods this proud young man fell on his knees and spent the whole time until dinner in prayer.
Within a minute after crossing the finish line for the 100 - meter at the Olympic trials earlier this summer, English Gardner was down on her knees, praising Jesus and thanking him for her victory.
I do other things when I get down on my knees.
There is a silent majority in this country who fall on their knees and intercede for the sin of the nation including the sin false phrophets like you.
faith: still on yer knees, dreaming of the savior filling up yer cheeks with his gooey savior goodness?
Presently she fell on her knees.
You were supposed to fall down on your knees and ask how in the world could some sheepherder have known that 2,000 years ago!
We need to turn a lot more people to the L ord and get them on their knees with a r o sary in hand for me to feel like this country is anything close to religious.
I broke it myself, on my knees, realizing I had become a hater.
Still spending all that time on your knees, Xenia?
This doesn't mean that we should always be on our knees praying, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
People often say that the church advances on its knees.
Now the work begins afresh — on my knees and in continued engagement.»
, we are first and foremost accountable to God, get on our knees and ask God for guidance amidst these troubling times.
Fall on your knees!
Pray means that, while others are actually doing something to improve a situation, you are on your knees pretending to do something and accomplishing nothing but you own self - glorification.
I have seen men and women on their knees in snow, and rain, and blistering heat, praying for unborn children suffering agony and death.
According to christians, To show god you spent sufficient time on your knees worshiping him to demonstrate you are worthy of heaven.
William Demuth, When you see him again, you won't need the nails, you will be on knees, confessing he is the son of God.
Matt kept calling himself a «conservative» and... Matt even got on his knees But he found out he wasn't when he and OTHER gays reached 2,000 degrees!!!
when faced with a problem it is better to have one man with a sharp mind and strong back taking action, than one thousand men on their knees in prayer.
when faced with a problem it is better to have just one man with a sharp mind and a strong back than one thousand men on their knees in prayer.
From the sound of your belief systgem you could spend more than a little time on your knees in church... if you have ever spent any.
After he had worked out the Concordat of 1929, which was to signal the high point of his popularity in Italy, Mussolini stipulated that in his audience with the pope he would not have to go through the ceremony of kissing the ring, and he forbade photographers when he participated in the religious service in Saint Peter's during which he had to pray on his knees.
She also made sure you could be on your knees while performing your two favorite activities (praying is one of them).
when rommey first came out to run for President, all the christian stations said we do not want a cult in the white house, now the Christian are supporting him, the Bible must fulfill, in the last days we wil call evil good and good evil, I feel sorry for these so - call christian, you need to get down on your knees and ask God for direction regarding voting for a cult.
The rest of the religious - right - wing nuts can stay home on their knees.
it's all about LOVE... So why don't you get down on your knees, and let Pastor show you some real lovin»
I don't see Rand Paul on his knees asking God for forgiveness, giving all his money to the poor, and walking the earth preaching the Gospel.
That cross is what joins Jim most honestly and profoundly with our Lord, like the justified tax collector on his knees pounding his breast and asking for forgiveness, and our Lord insisting that the tax collector, the «criminal» most despised by «the justified ones,» is the one justified.
I might add that Jesus hovering over the United Nations building, would have me on my knees.
I'd like to say that I fell on my knees in a dramatic conversion, but it didn't happen like that.
«Within minutes, she would have them laughing with her, then crying, and then on their knees praying with her,» he recalls.
In one, a Jewish man is on his knees, hands reaching toward a large rooster, for Chagall a kind of signature.
My daughter has wanted this...» Later, he is glad to see his daughter's lover resting «on her knees, her hand busy between my daughter's legs... in truth, she can barely believe she has restrained herself for so long, and denied herself the taste of my daughter's [the rest is censored].»
There, with my Bible open before me, I used to kneel for hours at a time, and ask the Spirit of God to reveal Christ to my soul and to open the Word to my heart, and He taught me more on my knees on that mud floor than I ever could have learned in all the seminaries or colleges in the world.»
To compass it, he kept always on his knees or on his feet.
«My dear young man, I learned these things on my knees on the mud floor of a little sod cottage in Northern Ireland.
At the height of the violent reactions by Muslims, the dominant note in the Western media — led, predictably, by the New York Times — was that Benedict had been careless or unnecessarily provocative and should, figuratively speaking, crawl on his knees to Mecca to ask forgiveness.
One of them looked at me, paused for a minute, and then said that I may THINK that way right now, but if the day ever came when my life or the life of someone I love was in danger, I would be on my knees asking for God's help so fast my head would spin.
They leave that role to the poor... Time will tell on their power minds... Wait» till their judgment day comes... Hand of God has struck the hour... Day of judgment, God is calling... On their knees the war pig's crawling..
Consider the singing of a Bach cantata, or the flying buttresses of a Gothic cathedral, or the poetry of George Herbert, or the embrace of lovers long separated, or the gift of time and love to the dying, or the Christian assembly on its knees as bread and wine are consecrated on the altar.
Perhaps keeping us on our knees is the greatest and most loving thing God could do to some of us — like me — because I am arrogant and haughty and the second God lets me off the leash or gives me some slack, I'm the type of dog who bolts.
After all, what is Sunday for if not to get those poor fools on their knees?
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