Sentences with phrase «on long term trends»

Based on longer term trends since MY 2004, truck SUVs have the largest cumulative percentage fuel economy improvement of 27 %, followed by both cars and car SUVs at 23 %.
So albedo has had an effect on global temperatures - mostly a cooling effect on long term trends.
Our concern must be the long term warming, and we should therefore concentrate on the long term trend line.
«If you are interested in the bigger picture, you are better off focusing on the longer term trends
The GISS team (of which I am not a part) had predicted that it was likely the 2005 would exceed the 1998 record (when there was a very large El Niño at the beginning of that year) based on the long term trends in surface temperature and the estimated continuing large imbalance in the Earth's radiation budget.
An examination of the temperature record from 1880 to 2007 finds internal variability such as El Nino has relatively small impact on the long term trend (Hoerling 2008).
For example, nearly all recent model intercomparisons show that AOGCMs poorly reproduce precipitation in 30 ° S - 30 ° N, they still diverge for cloud cover evolution at different levels of the vertical column, and I don't clearly understand for my part how we can speculate on long term trends of tropospheric T without a good understanding of these convection - condensation - precipitation process.
That makes this start to wildfire season in the boreal forest a punctuation mark on the longer term trend of ever increasing northern wildfires, one that's expected to continue.
Do not we need this information, that must be available from Parker's study, before making any hasty conclusions based only on long term trends averaged over many sites?
World Energy Issues Monitor 2017 — Exposing the New Energy Realities As the Grand Energy Transition fast becomes a reality, the minds of global energy leaders are becoming increasingly focussed on long term trends that threaten existing economic and business models rather than concerns about short term risks.
Smart #bitcoin investors capitulate based on long term trends.
That would focus on the long term trend, and it would make future versions of your plot more informative when the temps drop below the trend line, which they hopefully will do for 50 % of the future months.
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