Sentences with phrase «on lawyer advertising»

In the population centers, there are a lot of attorneys, many of whom spend significant amounts on lawyer advertising.
There are countless attorneys here, many of whom spend significant amounts of money on lawyer advertising.
The lawyer's statements included in this advertising program must not contain false or misleading communications and must comply in all respects with applicable rules on lawyer advertising.
Additionally, restrictions on lawyer advertising and contingency fees evolved out of these same intentions.
Money spent on lawyer advertising, particularly when those ad dollars are spent on television, radio and billboards, is an investment.
There are a lot of attorneys here who spend significant amounts on lawyer advertising.
These areas have dense populations, and there are countless attorneys who spend a lot of money on lawyer advertising.
There are countless firms in the Chicagoland area, and many of them spend a small fortune on lawyer advertising.
The provision relating to blogs is part of a proposed general rewrite of the rules on lawyer advertising contained in the New York Lawyer's Code of Professional Responsibility.
When the Florida Court struck down the limits on lawyer advertising in 2011, I was hoping this issue was going to be addressed head - on:
Columbus is a highly competitive legal market, and law firms here spend a lot on lawyer advertising.
Legal EFX offers experienced legal content writers who understand the importance of driving new business and the constraints placed on lawyer advertising.
At the end of the day, any law firm spending money on lawyer advertising campaigns understands the cold hard facts that their legal practice is self sufficient; it's a business that must generate revenue in order to survive and help clients.
The court found that prohibitions on lawyer advertising violated the First Amendment.
«Sure, blawgs are advertising, but then again, so is the Kentucky Bar Association Web site on lawyer advertising.
All the «original» research I did on lawyer advertising appears in one section of Nowak and Rotunda's Treatise on Constitutional Law: Substance and Procedure.
Today, law - firm marketing has reached levels of sophistication that rival other industries, even with restrictions and regulations on lawyer advertising from bar associations and state legislatures.
I recently did a little digging on the Florida Bar website to try to understand some of the restrictions on lawyer advertising contained in the Rules of Professional Responsibility.
It had been three years since the U.S. Supreme Court held in Bates v. State Bar of Arizona that the traditional ban on lawyer advertising was unconstitutional.
Tacoma and Olympia are in the greater Seattle area, and there are lots of attorneys in this region that spend significant amounts on lawyer advertising.
There are countless firms here who spend a small fortune on lawyer advertising and there are firms from other parts of the NYC metro area who are marketing in this area as well.
Because this area is highly congested with numerous attorneys and a lot of money spent on lawyer advertising, legal professionals must be aggressive and innovative to stand out from the competition.
There are countless legal professionals in this area that spend significant amounts of money on lawyer advertising.
The legal markets in St. Louis proper are highly competitive, with lots of attorneys spending significant amounts on lawyer advertising.
Atlanta is one of the largest metro areas in the country — there are a lot of attorneys here, many of whom spend significant amounts on lawyer advertising.
There are numerous attorneys here who spend significant amounts on lawyer advertising.
There are lots of attorneys and law firms in virtually every practice area within the communities here, and they spend a lot of money on lawyer advertising.
Denver is one of the larger metro areas in the country and there is heavy competition with lots of attorneys, many of whom spend significant amounts on lawyer advertising.
There are a lot of attorneys and law firms here, and many of them spend a significant amount of money on lawyer advertising.
While lawyers have until mid-October to comment on the proposed changes, there were quickly calls from some members of the personal injury bar for a total ban on lawyer advertising.
We are used lawyers advertising on billboards and in ads during Friends reruns — but there was a time when the bans on lawyer advertising were so strong that there were tight restrictions on what a directory could list.
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