Sentences with phrase «on living standards»

The more hours of childcare parents can get for free, the more it will help with the squeeze on living standards they are facing.
There is a wealth of information on the living standards of families with children who are in poverty, but rather less evidence on the association between living standards and persistent poverty.
Since I was elected leader of our party nine months ago, we have repeatedly defeated the government over its attacks on living standards.
Shouldn't we be focusing on living standards and the squeezed middle more?
A jump in daily essentials has a more profound negative impact on living standards in economies with lower levels of real per capita income.
Increased social expenditure has undoubtedly had a significant impact on living standards — but not on income levels.
The ways governments spend, raise revenue, and manage their assets and liabilities have huge effects on living standards now and in the future.
For you to get the most out of these golden years, you need to do a smart retirement planning, ensuring that you live an independent life without compromising on your living standards.
Your experiment with austerity economics has failed on living standards, jobs and growth and on deficit reduction too — and the British people are paying the price for this failure.
This suggests that the PM could still have a big policy announcement up his sleeve, quite possibly on living standards.
The rise of unemployment has perhaps made people more reluctant to accept adverse news on living standards.
I have one small criticism of the reported work on living standards and ecological impact.
The decisive issue in the class struggle over the next period of time will be the level of resistance to the assault on living standards due to be unleashed.
The Obuasi Municipal Assembly (OMA) has embarked on a number of development projects to improve on living standards in the municipality.
The housing sector in Scotland is continuing its recovery from the effects of the international financial downturn which impacted on both housing developers and would - be home buyers and increased pressures on living standards across households generally.
If Brexit, either via the squeeze on living standards from the weak pound or a material drop in business activity, investment and earnings, (or both) leads to a fall in the UK economic outlook, we might just start to see the bullishness around UK bank shares fade.
Where this government's failure on growth and jobs has led to their failure on living standards and on the deficit, the next Labour government will get things back on track to finish the job.
But as was pointed out in last summer's Labour pamphlet on living standards, the scale of the problem to be tackled is huge.
If this is not possible, then a Labour - led coalition with the Liberals would be preferable to a Tory government or a Tory - Lib coalition — for the same reason that this gives the working class a slightly better relationship of forces within which to resist the assault on its living standards which will be unleashed by any government arising from the current election.
Miliband: «He has the worst record on living standards of any prime minister in history.
Robert Halfon, MP for Harlow, who has campaigned on living standards, urged his party to «own this policy and shout about it from the rooftops».»
12:14 - Miliband focuses wisely on living standards, saying they have fallen by an average of # 13,000 a year.
Furthermore, with prices — particularly energy prices — rising and wages flat - lining, even at work families are facing one of the most significant squeezes on their living standards for a generation.
But its clear lead on living standards explains why it manages to maintain a slim poll lead despite relentless negative press coverage and an uncharismatic leader.
Scrapping the planned 3p rise in Fuel Duty was welcome but, with pressure on living standards expected to worsen further in 2013, why will an increase be appropriate next September?
His remarks were seen as an offensive throwback to Thatcher - era harsh rhetoric, and are bound to lead to Labour calls for his dismissal as enterprise tsar on the grounds he is totally out of touch with the squeeze on living standards almost all voters are experiencing.
Pension Plans provide you with financial safety so that when your professional income starts to recede, you can still live with pride without bargaining on your living standards.
In short, while protecting those hurt by a free trade regime should remain a priority, there are policy steps that can be taken that would have a more direct effect on living standards than trade policy.
Not only will these cuts unleash serious attacks on living standards of the population but they will undermine the restoring of economic growth, as the TUC has recently noted.
Your earning capacity has a direct impact on your lifestyle and hence the quantum of life cover needed to ensure that your family does not have to compromise on their living standards in case of some eventuality.
He said gains to workers from a corporate rate cut would have a far greater impact on their living standards than the framework's proposed changes to the individual income tax code, such as doubling the size of the standard deduction.
«Sadly he seems set to spend the next two years sticking to policies that are badly failing on living standards, growth and even deficit reduction.»
It is therefore, expected of the citizens of the state to continue to pray, support and protect the solid foundations being laid by the people's governor to improve on their living standard and fully realize the dreams of the state's founding fathers with the strength and honest proclamation that Enugu State is truly in the hands of God.
The Labour leader fails to defeat the PM in today's questions on living standards, as well as the House's high spirits on high horses
An Economic policy focused on living standards and a reformed, responsible capitalism that is more democratic.
The chancellor, Philip Hammond, is under pressure to alleviate the squeeze on living standards in next month's budget, and Green hinted that the government was open to further improvements to universal credit in addition to Wednesday's announcement that the 55p - a-minute helpline would be made free.
He points out that over that period Britain experienced a severe recession and a significant squeeze on living standards and yet industrial relations in Britain were generally good and the number of strikes were and still are low by historical standards.
Raising the growth rate of the economy by 0.3 per cent (the difference between the underlying productivity growth rate in the 1990s cycle and the average of the earlier cycles) makes little difference over a year or two; over a decade or two, however, the cumulated effect on living standards is substantial.
It is happening because the Chancellor's economic policies have failed catastrophically — on living standards, economic growth and on deficit reduction too.
The government's attacks on the living standards of the poorest women and children in the country not only provoked a parliamentary rebellion unprecedented so early in the parliament, but also a public outcry which signalled a clear turning point in the Labour government's popularity.
The opposition's rhetoric is shifting away from a «choked off the recovery» approach towards a focus on living standards, the battlefield which the party's senior strategists now believe the next general election will be fought.
«So far, Ed Miliband's talk of the «squeezed middle» has resonated, but he has not done enough to explain what is causing the squeeze on living standards, or what might be done about it.
The Social Liberal Forum welcomes moves to alleviate the squeeze on living standards that the Resolution Foundation recently highlighted.
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