Sentences with phrase «on lymphosarcoma»

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The team also found that the unregulated trading of research gibbons at the time may have even caused GALV infection found in a monkey kept as a pet in a San Francisco apartment which went on to develop lymphosarcoma.
These studies were based on experimental work published earlier that year by Lloyd Old and Ted Boyse on the treatment of lymphosarcoma in dogs with L - asparaginase.
Cancers like lymphosarcoma can sometimes be diagnosed based on WBC counts and the physical appearance of the cells.
The five disorders (two joint disorders and three cancers) that the research focused on also happen to be common ailments found in golden retrievers: hip dysplasia, cranial cruciate ligament tear, lymphosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma and mast cell tumor.
Also known as infectious sarcoma, venereal granuloma, transmissible lymphosarcoma or Sticker tumor, this disease is a benign tumor that occurs primarily on the external genitals of both male and female dogs.
Cutaneous lymphosarcoma can cause redness or flakiness of the skin, ulceration (especially near the lips and on the footpads), itchiness or lumps in the skin.
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