Sentences with phrase «on labor costs»

That proposal was controversial because some critics view it as a way for tech companies to simply save money on labor costs by relying on lower - paid workers from overseas.
Using a third party servicer also helps lenders cut down on labor costs for tracking repayments.
Sometimes you save in the long run because you are able to group projects together to save on labor costs.
It will also have to negotiate increased pressure on labor costs, with unions having called for a strike on Feb 22 to support demands for a 6 percent pay increase.
Helped employer save money on labor costs by assisting the contractor with the planting and maintenance of new flowers and shrubbery;
Stap says the automatic milking system has enabled Twin Brook to save $ 5,000 per month on labor costs.
«Without absolute certainty on our labor costs, we have to make, and do make, rational assumptions,» CPS CEO Forrest Claypool said.
The homes save on labor costs because builders can buy products in bulk rather than for specific projects and can avoid extreme weather that can delay construction, Sema says.
Even if the RTA Wholesale Kitchen Cabinets may save or may cut down on the labor costs compared to semi-custom or custom cabinets, the homeowners should have the basic DIY skills to be able to install the cabinets.
Also, if anyone out there is wondering if it's possible to do this more cheaply, I'll just note that if you have the patience and aptitude for doing the labor yourself, it's possible to save a bunch on labor costs.
Companies such as Uber and Instacart stand to save a ton of money on labor costs — up to 40 percent, according to one study — by continuing to classify their workers as independent contractors rather than as employees.
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researchers have found a new way to detect immature citrus 83 percent of the time, which lets growers know where to apply fertilizer and water and perhaps save on labor costs for the $ 10.9 billion a year Florida industry.
By charging $ 5.25 per meal and requiring payment in advance, these schools generate enough money to pay for their high end offerings, and the use of «school - mom volunteers» to run the cafeteria saves on labor costs.
Franchisees will also keep a sharper eye on the expense side of the equation — on labor costs, theft (by both employees and customers) and any other line item expenses that can be reduced.
saves on the labor costs and funnels the $ $ $ $ $ to the eduvultures.
Reuter suggests that instead of zeroing in on labor costs, pet retailers should try to find more creative ways to sell their products.
Some companies intentionally misclassify employees as exempt, in order to avoid overtime pay and to save on labor costs.
There are many Portland renters insurance providers who only sell policies online, owing to the ease of keeping prices low by cutting back on labor costs.
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