Sentences with phrase «on legal innovation»

My professional career today centres on legal innovation and technology.
Here, you can expect the latest on legal innovation, policy reactions or recommendations, thoughts on larger conceptual themes, and feature pieces of individuals on the forefront of these changes.
Between theory and buzz on legal innovation, defining «what's in it for me» isn't an easy task.
We look forward to bringing you the latest on legal innovation, policy reactions and recommendations!
As I first reported in a post here two weeks ago, the CEO of this California - based startup — who was slated to be featured during a lightning round on legal innovation at Legaltech West Coast — recently agreed to have a $ 559,330 judgment entered against him to settle a lawsuit charging him with impersonating a lawyer, forging legal documents and fraudulently swindling two clients.
Mitch teaches the next generation of lawyers and industry leaders about legal innovation through courses at the University of Ottawa Law School and at Western University Law School, and he blogs regularly on legal innovation for
Suffolk Law School is hosting a full - day conference on legal innovation and clinical pedagogy on April 9 in Boston.
«The SCC provides dispute resolution services to both Swedish and international parties, it is therefore essential for us to participate in the ongoing discussion on legal innovation and strategy within the field of dispute resolution», says Ms. Magnusson in a comment.
Richard Tromans is the founder of Tromans Consulting, which advises on legal innovation.
The audience included most of the key decision makers on legal innovation in The Netherlands.
Hadfield and her work have featured widely in the media and at key events on legal innovation and technology.
When I first wrote about Bluford, he was slated to be featured two weeks later at a Legaltech West Coast program on legal innovation.
As I first reported in a post here two weeks ago, the CEO of this California - based startup — who was slated to be featured during a lightning round on legal innovation -LSB-...]
Join in on our LinkedIn Group to share relevant news and your insights on legal innovation and tech, and learn from what others are doing.
I can't speak for the legal industry in Toronto, but there are a few of us at Canadian law schools who are working on the education side of the equation, including courses on legal innovation, legal practice management and legal information technology.
With the development of a more robust legal start up scene, this is likely to start working better, but it's worth comparing how much public investment goes into scientific innovation when we think about how much is spent on legal innovation.
«The communities that have been established allow people to reach out to a community on legal innovation where there was no community before.»
In addition to these, I already wrote about Clinnovation, the April 9 conference Suffolk Law School is hosting on legal innovation and clinical pedagogy.
The ABA Center for Innovation is seeking proposals for talks on legal innovation to be presented during a special Spotlight event at the ABA Annual Meeting in New York City on Aug. 12, 2017.
which brings together lawyers and technopreneurs to collaborate on legal innovation, and «Accelerate!»
Three different takes on legal innovation show that South Africa retains its attraction for legal process outsourcing and innovation.
To learn more about MetaJure co-founder Marty Smith's ideas on legal innovation, read his recently published article «Waiting for Einstein» here.
Organising and attending activities such as design sprints and hackathons on legal innovation and legaltech are good ways to (a) become trained in new domains of knowledge and exposed to professionals in other disciplines; (b) cultivate interest individually and organisationally; and (c) test ideas in safe environments that might germinate into real products or services.
He writes for a variety of publications, including a monthly column on legal innovation for The National Post, and is often asked for comment in international and local news media.
Here we share Part 1 in our exclusive 5 part series on legal innovation presented by Law Made.
Natalie: [01:10] We're interviewing Mitch because he's a thought leader on legal innovation.
Additionally, the Commission presented a compendium of fifteen scholarly works by leading academics on legal innovation which was published in the University of South Carolina Law Review.
«Through our travels,» says Moyse, «we have a global perspective on legal innovation and a very solid understanding of the [innovation] state of play elsewhere compared to Canada.
In two weeks at Legaltech West Coast, Derek Bluford, CEO and founder of the California - based startup QuickLegal, will be featured during a lightning round on legal innovation.
In late January, meanwhile, the school hosted a conference on legal innovation.
«As a provider of dispute resolution services both in a domestic and international context, it is essential for us to participate in the ongoing discussion on legal innovation and strategy within the legal field», says SCC Secretary General, Annette Magnusson, in a comment.
We've helped raise millions in capital for startups, provided product development and client acquisition strategy and put on some industry leading events centred on legal innovation.
Richard is the founder of Tromans Consulting, which advises on legal innovation.
At the time I reported that, in May 2016, Bluford was scheduled to be a featured speaker two weeks later at a Legaltech West Coast lightning round on legal innovation.
Regular updates on legal innovation and technology in NZ, and an opportunity for members to share their own experiences, events and projects on legal innovation and technology.
Carla Goldstein, formerly of Seyfarth Shaw and now with BMO Financial Group, gave an in - house counsel perspective on legal innovation.
He holds a unique perspective on legal innovation and collaboration both as a member of Baker McKenzie's Innovation Committee and as the creative force behind Whitespace Legal Collab, the Firm's recently launched intrapreneurial venture.
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