Sentences with phrase «on meaningful shifts»

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Comments: «In 2013, it will likely be the change in valuation that drives most of the performance of stocks, and the sentiment shift and willingness to take on risk reflected in that movement will be meaningful for bonds as well.
The shift to more meaningful content has just started rolling out, but the company made other changes last year as a precursor to the latest moves, including cutting down on viral videos.
The problem is that no such programs yet exist (although this is going to be a key objective of our SmartTeams program, and our pilot program for the NCAA and Department of Defense under our Mind Matters Challenge grant), and even if were implemented on a widespread basis (which, once again, I hope will happen once we launch the full SmartTeams program in 2016), it is unclear whether such a shift in emphasis in concussion education will achieve any meaningful increase in rates of self - reporting, at least in the short term.
This will help to shift the focus of conservation efforts from targets assessed just by hectares to other, more - meaningful objectives, focused on effectiveness.
He refers to the research of UCLA professor Alexander Astin on the values of college freshmen, which show a strong shift since the late sixties, away from «developing a meaningful philosophy of life» and toward «being very well off financially.»
With record gains being made in providing students with access to computers and the Internet, more schools are shifting their priorities toward other areas that have been simmering on the back burner — namely, figuring out how to integrate technology into the curriculum in meaningful ways.
Solution Tree's on - site professional development in school improvement and school culture will help guide you through the shift to a thriving school and ensure your efforts are meaningful and sustainable over time.
It makes the learning more meaningful, relevant and engaging by shifting focus on individual learner and their requirements.
Clarity around the best purpose and use of different types of assessments along with intentionally shifting time and energy to focus on information from assessment gives teachers and students more power and more meaningful information to ensure learning.
Shift our education culture to one of blame (not good enough, not enough $, what's wrong within the bureaucracy and within school walls) to one of ownership, where EVERYONE (individuals and organizations) reflects on how they can contribute to better outcomes for youth and how we each can play a meaningful role in the development of children from pre-natal to adulthood.
In particular, I think about finally using data to drive meaningful instructional shifts rather than getting stuck in our old pattern of looking at data, making adjustments, and never returning back to a connected plan to see if those changes actually had an impact on students.
But perhaps the recommendation that offers the largest shift in the education space, and more broadly, public programs overall, is a call for greater accountability and governance models that focus attention on performance and reward meaningful action over political rhetoric.
What: A frank discussion of the unintended consequences of the current No Child Left Behind Act and presentation of the Forum on Educational Accountability (FEA) recommendations to shift the focus of the federal law from penalties and compliance to a more meaningful framework for supporting improved learning and stronger school and district performance.
The Office of Special Education Programs» Results Driven Accountability Initiative represents a significant shift in state accountability from a focus on compliance and ensuring access to education and early intervention services to a focus on measurable and meaningful outcomes in learning and development for children and youth with disabilities.
Other ways school culture reflects Meaningful Student Involvement include, but are not limited to, educators maintaining a substantial focus on student involvement even when students appear to be disinterested; gradual or radical shifts in student - adult relationships to reflect higher perceptions of students and the elements of Student / Adult Partnerships introduced earlier in this book; and visually observable aspects, including relaxed conversations among students and adults about education and school improvement; verbal and written reflection shared among students and adults; and rituals reflecting Meaningful Student Involvement, including committee participation, Non-Violent Communication between students and adults; and student orientation programs led by students and adults.
«Tennessee and Washington, D.C., are out in front on meaningful teacher and principal evaluations, and the NAEP results show that those evaluations, along with the shift to the Common Core, are helping students learn more.»
I don't shift my views often, so my change on the Fed is meaningful.
It's unfortunate that this loss or delay of valuable information that would support solid policy shift on mitigating climate change and reducing impacts including saving human lives, is not given more meaningful coverage in mainstream press.
As for the United States, recent political shifts, and the early stages of the 2012 White House race, essentially guarantee no action on the treaty front, at least not any involving this country in a meaningful way.
But will this shift in perceptions and evidence affect prospects for meaningful action on greenhouse gases — which of course is a much tougher challenge than the near - term imperative of girding against future damage from such storms?
«The scope of Walmart's coal consumption is staggering — as is its refusal to forego even a penny of short - term profits to invest in a meaningful shift to renewable power, and its financial backing of lawmakers who protect fossil fuel interests and block action on climate pollution.»
Facebook announced its fourth quarter results for 2017 and it looks like the focus will shift to making sure people have more meaningful connections, and reduce focus on viral videos.
This year, Facebook announced that it planned to shift your News Feed away from pages and brands, returning to a focus on what it describes as meaningful interactions with friends and family.
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