Sentences with phrase «on labour costs»

If hiring tradesmen on your own do not cut back on labour costs.
From a management perspective, it is a way to cut down on labour costs and to stay afloat.
«The way British people get jobs of the future is to get educated and more skilled because we can not compete on labour costs alone,» he added.
The agency is also advising the use of kitchen automation such as automatic dishwashers to ease on labour costs and reliance for the back - of - house.
«What that enables the retailer to do is to not only have a beautifully presented product, they [also] save on labour costs,» Mr Pratt said.
Also, if domestic economic activity and demand were to be even stronger than expected, given the existing strength of the labour market, upward pressure on labour costs could emerge, eventually pushing inflation higher.
The combination of this competitive job market with a lower cost of living than many Western countries means many Chinese workers are willing to work for less, which presents an opportunity for global companies to save on labour costs.
If Southwestern Ontario can not compete on labour costs, it can certainly compete on labour skills and product quality.
Their commitment to domestic manufacturing is more than feel - good philosophy — the company's wares are big and bulky (read: expensive to ship), and, since 95 % of its business is in North America, the reduced logistics expenses of local production offset any premiums on labour costs.
In Wednesday's announcement, Canada Post noted that between 6,000 and 8,000 jobs will be cut in order to save on labour costs.

Not exact matches

That means $ 75 profit, which leaves $ 675 for various costs — including the cost of food, labour, alcohol, site maintenance, and so on.
We then use that to build out two additional scenarios: one assuming a doubling of the current minimum wage plus factoring in the cost of fire and building safety improvements based on data from the Worker Rights Consortium; and another using a «living wage» figure from the East Asia labour organization Asia Floor Wage, which is considered at the high end of labour reform demands.
No dollar figure has been attached to the costs that will be borne by the brands, but according to labour advocacy groups they will be apportioned based on the amount of business each does in Bangladesh.
Perhaps most important, an increased focus on innovation could also counter the relatively high cost of Canadian labour and the impact of the more valuable dollar on export levels.
The company has warned that it expects to experience pressure on food and labour costs this year, with unstable cheese prices and increased payroll taxes looming.
Total tax revenue, % of GDP Taxes on income and profits, % of GDP Taxes on goods and services, % of GDP Taxes on average worker, % of Labour Cost Government gross financial liabilities as a % of GDP
But it's not just inexpensive labour and advanced technology that have allowed Gildan to beat the Chinese on cost.
Earlier this summer, the premiers of Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan encouraged the other provinces to follow their lead in breaking down provincial barriers to trade in goods and labour, barriers that impose real costs on the economy.
SEOUL, March 27 - General Motors said its loss - making South Korean operations would file for bankruptcy if its union did not agree to cut labour costs by April 20, the union said on Tuesday.
Manitoba does so by offering a 30 % credit on production costs and a 65 % tax credit for local qualified labour.
Labour costs, the paper finds, played «a lesser role» in manufacturers» decisions on where to set up shop.
Federally, it is not illegal for an employer to pass on the cost of training, says University of Toronto labour relations expert Dr. Laurel MacDowell.
(If it weren't, and we were all prepared to work just as many hours for free, then taxes on labour income wouldn't reduce employment, and wouldn't have any deadweight costs.)
The huge pool of low - cost labour that this has brought into play has put sustained downward pressure on a wide range of prices of internationally traded goods.
The pope was sympathetic and the ban on usury was conveniently rewritten in 1515, when the process was redefined as «a profit that is acquired without labour, cost or risk».
Just for fun, try calculating the all - in labour cost for someone you know. I tried it on my spouse, who is a university professor. I added her healthy salary to her current service pension cost and other benefits and payroll taxes. I threw in an extra amount to reflect the pension deficit that her university is now grappling with (thanks to the market meltdown).
Posted by Jeff Rubin on May 25th, 2011 under SmallerWorldTags: china, global sticks, ice cream, labour costs • 9 Comments
After the analyst asked a question about whether the company could reach its 25 - per - cent gross margin target on the Model 3, chief financial officer Deepak Ahuja said recently imposed tariffs, more expensive commodities and higher labour costs factored into the company's guidance.
That's the assessment from BMO economist Doug Porter, who estimated the cost of an NHL lockout — looming this Saturday — on the basis of previous hockey labour disputes.
By: Sascha Solomons 14th October 2016 With the South African mining industry facing the prevailing costs and uncertainties in the labour market that it does, industrial technology and solutions specialist RTS Africa Engineering says its spin filters offer an ideal solution by reducing dependence on maintenance personnel.
Similarly, unit labour costs (based on compensation per hour worked) picked up a little in the December quarter, rising by 1.4 per cent to be 2.3 per cent higher than a year ago.
Labour cost pressures also remain firm in the construction sector; a recent survey by the Master Builders Association suggests that labour shortages remain most acute in trades exposed to the latter stages of the building process, contributing to ongoing pressure on rates for subcontraLabour cost pressures also remain firm in the construction sector; a recent survey by the Master Builders Association suggests that labour shortages remain most acute in trades exposed to the latter stages of the building process, contributing to ongoing pressure on rates for subcontralabour shortages remain most acute in trades exposed to the latter stages of the building process, contributing to ongoing pressure on rates for subcontractors.
In addition, labour market conditions have tightened over recent months, as seen in the above - trend growth in employment in the December quarter, the fall in the unemployment rate and reports of labour shortages and pressure on non-wage costs.
In turn, slower growth in labour costs is having a beneficial effect on international competitiveness.
U.S. softwood lumber production is on the rise, with more Canadian - owned sawmills located in the U.S. than in Canada due to lower labour costs, higher timber availability, and higher demand.
For example, when a company chooses to invest in offshoring in order to cut labour costs, the impact on the home economy is unsurprisingly negative.
Unit labour costs (based on compensation per hour worked) increased by 0.9 per cent in the March quarter, to be 2.4 per cent higher over the year.
On its own, however, faster economic growth will not do enough to reduce unemployment significantly, unless it is accompanied by moderation in growth of labour costs.
The international comparisons shown here suggest, however, that growth in unit labour costs in Australia has still been on the high side over the past couple of years, given the rate of unemployment.
The profits recovery has been driven by continued strong productivity growth in conjunction with subdued compensation growth (due to the weak labour market), which has seen unit labour costs fall by 5 per cent since June 2001 — the largest fall on record (Graph A4).
Other official labour cost data based on wage - bill measures, such as average weekly ordinary time earnings and average earnings from the national accounts, paint a similar picture, identifying firm wage outcomes but giving little indication of an acceleration of aggregate wages growth.
On the one hand, the ongoing evidence of tightness in the labour market suggests that growth in labour costs may pick up faster than is assumed in the current forecast.
Although Greater Vancouver also earns an «A» grade on KPMG's Total Tax Index, as local businesses enjoy relatively low statutory labour costs, the region is much less competitive when it comes to the marginal effective tax rate on capital, an indicator specifically designed to measure incentives for business investment.
Unit labour costs (based on compensation per hour worked) grew by 1.3 per cent in the June quarter to be 2.8 per cent higher over the year, which is around the average growth rate of the past few years.
Barden said that input costs are rising on everything from commodities to labour to energy, and the six years of retail price deflation and rising labour costs the industries had undergone «continues to cut margins, placing the sector under increasing pressure».
The report further details the importance of access to skilled and unskilled labour to avoid an increase in operating costs and impact on margins.
Our staff is on their hands and knees across a 10 to 15 acre paddock so depending on the crop, labour costs are 30 to 40 per cent higher than for conventional farms.
In addition, Danny maintains hands on role in industry projects in robotics and export development which have potential to cut labour costs for growers and expand fledgling overseas markets for produce.
Vegetable growers saw a decline in production costs (decrease of 10 per cent), particularly labour, which is the largest production cost on average for Australian growers, which decreased by 6 per cent during the period 2013 - 14 to 2014 - 15.
Unit cost estimation involved a combination of bottom - up and top - down costing methods and followed guidance on costing healthcare services as part of an economic evaluation.15 17 Detailed unit costs, derived from the finance departments of participating trusts and information provided by senior midwives, were estimated for resource inputs into the following components of intrapartum and after birth care for all settings: homebirth delivery packs; NHS reimbursement for midwifery travel; some forms of pain relief; alternative modes of delivery; active management of the third stage of labour; suturing for episiotomy; suturing third and fourth degree perineal tears; manual removal of the placenta; blood transfusions; and care after a stillbirth or neonatal death.
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